4 research outputs found
Child Maltreatment
- Author
- American Association for Protecting Children (AAPC).
- American Public Welfare Association (APWA).
- Besharov D.
- California Office of the Auditor General.
- Child Welfare League of America.
- Christoffel K.
- Cohn A.
- Daro D.
- Daro D.
- Daro D.
- Ewigman B.
- Finkelhor D.
- Finkelhor D.
- Fluke J.
- Hawaii Department of Health.
- McClain P.
- Mitchel L.
- National Center for Health Statistics.
- National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse.
- Pelton L.
- Pelton L.
- Salovitz B.
- Sedlak A.
- Straus M.
- U.S. Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Health Planning in the United States and the Decline of Public-interest Policymaking
- Author
- Abt Associates Inc
- Activities in Hospital Councils around the U.S
- Activities in Hospital Councils around the U.S
- Activities in Hospital Councils around the U.S
- Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
- Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
- Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
- Alford R.R.
- Altman D.E.
- Altman D.E.
- Altman D.E.
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association American Medical Association, American Public Health Association, and American Public Welfare Association (AHA, AMA, AMPHA, APWA)
- American Medical Association
- Anderson D.
- Anderson O.W.
- Arnould R.J.
- Arthur D. Little Inc
- Arthur D. Little Inc., and the Organization for Social and Technical Innovation
- Barbatelli E.
- Barlett D.L.
- Barron A.W.
- Barron A.W.
- Battistella R.M.
- Binstock R.H.
- Blair L.B.
- Bloche M.G.
- Blue Cross Association and Blue Cross Commission (BCA/BCC) American Hospital Association
- Blum H.L.
- Blumberg M.S.
- Blumstein J.F.
- Bodenheimer T.S.
- Bourke J.J.
- Bourke J.J.
- Bovbjerg R.
- Brint S.G.
- Brown D.R.
- Brown J.B.
- Brown J.B.
- Brown L.D.
- Brown L.D.
- Brown L.D.
- Brown L.D.
- Brown L.D.
- Brown R.E.
- Brown R.E.
- Brown R.E.
- Brown R.E.
- Brown R.E.
- Brown R.E.
- Brown R.E.
- Budrys G.
- Bugbee G.
- Bugbee G.
- Burgun J.A.
- Cain D.M.
- Cain H.P.
- Cain H.P.
- Cain H.P.
- Cardwell R.L.
- Cardwell R.L.
- Cardwell R.L.
- Cater D.
- Cavanaugh J.H.
- Cavanaugh J.H.
- Chayet and Sonnenreich Professional Corporation
- Clapp D.C.
- Cohen W.J.
- Cohodes A.
- Cohodes A.
- Cohodes D.R.
- Cohodes D.R.
- Cohodes D.R.
- Colt A.M.
- Columbia University School of Public Health and Administrative Medicine
- Columbus Hospital Federation
- Commission on Chronic Illness (CCI)
- Commission on Financing Hospital Care (CFHC)
- Commission on Financing Hospital Care (CFHC)
- Commission on Financing Hospital Care (CFHC)
- Commission on Hospital Care (CHC)
- Committee on the Costs of Medical Care (CCMC)
- Conant R.W.
- Congressional Quarterly Service (CQS)
- Congressional Quarterly Service (CQS)
- Congressional Quarterly Service (CQS)
- Cunningham R.
- Curran W.J.
- Curran W.J.
- Davis B.M.
- Davis K.
- Derthick M.
- Dickey W.J.
- Dobbin R.A.
- Dobbin R.A.
- Domke H.R.
- Dowling H.F.
- DuBois M.B.
- DuBois M.B.
- Dunham A.B.
- Editorial
- Eilers R.D.
- Elling R.H.
- Elsasser P.
- Emanuel E.J
- Faber D.A.
- Fairman J.
- Falk I.S.
- Feder J.M.
- Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and United States Department of Justice (DOJ) Antitrust Division
- Federal Works Agency
- Fee E.
- Fein R.
- Feingold E.
- Feldstein M.S.
- Feldstein M.S.
- Flook E.E.
- Foley H.A.
- Foley H.A.
- Foster R.W.
- Fox D.M.
- Fox D.M.
- Fox D.M.
- Fox D.M.
- Fox D.M.
- Fox D.M.
- Fox K.
- Friedland R.
- Gardner J.
- Garland J.E.
- Gehrig L.J.
- Gelfand M.I.
- Gellatly D.L.
- General Accounting Office (GAO)
- Ginsburg P.B.
- Ginzberg E.
