385 research outputs found

    Assessment of Productive and Reproductive Performance of Dairy Cows in Gindeberet and Abuna Gindeberet Districts of West Shoa Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

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    The study was conducted in Gindeberet and Abuna Gindeberet districts of West Shoa Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. The objective of this study was to assess the productive and reproductive performance of dairy cows in the study areas. The study districts were stratified in to two agro-ecological zones (midland and lowland). Eight kebeles were purposively selected (four kebeles from each agro-ecological zone) based on dairy potential and accessibilities. A total of 240 households were selected by proportional random sampling technique. Data were collected by formal interview method by using semi-structured questionnaire. The result of the study indicated that the overall average milk yield per cow per day in the study areas were 1.42±0.15 and 4.5±0.12 liters for both local and cross cows, respectively. The overall average lactation length per cow in the study areas were 7.58±0.06 and 9.05±0.14 months for both local and cross cows, respectively. The overall average age at first service, age at first calving, calving interval and days open for local bred cows were 45.27± 0.47, 57.08 ± 0.61 and 20.93±0.22 months and 191.40 ± 0.35 days, respectively.  The overall average age at first service, age at first calving, calving interval and days open for cross bred cows were 32.11± 1.23, 40.79 ± 1.23 and 17.69±1.23 months and 113.08± 0.31days, respectively. The current constraints of dairy production in the study areas were lack of breed selection, shortage of feed and feeding, lack of health care and extension services. Therefore, from the current study it was concluded that the reproductive and productive performance of both local and crossbred cows are relatively low. Hence, there should be need extension services to improve the productive and reproductive of dairy cattle to enhance the improvement of livelihood of the small holders in the study areas. Keywords: - Abuna Gindeberet, Cross bred, Gindeberet, lactation length, Local bred, Milk yiel

    An Assessment Of The Practice Of Vocabulary Teaching Strategies In EFL Classes: Kellem Secondary School Grade 9 And 10 English Teachers In Focus

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    Abstract The purpose of this research is to assess to what extent English language teachers practice vocabulary teaching strategies at Kellem Secondary school. The study particularly, tried to find out teachers’ knowledge on the theoretical perspective of vocabulary teaching strategies, examine to what extent teachers practically use vocabulary teaching strategies in EFL classes and identify the major factors that might hamper the implementation of vocabulary teaching strategies in EFL classes. To this end, the study employed descriptive survey method, which involves both quantitative and qualitative methods. Accordingly, Kellem Secondary School was selected through availability sampling. Then, 13 English teachers from both grade 9 and 10 were selected purposefully for the interview, for the questionnaire and for classroom observation. In addition, data were collected from 90 randomly chosen students through questionnaire. Thus, descriptive statistics using frequencies and percentages were employed in analyzing the quantitative data and the qualitative data were analyzed qualitatively. Finally, based on the findings, the researcher recommended that creating meaningful vocabulary teaching opportunities through different vocabulary teaching strategies should be practiced widely in the school. The results of the study reveal that the teachers were not capable enough on the knowledge and the theoretical orientations of vocabulary teaching strategies in EFL classes. In addition, it was found that the teachers lacked practical skills on the implementation of different types of vocabulary teaching strategies in EFL classes according to their suitability. Furthermore, the study revealed that they rarely practiced these strategies during vocabulary instruction. Generally, the practices of vocabulary teaching strategies were not given sufficient attention at Kellem Secondary School. Thus, the study indicated that the English teachers didn’t practice different vocabulary teaching strategies in EFL classes. Finally recommendations were drawn based on the above findingsJimma Universit

    Criminal adjudication by state courts under the FDRE constitution: the quest for compartmentalization of jurisdiction

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    With the introduction of federal arrangement with the FDRE Constitution, the issue of distribution of powers between the Federal Government and the states in general and that of criminal adjudicative jurisdiction between the Federal courts and state courts in particular has become a controversial point. This controversy has resulted in due to the fact that the Constitution has established a dual court structure. On the one hand, the dualism of the court structure presupposes that the federal courts adjudicate federal criminal matters, where as state courts adjudicate state criminal matters. This principle is accompanied by an exception that the state courts adjudicate federal criminal matters by delegation power. On the other hand, since the federal government has centralized criminal legislative power, it has become controversial how the state courts are adjudicating criminal matters of the federal government: with delegation power or as an original power. This article explores how the state courts are adjudicating federal criminal matters, and how the criminal adjudicative jurisdiction of the federal courts and state courts is compartmentalized.Keywords: jurisdiction, criminal adjudication, compartmentalization, constitution, federalis


