7 research outputs found

    Italian Guidelines in diagnosis and treatment of alopecia areata

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    Alopecia areata (AA) is an organ-specific autoimmune disorder that targets anagen phase hair follicles. The course is unpredictable and current available treatments have variable efficacy. Nowadays, there is relatively little evidence on treatment of AA from well-designed clinical trials. Moreover, none of the treatments or devices commonly used to treat AA are specifically approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The Italian Study Group for Cutaneous Annexial Disease of the Italian Society of dermatology proposes these Italian guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of Alopecia Areata deeming useful for the daily management of the disease. This article summarizes evidence-based treatment associated with expert-based recommendations

    Unusual location of a common dermatosis

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    A case of bilateral areolar and periareolar pityriasis versicolor is described. Neither clinical features nor dermoscopy observation were diagnostic for this atypical picture. In spite of a single previous report which described specific dermoscopic features of pityriasis versicolor, it may be hypothesized that polymorphic dermoscopic patterns may be observed in this superficial fungal disease

    Sometimes even Dr Google is wrong: An unusual contact dermatitis caused by benzoyl peroxide

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    The use of the internet to obtain medical information is becoming increasingly common among patients as a substitute for consulting a healthcare provider. The present case is a typical example of sequelae of self-diagnosis and self-therapy in a patient who preferred to look for a “do-it-yourself” solution online

    Contact dermatitis caused by dialkylcarbamoyl compounds in a medication used for chronic wounds

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    Wound dressings are intended to provide an optimum environment for wound healing, and have specific properties according to the type and healing stage of the wounds. A case of allergic contact dermatitis caused by dialkylcarbamoyl (DAC) compounds contained in a wound dressing is reported

    Side-effects of tango: Connubial contact dermatitis

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    The term connubial or consort allergic contact dermatitis defines a peculiar dermatitis caused by sensitization to substances used by people in close contact with the patient. A case of connubial allergic contact dermatitis due to p‐phenylenediamine in a tango dancer is reported

    Occupational allergic contact dermatitis caused by isothiazolinones in ultrasound gel: 2 cases

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    Adverse reactions to ecographic gels, mainly allergic contact dermatitis or contact urticaria, have been described in patients who undergo ultrasound procedures. This report describes 2 cases of occupational allergic contact dermatitis (OACD) in 2 obstetrical sonographers

    Occupational allergic contact dermatitis caused by isothiazolinones in ultrasound gel: 2 cases

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    Adverse reactions to ecographic gels, mainly allergic contact dermatitis or contact urticaria, have been described in patients who undergo ultrasound procedures. This report describes 2 cases of occupational allergic contact dermatitis (OACD) in 2 obstetrical sonographers