25 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of measures to preserve labour and childbirth companionship at the times of COVID-19 outbreak

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    Introduction: Although childbirth services were accessible after COVID-19 outbreak, the measures taken by the Italian Government for contagion containment required some restrictions on the presence of trusted persons for mothers, forcing them to isolation during hospitalization. To preserve companionship, the Regional Health Authority of Tuscany issued a resolution providing partners with the possibility to be present during labour and childbirth for non-asymptomatic women. Objectives: In this study, we: 1) analyse the impact of pandemic on companionship in terms of significant reduction of the possibility for women to be accompanied by a trusted person during labour and childbirth; and 2) ascertain if the regional resolution issued was effective in containing the reduction of companionship. Methods: We performed an interrupted time series analysis to measure the variation of the possibility for women to be accompanied by a trusted person during labour and childbirth, in response to formalization of lock-down due to COVID-19 outbreak and the introduction of the regional resolution aimed at contrasting negative effects on companionship. Results and conclusions: The ITS analysis showed that there was a significant decrease in the women-reported experience of companionship in the month of the formalization of lock-down, namely March 2020, followed by a slight increase in the upcoming months. A trend reversal was observed after May 2020, when the regional resolution was fully operational

    Driving time drives the hospital choice: choice models for pelvic organ prolapse surgery in Italy

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    Objective: The Italian healthcare jurisdiction promotes patient mobility, which is a major determinant of practice variation, thus being related to the equity of access to health services. We aimed to explore how travel times, waiting times, and other efficiency- and quality-related hospital attributes influenced the hospital choice of women needing pelvic organ prolapse (POP) surgery in Tuscany, Italy. Methods: We obtained the study population from Hospital Discharge Records. We duplicated individual observations (n = 2533) for the number of Tuscan hospitals that provided more than 30 POP interventions from 2017 to 2019 (n = 22) and merged them with the hospitals' list. We generated the dichotomous variable "hospital choice" assuming the value one when hospitals where patients underwent surgery coincided with one of the 22 hospitals. We performed mixed logit models to explore between-hospital patient choice, gradually adding the women's features as interactions. Results: Patient choice was influenced by travel more than waiting times. A general preference for hospitals delivering higher volumes of interventions emerged. Interaction analyses showed that poorly educated women were less likely to choose distant hospitals and hospitals providing greater volumes of interventions compared to their counterpart. Women with multiple comorbidities more frequently chose hospitals with shorter average length of stay. Conclusion: Travel times were the main determinants of hospital choice. Other quality- and efficiency-related hospital attributes influenced hospital choice as well. However, the effect depended on the socioeconomic and clinical background of women. Managers and policymakers should consider these findings to understand how women behave in choosing providers and thus mitigate equity gaps

    Pregnancy vaccination predictive factors and uptake profiles among Italian women: A cross-sectional survey study on a large population

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    Objectives: To assess influenza and Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) vaccine coverage during pregnancy, explore key socioeconomic and maternity pathway-related predictors of vaccination, and detect specific patterns of vaccination uptake. Methods: The authors cross-sectionally analyzed self-reported data obtained from the systematic survey on the maternity pathways of Tuscany. They selected all pregnant women that completed from March 2019 to June 2022 the third-trimester questionnaire (n = 25 160), which included two dichotomous items on influenza and Tdap vaccination, as well as socioeconomic and pathway-related questions. Multilevel logistic models were performed to assess vaccination predictors and cluster analysis to identify vaccination patterns. Results: Vaccination coverage was higher for pertussis (56.5%) than for influenza (18.9%). The main predictors of vaccination were high socioeconomic status, attending private gynecologists, and receiving vaccine information. Three clusters were identified: cluster 1 included women receiving both Tdap and influenza vaccines; cluster 2 included women receiving no vaccinations; and cluster 3 included women receiving only the pertussis vaccine. Although women from cluster 3 were of middle to low education status, vaccine information was the main adherence determinant also in this group. Conclusions: Health workers and policymakers should focus on groups of pregnant women less prone to vaccination to promote vaccination information and encourage wider uptake and coverage

    Feasibility and Surgical Outcomes of Hysteroscopic Myomectomy of FIGO Type 3 Myoma: A Systematic Review

