65 research outputs found

    Altruism and Reproductive Limitations

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    We examined how different types of reproductive limitations — functional (schizoid personality disorder and schizophrenia), physical (malnutrition), and sexual (bisexuality and homosexuality) — influenced altruistic intentions toward hypothetical target individuals of differing degrees of relatedness ( r = 0, .25, and .50). Participants were 312 undergraduate students who completed a questionnaire on altruism toward hypothetical friends, half-siblings, and siblings with these different types of reproductive limitations. Genetic relatedness and reproductive limitations did not influence altruistic decision-making when the cost of altruism was low but did as the cost of altruism increased, with participants being more likely to help a sibling over a half-sibling and a half-sibling over a friend. Participants also indicated they were more likely to help a healthy (control) person over people with a reproductive limitation. Of the three types of reproductive limitations, functional limitations had the strongest effect on altruistic decision-making, indicating that people were less likely to help those who exhibit abnormal social behavior

    Dissociation of the morphological correlates of stress-induced anxiety and fear

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    Chronic stress is a powerful modulator of emotional behaviour. Previous studies have shown that distinct neuronal pathways modulate different emotional behaviours: while the amygdala plays a key role in fear-conditioned-to-cue stimuli, the bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST) is implicated in anxiety behaviour and responses to contextual stimuli. In addition, the BNST is directly involved in the regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. In the present study, we assessed anxiety (measured in the elevated-plus maze and acoustic startle apparatus) and fear-conditioned responses to light stimuli in rats that had been exposed to either chronic unpredictable stress or corticosterone for 28 days; thereafter, stereological estimates of the BNST and amygdaloid complex were performed, followed by three-dimensional morphometric dendritic analysis. Results show that chronic stress induces hyperanxiety without influencing fear conditioning or locomotion and exploratory activity. Stress-induced hyperanxiety was correlated with increased volumes of the BNST but not of the amygdala. Dendritic remodelling was found to make a significant contribution to the stress-induced increase in BNST volume, primarily due to changes in the anteromedial area of the BNST, an area strongly implicated in emotional behaviour and in the neuroendocrine control of the stress response. Importantly, all of the effects of stress were recapitulated by exogenous corticosterone. In conclusion, this study shows that chronic stress impacts on BNST structure and function; its findings pertain to the modulation of emotional behaviour and the maladaptive response to stress