- Ginzberg E.
- Glaser W.A.
- Gottlieb S.R.
- Gottlieb S.R.
- Gottlieb S.R.
- Graning H.M.
- Gray B.H.
- Greenberg D.S.
- Griffith J.R.
- Grob G.N.
- Grob G.N.
- Haldeman J.C.
- Haldeman J.C.
- Haldeman J.C.
- Haldeman J.C.
- Haldeman J.C.
- Haldeman J.C.
- Haldeman J.C.
- Haldeman J.C.
- Hall P.D.
- Hall T.L.
- Harvey A.M.
- Havighurst C.C.
- Hawes C.
- Health Information Foundation (HIF)
- Health Preparedness Commission (also known as the Commission to Formulate a Long Range Health Program)
- Health Preparedness Commission (also known as the Commission to Formulate a Long Range Health Program)
- Health Services and Mental Health Administration (HSMHA)
- Hedinger F.R.
- Hoge V.M.
- Hood C.F.
- Hospital Planning Council for Metropolitan Chicago (HPCMC)
- Hospital Survey for New York (HSNY)
- Hospital Survey for New York (HSNY)
- Hutton R.H.
- ICF Inc
- Iglehart J.K.
- Iglehart J.K.
- Iglehart J.K.
- Institute of Medicine (IOM)
- Institute of Medicine (IOM)
- Jenkins S.S.
- Johnson R.L.
- Johnson R.L.
- Johnson R.L.
- Joskow P.L.
- Kane D.A.
- Kenny D.J.
- Kinkead B.M.
- Kinney E.D.
- Kinney E.D.
- Klarman H.E.
- Klarman H.E.
- Klarman H.E.
- Klarman H.E.
- Klarman H.E.
- Klicka K.S.
- Koff S.Z.
- Lashof J.C.
- Lave J.R.
- Law S.
- Lee R.I.
- Lefkowitz B.
- Lembcke P.A.
- Lentz E.A.
- Lewin and Associates Inc
- Lovelace B.
- May J.J.
- May J.J.
- McDonough J.E.
- McKinley A.
- McNerney W.J.
- McNerney W.J.
- McNerney W.J.
- Medicine Takes Wary Stand on Planning
- Melhado E.M.
- Melhado E.M.
- Merzel C.
- Metzler M.M.
- Modern Hospital
- Mollenkopf J.H.
- Morone J.A.
- Morone J.A.
- Morris R.
- Morris R.
- Mott B.J.F.
- Mott B.J.F.
- Mountin J.W.
- Navarro V.
- Needleman J.
- Nelson R.A.
- Parran T.
- Patel K.
- Pellegrino E.D.
- Pellegrino E.D.
- Pellegrino E.D.
- Pennsylvania Economy League Inc., Western Division
- Piland N.F.
- Policy Analysis Inc
- Potetz L.
- President's Commission on the Health Needs of the Nation (PCHNN)
- Public Health Resource Group Inc
- Raab G.G.
- Raab G.G.
- Rakich J.S.
- Reed L.S.
- Reed L.S.
- Robins L.
- Robinson J.C.
- Rodwin V.G.
- Roemer M.I.
- Roemer M.I.
- Rome W.J.
- Rome W.J.
- Rorem C.R.
- Rorem C.R.
- Rorem C.R.
- Rorem C.R.
- Rorem C.R.
- Rorem C.R.
- Rorem C.R.
- Rorem C.R.
- Roseman C.
- Rosenberg C.E.
- Rosenberg C.E.
- Rosenfeld L.S.
- Rosner D.
- Rothman D.J.
- Rothman D.J.
- Ryan J.T.
- Sager A.
- Salkever D.S.
- Sapolsky H.M.
- Schlesinger M.
- Schlesinger M.
- Schonbrun M.K.
- Schramm C.J.
- Scott W.R.
- Sears G.A.
- Seay J.D.
- Shain M.
- Shain M.
- Shannon G.W.
- Shonick W.
- Shonick W.
- Sibley H.
- Sieverts S.
- Sieverts S.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Simpson J.B.
- Sloan F.A.
- Sofaer S.
- Somers A.R.
- Somers A.R.
- Somers H.M.
- Somers H.M.
- Spitz B.
- Stagl J.M.
- Stambaugh J.L.
- Starr P.
- Starr P.
- Stevens R.A.
- Stevens R.A.
- Stewart W.H.
- Stewart W.H.
- Stewart W.H.
- Stewart W.H.
- Stiles S.V.
- Stone D.A.
- Sundquist J.L.