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    The latest classification from the Fédération Internationale de Gynécologie et d'Obstétrique (FIGO) has reclassified type 3 myomas, changing their classification from intramural to submucosal. While hysteroscopic myomectomy is considered the gold standard treatment for patients experiencing symptoms from submucosal myomas, there are currently no specific guidelines available for managing type 3 myomas, and the optimal surgical approach remains uncertain. Methods: The search for suitable articles published in English was carried out using the following databases (PROSPERO ID CRD42023418602): MEDLINE, EMBASE, Global Health, The Cochrane Library (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Methodology Register), Health Technology Assessment Database, Web of Science and search register. Only original studies reporting data on hysteroscopic myomectomy of type 3 myoma were considered eligible. The main outcomes investigated were the effectiveness and feasibility of hysteroscopic myomectomy and reproductive outcomes after surgical treatment. Results: Two hundred and sixty-one studies were screened and nineteen of these were read for eligibility. Three studies encompassing 56 patients in total were included. Among the overall population studied, three patients needed an additional procedure to completely remove the myoma and five cases of post-surgical synechiae were recorded. No complications were reported. Of 42 patients wishing for pregnancy, the cumulative live birth rates before and after the hysteroscopic myomectomy were 14.3% and 42.9%, respectively. Conclusions: Hysteroscopic myomectomy appears to be a safe and feasible approach. Nevertheless, data reported in the literature are extremely scarce and based on studies with few patients enrolled. New evidence is needed to assess the safety and effectiveness of hysteroscopic treatment for FIGO type 3 myomas

    Intravesical Instillations of Hyaluronic Acid as First-Line Treatment in Patients with Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome: Use, Efficacy and Effects on Quality of Life

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    : The efficacy of hyaluronic acid instillations as therapy for patients with Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome (IC/BPS) has been demonstrated in some clinical studies, with response rates up to 70%. The aim of the study is to investigate the change in symptoms and quality of life in female patients with IC/BPS after intravesical instillations of hyaluronic acid used as first-line treatment. A retrospective single-center cohort study was conducted. Female patients, whose symptoms were compatible with the diagnosis of IC/BPS as defined by the International Continence Society, were treated with a variable number of intravesical instillations of a hyaluronic acid-based drug. Three validated questionnaires were administered by telephone to all patients, before the beginning of the treatment and 6 months after the last administration of the drug. A total of 50 patients with symptoms compatible with the diagnosis of IC/BPS were included in the study. The median number of instillations performed is 4. For all questionnaires, the median value was significantly reduced following treatment with intravesical instillations (p = 0.000). The present study has shown that intravesical hyaluronic acid treatment results in both statistically and clinically significant symptomatic improvement, thereby improving the quality of life of patients with IC/BPS