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    This paper was aimed at examining the role of linguistics in English language teaching as a EFL at higher education. The participants of the study were summer students of English Language and literature department of Mettu University. Accordingly, all participants were selected through purposive sampling techniques for the questionnaire and interview. Quantitative and qualitative data were obtained and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Thus, this study employed a mixed approach. The findings of the study revealed that all participants have reached on mutual understanding and well noted that linguistics and language teaching have the same subject matter to deal with the role of linguistics to play in the process of language teaching. Therefore it can be said that language is the fundamental unit of the branch of linguistics. Without languages the subject of linguistics cannot be there. In other words languages pave the way for the growth of the field of linguistics. A language is a mental phenomenon and a way of expression of thought by means of articulate sounds. On the other hand linguistics is a branch of study that deals with languages. Finally, the findings have significant implications for adoption of linguistics in teaching language. This is the reason why the role of linguistics in English language teaching is needed for language learners.Keywords: Linguistics, Language, Language Teaching, Teaching, Role Of Linguistic

    Analysis of Determinants of Private Investment in Ethiopia

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    To make private investment more attractive, most African countries have liberalized market and attempted to create enabling environment in recent decades. Ethiopia, like many African countries, took some steps towards liberalizing market and the macroeconomic regime as well as introducing some measures aimed at improving the investment regulatory framework. This study analyses the determinants of private investment in Ethiopia using a time series analysis over the period of 1975 to 2009.The study gave an extensive account of the theoretical explanation of private investment as well as reviewing the policy regimes, the investment regulatory framework and institutional set up in the country over the study period. It also undertakes empirical analysis to establish the determining factors of private investment in Ethiopia. Our findings show that growth rate of real GDP, availability of credit, and public investment among others, have positive impact on private investment. On the other hand, macroeconomic instability (liberalization), lending rate, and consumer price index (CPI) have negative impact on private investment. The results suggest that policies that address only some components of macroeconomic instability may not be enough to revive private investment. Thus, the findings imply that liberalization of the market and regulatory regimes, stable macroeconomic and political environment, and major improvements in infrastructure are essential to attract private investors to Ethiopia. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/12-7-03 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Assessments of the Effects of Land Degradation on Freshwater and Local Communities Participation in Essera District, Dawro Zone, South Western Ethiopia

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    Human activities such as pollution, habitat destruction, overexploitation and foreign plant and animal invasions are resulting in the ever-increasing loss of the freshwater resource biodiversity wealth. A natural and human induced change to freshwater resource patterns is critical for efficiently conserving and managing these highly impacted ecosystems. Water is indispensable for all forms of life. Conversion of natural forests into cultivated fields can affect water and soil. Perception of soil erosion as a hazard to agricultural production and sustainable agriculture is the most important determinant of participatory integrated watershed management practices. Land in the study area is scarce mainly due to population pressure. Spring is the source of water for drinking and other purposes. Hand dug wells, rivers, surface water, and pipe water are the sources of water in the study area. Removing silts and other dirties deposited in to water by using different materials and hand. Others plant tree and grass to keep their freshwater resource from siltation, still others use cut off drainage and diversion ditch to keep their water resource from damage caused by land degradation. Integrated activities are required to minimize land degradation and fresh water. Keywords: land degradation, fresh water, soil and water conservation, Esser

    Determinants of Livestock Production Development of Smallholder Farmers’: The Case of Bedele District, Bunno Bedele Zone, Western Ethiopia