- Teaford J.C.
- Terenzio J.V.
- Terry L.J.
- Thompson P.
- Treloar A.E.
- Trussell R.E.
- U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare (U.S. DHEW)
- U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare (U.S. DHEW)
- U.S. House
- U.S. House
- U.S. House
- U.S. House
- U.S. House
- U.S. House
- U.S. House
- U.S. House
- U.S. House
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Senate
- U.S. Senate
- U.S. Senate
- U.S. Senate
- U.S. Senate
- U.S. Senate
- University of Chicago
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of Texas at Austin
- Urban Systems Research and Engineering Inc. (USRE)
- Van Nostrand L.B.
- Venable J.H.
- Vladeck B.C.
- Vladeck B.C.
- Walker S.E.
- Weeks L.E.
- Wennberg J.E.
- West J.P.
- Williamson K.
- Wing K.R.
- Wisowaty K.W.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Strategy and Accountability: Structural Reform Litigation and Public Management
- Author
- American Public Welfare Association (APWA)
- Associated Press (AP)
- Bertelli Anthony M.
- Bertelli Anthony M.
- Bertelli Anthony M.
- Borgersen Ellen
- Chayes Abram
- Chilton Bradley S.
- Cooper Phillip J.
- Crouch Ben M.
- Diver Colin S.
- Duncombe William D.
- Dunleavy Patrick
- Feeley Malcolm M.
- Fiss Owen M.
- Fletcher William A.
- Frug Gerald E.
- G.L. v. Stangler Monitoring Committee
- Harriman Linda
- Horowitz Donald L.
- Hyneman Charles S.
- Jackman Tom
- Joondeph Bradley W.
- Lambe Joe
- Lynn Laurence E.
- McCann Michael W.
- McConnell Michael W.
- Mezey Susan G.
- Moe Terry M.
- Mushlin Michael B. Louis Levitt, and Lauren Anderson
- O'Leary Rosemary
- O'Leary Rosemary
- Overman E. Sam
- Redford Emmette
- Rosenberg Gerald N.
- Rubinstein Ariel
- Rubinstein Ariel Zvi Safra, and William Thomson
- Schuck Peter H.
- Shirk Martha
- Simon Herbert A.
- Stein Theodore J.
- Straussman Jeffrey D.
- Welsh Wayne N.
- Wildavsky Aaron
- Yackle Larry
- Yoo John C.
- Young H. Peyton
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2004
- Field of study
Structural reform litigation involves legal action against public bureaucracies alleging that an official has violated the legal rights of an agency's client. A pattern of rights infringements raises the specter of systemic dysfunction. If the court finds for the plaintiffs, or if the defendant agency agrees to settle, the remedy reconstitutes agency operations. What are the incentives faced by public managers whose agencies are involved in structural reform litigation? How might public managers retain public accountability while strategically using the institutional arrangements present in such cases? This article examines these questions through a spatial bargaining model and discusses its analytical implications in the context of a comprehensive suit against the child welfare agency in Kansas City, Missouri
Strategy and Accountability: Structural Reform Litigation and Public Management
- Author
- American Public Welfare Association (APWA)
- Associated Press (AP)
- Bertelli Anthony M.
- Bertelli Anthony M.
- Bertelli Anthony M.
- Borgersen Ellen
- Chayes Abram
- Chilton Bradley S.
- Cooper Phillip J.
- Crouch Ben M.
- Diver Colin S.
- Duncombe William D.
- Dunleavy Patrick
- Feeley Malcolm M.
- Fiss Owen M.
- Fletcher William A.
- Frug Gerald E.
- G.L. v. Stangler Monitoring Committee
- Harriman Linda
- Horowitz Donald L.
- Hyneman Charles S.
- Jackman Tom
- Joondeph Bradley W.
- Lambe Joe
- Lynn Laurence E.
- McCann Michael W.
- McConnell Michael W.
- Mezey Susan G.
- Moe Terry M.
- Mushlin Michael B. Louis Levitt, and Lauren Anderson
- O'Leary Rosemary
- O'Leary Rosemary
- Overman E. Sam
- Redford Emmette
- Rosenberg Gerald N.
- Rubinstein Ariel
- Rubinstein Ariel Zvi Safra, and William Thomson
- Schuck Peter H.
- Shirk Martha
- Simon Herbert A.
- Stein Theodore J.
- Straussman Jeffrey D.
- Welsh Wayne N.
- Wildavsky Aaron
- Yackle Larry
- Yoo John C.
- Young H. Peyton
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study