29 research outputs found

    Characterization of a new WHIM syndrome mutant reveals mechanistic differences in regulation of the chemokine receptor CXCR4

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    WHIM syndrome is a rare immunodeficiency disorder that is characterized by warts, hypogammaglobulinemia, infections, and myelokathexis. While several gain-of-function mutations that lead to C-terminal truncations, frame shifts and point mutations in the chemokine receptor CXCR4 have been identified in WHIM syndrome patients, the functional effect of these mutations are not fully understood. Here, we report on a new WHIM syndrome mutation that results in a frame shift within the codon for Ser339 (S339fs5) and compare the properties of S339fs5 with wild-type CXCR4 and a previously identified WHIM syndrome mutant, R334X. The S339fs5 and R334X mutants exhibited significantly increased signaling compared to wild-type CXCR4 including agonist-promoted calcium flux and extracellular-signal-regulated kinase activation. This increase is at least partially due to a significant decrease in agonist-promoted phosphorylation, β-arrestin binding, and endocytosis of S339fs5 and R334X compared with wild-type CXCR4. Interestingly, there were also significant differences in receptor degradation, with S339fs5 having a very high basal level of degradation compared with that of R334X and wild-type CXCR4. In contrast to wild-type CXCR4, both R334X and S339fs5 were largely insensitive to CXCL12-promoted degradation. Moreover, while basal and agonist-promoted degradation of wild-type CXCR4 was effectively inhibited by the CXCR4 antagonist TE-14016, this had no effect on the degradation of the WHIM mutants. Taken together, these studies identify a new WHIM syndrome mutant, CXCR4-S339fs5, which promotes enhanced signaling, reduced phosphorylation, β-arrestin binding and endocytosis, and a very high basal rate of degradation that is not protected by antagonist treatment

    Evidence for Resident Memory T cells in Rasmussen Encephalitis

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    Investigators from University of California Los Angeles studied the presence of different T cell subset population in the brain tissue of 7 patients with Rasmussen encephalitis, a rare neuroinflammatory disorder characterized by intractable seizures and usually associated with progressive hemi cerebral atrophy, who underwent brain surgery and compared them to patients with focal cortical dysplasia

    Clues to Disease Activity in Juvenile Dermatomyositis: Neopterin and Other Biomarkers

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    Easily accessible biomarkers are urgently needed to evaluate immune activation in Juvenile Dermatomyositis (JDM). The goal of this retrospective study is to define immunological and clinical differences between untreated JDM patients with either normal or elevated (>10 mmol/L) levels of neopterin, a biomarker of macrophage activation. We included all JDM with neopterin data obtained before initiating medical therapy. We assessed T, B, NK cell populations, muscle enzymes, and disease activity scores for skin (sDAS), muscle (mDAS), total (tDAS), the duration of untreated disease, disease course, and myositis-specific antibody (MSA). Seventy-nine percent of 139 untreated JDM patients had elevated serum neopterin. The group with elevated neopterin had significantly more active disease: tDAS 11.9 vs. 8.1 (p < 0.0001), mDAS 5.8 vs. 3.1 (p < 0.0001), sDAS 6.1 vs. 4.9 (p = 0.0002), aldolase 24.0 vs. 7.6 U/L (p < 0.0001), von Willebrand factor antigen (p < 0.0001), and ESR 19.8 vs. 11.5 mm/hr (p = 0.01). The flow cytometry documented both reduced T cells (1494 vs. 2278/mm3, p = 0.008) and NK cells (145 vs. 240/mm3, p = 0.003). TNFα-308AA/AG polymorphism was more common in children with elevated neopterin than TNFα-308GG (p 0.05). We conclude that the availability of neopterin data will contribute to the rapid assessment of untreated JDM disease activity

    The von Willebrand Factor Antigen Reflects the Juvenile Dermatomyositis Disease Activity Score

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    Objective: This study determined if an accessible, serologic indicator of vascular disease activity, the von Willebrand factor antigen (vWF:Ag), was useful to assess disease activity in children with juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM), a rare disease, but the most common of the pediatric inflammatory myopathies. Methods: A total of 305 children, median age 10 years, 72.5% female, 76.5% white, with definite/probable JDM at diagnosis, were enrolled in the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Cure JM Juvenile Myositis Repository, a longitudinal database. Disease Activity Score (DAS) and vWF:Ag data were obtained at each visit. These data were analyzed using generalized estimating equation (GEE) models (both linear and logistic) to determine if vWF:Ag reflects disease severity in children with JDM. A secondary analysis was performed for untreated active JDM to exclude the effect of medications on vWF:Ag. Result: The vWF:Ag test was elevated in 25% of untreated JDM. We found that patients with elevated vWF:Ag had a 2.55-fold higher DAS total (CI95: 1.83–3.27, p 95: 1.5–4.38, p 95: 1.27–5.23, p = 0.006); and those with eyelid peripheral blood vessel dilation had 1.32-fold higher odds of elevated vWF:Ag (CI95: 1.01–1.72, p = 0.036). Untreated JDM with elevated vWF:Ag had more muscle weakness and higher muscle enzymes, neopterin and erythrocyte sedimentation rate compared to JDM patients with a normal vWF:Ag. Conclusion: vWF:Ag elevation is a widely accessible concomitant of active disease in 25% of JDM

    Case of Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy secondary to COVID-19 in a Pediatric case of SIFD syndrome with a novel TRNT1 mutation