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    L’ invecchiamento della popolazione – dovuto all’aumento dell’aspettativa di vita – sta determinando nel corso degli anni un aumento della prevalenza della menopausa, tanto che le donne italiane in menopausa sono più di 10 milioni, oltre il 30% della popolazione femminile. Dal momento che l’aspettativa di vita media nelle donne è maggiore che negli uomini e si calcola che aumenterà ancora – fino a raggiungere gli 82 anni entro il 2025 –, la popolazione anziana è prevalentemente femminile. La transizione menopausale o perimenopausa è il periodo che precede la menopausa e si presenta tra i 45 e i 55 anni. Viene definita per la presenza di mestruazioni irregolari negli ultimi 12 mesi e si conclude dopo 12 mesi consecutivi in assenza di mestruazioni. Durante la transizione menopausale, l’assetto ormonale e metabolico della donna subisce dei radicali cambiamenti. Il calo progressivo dei livelli di estrogeni per l’esaurimento della riserva follicolare è alla base di modificazioni endocrino-metaboliche, che determinano aumento del peso corporeo e redistribuzione del tessuto adiposo, insulino-resistenza (IR), alterazione del profilo lipidico, e che – di conseguenza – concorrono ad aumentare il rischio di Sindrome Metabolica (MetS), obesità, diabete mellito di tipo 2 (DM2) ed eventi cardiovascolari (CVD) nelle donne dopo la menopausa. La redistribuzione del grasso corporeo sembra essere il principale responsabile sia dello stato infiammatorio generalizzato sia dello squilibrio endocrino, nonché dell’intensità di quei sintomi vasomotori – come sudorazioni notturne e vampate di calore – che si verificano circa nel 75% delle donne in perimenopausa. Altri sintomi che le pazienti lamentano sono disturbi sessuali, sanguinamenti uterini anomali, atrofia vaginale e alterazioni del tono dell’umore. La MetS è una condizione clinica definita dalla presenza di almeno 3 criteri diagnostici tra iperglicemia, obesità addominale, ipertensione arteriosa (IA), ipertrigliceridemia e bassi livelli di HDL. La MetS si associa all’alterazione della funzione endoteliale, dell’equilibrio infiammatorio e dell’attività coagulativa, determinando in ultima istanza un quadro patologico proaterogeno e dismetabolico. Inoltre, la MetS merita di essere studiata con particolare attenzione, avendo in postmenopausa una prevalenza del 31-55% e rappresentando un fattore di rischio per lo sviluppo di DM2 e CVD, nonché di carcinoma mammario. Risulta dunque fondamentale indagare i meccanismi molecolari alla base delle alterazioni cardiometaboliche, distinguendo le condizioni fisiologiche – la menopausa – da quelle patologiche – la MetS – che determinano un peggioramento della qualità di vita e un aumento di morbilità nelle pazienti affette, con lo scopo di creare programmi di prevenzione e di trattamento sempre più specifici. I risultati descritti in questa tesi sono frutto dell’utilizzo di tecniche di biologia molecolare avanzate, che potranno sempre più essere utilizzate in futuro per la realizzazione di studi finalizzati al miglioramento delle strategie diagnostico-terapeutiche personalizzate per la singola paziente durante la transizione menopausale. Questa tesi si propone di analizzare i livelli sierici di 30 specifici markers relazionati a adiposità, infiammazione/angiogenesi e metabolismo digestivo in un gruppo selezionato di 24 donne in transizione menopausale, tentando di correlare i parametri analizzati con indice di massa corporea (BMI), rapporto vita-fianchi (WHR), parametri metabolici e sintomi menopausali – soprattutto vasomotori – valutati con la 10-item Cervantes Scale (CS-10). Le 24 pazienti candidate allo studio rappresentano un sottogruppo di partecipanti a un precedente lavoro condotto in collaborazione con l’Istituto Di Biomedicina Della Facoltà Di Medicina Dell’Universitad Catolica De Santiago De Guayaquil in Ecuador, nel quale erano state arruolate 204 donne in pre, peri e postmenopausa di 40-65 anni. Le 24 pazienti reclutate erano considerate in fase perimenopausale, dal momento che presentavano mestruazioni irregolari negli ultimi 12 mesi e corrispondevano allo stadio STRAW -1 e -2 (Stages of Reproductive Aging Workshop); inoltre, non assumevano terapia ormonale sostitutiva. Utilizzando il BMI e la definizione di MetS secondo i criteri della American Heart Associacion, le donne sono state divise in tre sottogruppi: 1) BMI normale (NBMI), compreso tra 18,5 e 24,9 2) BMI eccessivo (EBMI), maggiore o uguale a 25 3) BMI eccessivo con Sindrome Metabolica (EBMI-MetS) Delle 24 pazienti, 7 (29,2%) facevano parte del gruppo “BMI normale”, 9 (37,5%) del gruppo “BMI eccessivo” e 8 (33,3%) del gruppo “BMI eccessivo e MetS”. Il siero di queste pazienti è stato analizzato mediante la tecnologia Bio-Plex 200 System al fine di misurare le concentrazioni di 30 diversi analiti, quali Adipochine (adiponectina, leptina, resistina, adipsina, visfatina, vaspina, omentina-1), Citochine (IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α), FGF-21, Angiopoietina, Angiopoietina-2 e VEGF-A, Grelina, C-peptide, GIP, Insulina, Glucagone, Grelina, IGFBP-1, Galectina-3, PAI-1, Pentraxina-3, Paraoxonasi PON1, sLeptin-R, sCD40L, Endoglina, sFASL, uPA. Come prevedibile, il peso, il BMI, il WHR, la pressione arteriosa sistolica, la glicemia e la trigliceridemia sono risultati significativamente maggiori nelle donne EBMI-MetS rispetto alle donne NBMI, mentre i livelli di colesterolo HDL sono risultati inferiori. Per ciò che riguarda gli analiti misurati, le concentrazioni di insulina, C-peptide, resistina, adipsina, GIP, leptina, IL-6, FGF21 e PAI-1 nelle donne EBMI-MetS sono emerse essere significativamente più alte rispetto alle donne NBMI, al contrario dei livelli di grelina e di IGFBP-21 che sono risultati inferiori. In aggiunta, nel gruppo EBMI-MetS i livelli di insulina, C-peptide, adipsina e resistina sono risultate significativamente superiori anche rispetto al gruppo EBMI. Inoltre, l’indice di correlazione di Spearman è stato utilizzato per confrontare i dati raccolti e ha dimostrato una correlazione positiva statisticamente significativa tra le misure antropometriche (ossia circonferenza addominale e WHR) e i livelli di C-peptide, insulina, adipsina, resistina, leptina, PAI-1 e FGF21, rilevando invece una correlazione negativa con le concentrazioni di IGFBP-1. Infine, non è stata dimostrata alcuna correlazione tra lo score CS-10 totale e l’intensità delle vampate di calore e i livelli degli analiti studiati e l’intensità dei sintomi si è rivelata non variare tra i tre gruppi presi in esame; tuttavia, la presenza di sintomi menopausali, soprattutto vampate di calore, è risultata correlare positivamente con le misure antropometriche (BMI, circonferenza addominale e WHR). Nonostante le importanti limitazioni dovute prevalentemente al numero esiguo di campioni analizzati, i dati emersi da questo lavoro sono in accordo con gli studi presenti in letteratura, confermando la presenza di livelli elevati di insulina e C-peptide nelle pazienti obese e nelle pazienti con MetS, come conseguenza della IR e dell’intolleranza glucidica. Le concentrazioni di adipochine (resistina, adipsina, leptina) raggiungono livelli significativamente elevati nelle donne con MetS in sovrappeso, suggerendo un loro possibile ruolo nella patogenesi della MetS e delle complicanze cardiovascolari e metaboliche. Infine, anche i livelli degli analiti correlati a infiammazione (IL-6) e coagulazione (PAI-1) sono maggiori nelle pazienti con MetS e BMI eccessivo. Inoltre, il gruppo di pazienti EBMI-MetS presenta un profilo metabolico alterato, ma non mostra differenze significative nell’intensità dei sintomi menopausali, che a loro volta non appaiono correlati con variazioni delle concentrazioni degli analiti analizzati. In conclusione, lo studio sottolinea il ruolo cruciale dell’adiposità addominale e dell’insulino-resistenza durante la transizione menopausale, dal momento che sono chiaramente correlate a un’alterata produzione di adipochine e citochine pro-infiammatorie. Pertanto, occorrerebbe potenziare durante questo periodo le strategie preventive, correggendo la dieta e lo stile di vita, con lo scopo di evitare il conseguente sviluppo di sovrappeso, obesità e insulino-resistenza

