13 research outputs found

    RAM 58

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    Object van onderzoek was de meest westelijke kop van een relatief smalle dekzandrug welke gelegen is ten noord-westen van Raalte. Dit terrein maakte deel uit van het historisch cultuurlandschap van het buurschap Raan en was gelegen in de voormalige marke Raalterwoold. Het onderzoek was erop gericht de geschiedenis van het Jonge Raan zo volledig mogelijk te documenteren. Gebleken is dat de mens al duizenden jaren lang haar stempel op dit terrein en het omringende landschap heeft gedrukt. De belangrijkste conclusies wat dit betreft, zullen in dit afsluitende hoofdstuk kort worden geresumeerd en geanalyseerd

    Untreated ADHD in Adults Are There Sex Differences in Symptoms, Comorbidity, and Impairment?

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    Objective: To analyze sex differences among adult, never-treated patients referred for central stimulant treatment of ADHD. Method: Data for 600 consecutive patients from northern Norway referred for evaluation by an expert team during 7 years were analyzed. General background information, diagnostic and social history, and symptom profiles were compared between previously never-treated men and women. Results: The sex ratio was skewed. Of the previously untreated patients, more than 20% fell outside society's ordinary vocational activities or social benefit system. Most patients had the combined form, one third the inattentive type, and only 2% the hyperactive/impulsive subtype. Abuse and criminality were more common among men, and affective, eating, and somatization disorders were more common among women. Otherwise few sex differences were found. Conclusion: AD/HD symptom intensity and subtypes did not differ between the sexes and was to age. Symptom intensity was linked with criminality, abuse, and other psychiatric problems, differentially for two sexes. (J. of Att. Dis. 2009; 12(4) 353-360

    Tobacco Smoke Constituents Affecting Oxidative Stress

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