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    Livestock production is undertaken both in highland and lowland of Ethiopia. The study assessed determinants of livestock production development through identifying the constraints and opportunity to production developments. The study adopted a cross sectional survey design. The district was randomly selected from zones. To undertake the assessment three kebele were selected for the same cases from these districts. Using proportionate sampling technique a total of 99 respondents was selected from the kebele where by ten were female headed and 89 were male headed households. Descriptive statistics like mean and percentage was used to describe the socio-economic data of respondents. Some opportunities available for livestock production development in the study area are availability of water, supply of improved breed, feed availability, credit services, veterinary supply and mixed crop-livestock production system.  Econometric model a multiple linear regression analysis has been carried out to find the factors influence livestock production development of smallholder farmers’. The results of the multiple linear regression model showed that from a total of ten explanatory variables were included in the model, of which education level , extension services ,  availability of market information, availability of grazing land, Artificial insemination  and veterinary service were found to be statistically significant to livestock production development. The multiple linear regression result show that livestock production development in the study area is determined by availability of grazing land, extension services, artificial insemination and veterinary service, availability of market information  education level at 1%, and 5% significant level respectively. Keywords: Determinants, Smallholder farmers, Livestock Production development, multiple linear regression models DOI: 10.7176/JEES/9-8-03 Publication date: August 31st 201

    Assessment of Women Participation in Primary Saving and Credit Cooperatives in Dawuro Zone Essera District, South West Ethiopia

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    Cooperative is a form of organization where voluntary associated together as human being on the basis of equality for the promotion of economic interest of themselves. The study would be conducted to assess cases that hinder women participation in SACCCOs in case of Essera woreda. Women has face many problems in order to participate in cooperative society, division of work and the patriarchy are the source for hindering factors for women to participate in cooperative. The general objective of this study was to assess factors that hinder women participation in cooperatives. The study used both primary and secondary data the primary data were collected from interview, questionnaire and group discussion. The secondary data was collected from member’s loan books, members saving books, members by low, the Essera Woreda Cooperative Promotion Office (CPO) document and other research work. This data was analyzed by using table, percentage and graph.   In order to SACCO for economic benefit in saving and credit cooperative society face the problems in adequate financial structure, low attitude members about saving and loan use and lack of awareness. These situations have the opportunities of cooperative like, members of Essera saving and credit   cooperatives are expected to provide them with a wide range of saving and credit to be used in everyday living and members hope to benefit from saving and credit cooperatives in respect of fair prices, high quality products and reliable services.  The result of the study revealed that most of the respondents saved their money on their saving and credit cooperative society after they join. This indicates that the saving performance of the members was increased. Federal cooperative agency should pay attention continuously supervising of SACCO as they many peoples in providing loan as well as saving services and they are one of the financial services providers that highly contribute for the outreach of financial services for the memberships. Keywords: SACCO, women, Economy, Essera DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-5-04 Publication date:March 31st 2020

    Home-Garden Agro-Forestry Practices and Its Contribution to Rural Livelihood in Dawro Zone Essera District

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    This study was conducted to assess the home garden agro-forestry practices and its contribution to rural livelihood in the Essera district, Dawro zone. Systematic selection technique was used to select a total of 40 households for data collection. Evolution of the home garden agro-forestry practice, its current species composition as well as both economic and environmental contribution of this practice for societies in the study area were assessed. For this study sex status and occupation of the respondent households were studied to know the contribution of the home-garden agro-forestry system in the study area.  The study result showed that the population of the study area was benefited from home garden agro-forestry practices. Home garden Agro forestry has potential contribution to enhance the livelihood of the households. Farmers mainly practice home garden agro forestry for economic purpose such as household income, food for consumption, fuel wood etc. The study result also showed that the households give high priority to the development of home garden agro forestry and also the trend of practice is increasing. The study result shows that home garden agro forestry has a lot of contribution to solve livelihood problems of local peoples. Therefore, attention should be given to develop (practice) home garden for environmental contribution in addition to economic purpose. Keywords: agroforestry, home garden, Esser


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    The study, tried to find out students’ role and perception in implementing one to five team work, examine to what extent school directors facilitate safe environment for the implementation of one to five teamwork and identify the major factors that might hamper the impleentation of one to five teamwork. In order to meet the research goal, descriptive survey design was employed, which involves both methods. In this study, 100 students participated in the research. Thus, descriptive statistics using frequencies and percentages were employed in analyzing the quantitative data and the qualitative data were analyzed qualitatively. The results of the study revealed that students perceived one to five education army development group works positively. However, the followings were found to be the main constraint encountered during one to five team work activities on the findings, it was concluded that one to five teamwork was not properly implemented by the majority of students as it was expected
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