    Risk and protective factors for pregnancy-related urinary incontinence until 1 year postpartum: A cohort study using patient-reported outcome measures in Italy

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    Objective: To investigate the epidemiology of pregnancy-related urinary incontinence (UI) and the related risk factors, focusing also on women's characteristics related to maternity pathway utilization. Methods: In this prospective cohort study, we used patient-reported data obtained from the systematic survey on the maternity pathway that all pregnant women in Tuscany, Italy, can join. We selected 8410 women who completed-between March 2019 and November 2022-all five follow-up questionnaires from the first trimester until 12 months postpartum, each including a UI-specific patient-reported outcome measure. We performed panel regression models to explore the related risk factors. Results: Prevalence of UI was 4.4% at the first trimester, 23.7% at the third trimester, and 15.6%, 12.6%, and 12.4% at 3, 6, and 12 months postpartum. UI occurrence and severity were higher in older, overweight/obese, and unemployed women. High-risk pregnancy and discomfort during pregnancy were risk factors. Receiving a cesarean section reduced the risk, while spontaneous tears, episiotomy, and high birth weight increased it. Women who experienced delays in pregnancy examinations because of long waiting times and women who had planned pregnancy had a higher risk, while performing during-pregnancy pelvic-floor-muscle training was protective. Conclusion: Besides confirming the classic risk and protective factors for UI, we also found novel determinants related to the proper maternity pathway utilization