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    Syndrome of Congenital Sideroblastic Anemia, B-cell Immunodeficiency, Periodic Fevers, and Developmental Delay (SIFD) is caused by mutations in the tRNA nucleotidyltransferase 1 (TRNT1) gene. We present the case of a 13-month-old boy with developmental delay, microcytic anemia, and recurrent febrile illnesses. Immunological workup revealed B cell lymphopenia. Whole exome sequencing identified two novel heterozygous mutations in the TRNT1 gene (Thr49Fs and Ile122Thr). Our patient had a milder phenotype than previously reported cases of sideroblastic anemia. However, he developed left ventricular dilated cardiomyopathy at the age of 2 years. At the age of 5 years, COVID-19 infection resulted in mitochondrial encephalomyopathy and respiratory failure. Subsequent immunology evaluation revealed low IgG levels, prompting the initiation of immunoglobulin replacement therapy. This case highlights the importance of genetic testing in multisystem disorders and the variable clinical course in SIFD patients. Additionally, it emphasizes the unique susceptibility to COVID-19 due to immunodeficiency and mitochondrial defects

    Lower NK cell numbers in children with untreated juvenile dermatomyositis during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    RNA viruses have been posited as triggers for Juvenile Dermatomyositis (JDM). The COVID-19 pandemic proved a unique opportunity to observe the effect of a novel RNA virus on JDM incidence and phenotype. We found the incidence of JDM increased from average of 6.9 cases per year from 2012 to 2019 to 9 cases per year from 2020 to 2021. We compared markers of disease activity in the patients diagnosed with JDM prior to and during the pandemic and found that patients diagnosed with JDM during the pandemic had significantly lower average NK cell counts 90.75(± 76) vs 163(±120) (P = 0.038) and NK cell percentage 3.63% (±2.3) vs. 6.6% (±4.1), (P = 0.008). Other markers of JDM did not significantly change. This study suggests that COVID-19 may be a viral trigger for JDM in selected cases and that NK cell dysregulation may be of particular interest in future research of virally triggered JDM

    Increased percentage of HLA-DR T cells in untreated juvenile dermatomyositis

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    This study investigates HLA-DR expression on activated T cells and serum neopterin levels in Juvenile Dermatomyositis (JDM) children pre- and post-treatment. Sixty-nine JDM children (less than 18 years) were included. Elevated HLA-DR+ T cells (>7 %) were observed in 19 % of untreated cases. Post-treatment, mean HLA-DR+ T cells decreased from 5.1 to 2.9 (P < 0.001), and serum neopterin levels declined from 19.3 to 9.1 nmol/L (P < 0.0001). A positive correlation between serum neopterin and HLA-DR T cell percentage was observed (r = 0.39, P = 0.01). Intravenous steroid treatment exhibited a 47.4 % improvement in HLA-DR+ T cells and a 50.5 % reduction in serum neopterin levels, in contrast to 14.8 % and 34.1 % in the oral steroid group. In conclusion, treatment, particularly with IV steroids, significantly improved HLA-DR+ T cells percentage and neopterin levels. A correlation between HLA-DR+ T cells percentage and serum neopterin was noted in untreated JDM patients

    B Cell Lymphocytosis in Juvenile Dermatomyositis

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    In this study, we determined if B lymphocytosis may serve as a JDM biomarker for disease activity. Children with untreated JDM were divided into two groups based on age-adjusted B cell percentage (determined through flow cytometry): 90 JDM in the normal B cell group and 45 in the high B cell group. We compared through T-testing the age, sex, ethnicity, duration of untreated disease (DUD), disease activity scores for skin (sDAS), muscle (mDAS), total (tDAS), CMAS, and neopterin between these two groups. The patients in the high B cell group had a higher tDAS (p = 0.009), mDAS (p = 0.021), and neopterin (p = 0.0365). Secondary analyses included B cell values over time and BAFF levels in matched patients with JM (juvenile myositis) and concurrent interstitial lung disease (ILD); JM alone and healthy controls Patient B cell percentage and number was significantly higher after 3–6 months of therapy and then significantly lower on completion of therapy (p =p = 0.0124). This study supports B cell lymphocytosis as a JDM disease-activity biomarker and bolsters the basis for B cell-directed therapies in JDM

    Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in ARPC1B Deficiency

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    Mutations in the ARPC1B isoform component of human actin-related protein 2/3 complex have been recently associated with an inborn error of immunity characterized by combined immunodeficiency, allergies, autoinflammation, and platelet abnormalities. Currently, indications on the management of this novel disease and information on its outcome are lacking. We report the first case series of 7 children with a homozygous mutation in ARPC1B gene who underwent allogeneic-HSCT (allo-HSCT). All patients presented an early clinical onset, characterized by recurrent infections, failure to thrive and gastrointestinal bleeding episodes complicated with neonatal hemorrhagic enteritis in 3 cases, and macrophage activating syndrome in 2. Allo-HSCT was performed at the median age of 1.83 years after a myeloablative conditioning regimen in all cases. Engraftment occurred in all patients with full donor chimerism in 6 out of 7. The clinical course after engraftment was uneventful in 3 out of 7 children; 2 patients developed a grade 1–2 acute graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), and 1 patient a grade 1 chronic-GvHD. JC virus-related progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy was diagnosed in one patient 13 months after haploidentical-HSCT and successfully managed with donor-derived viral-specific T-cell infusion. Only one patient had a fatal outcome 3 months after HSCT because of sepsis, after veno-occlusive disease, and transplant-associated microangiopathy. At a median follow-up of 19 months (range 3–110), 6 out of 7 patients are alive and disease-free. The severity of the clinical phenotype at diagnosis and the high survival rate, with limited transplant-related morbidity, strongly support the indication to allo-HSCT for patients with this diagnosis