7 research outputs found

    A importância da microscopia electrónica no estudo taxonómico do recife algal fóssil da Prainha.

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    XXXVIII Reunião Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Microscopia Electrónica e Biologia Celular. Ponta Delgada, Açores, 5-7 de Dezembro de 2003

    Checklist of the Pleistocene marine molluscs of Praínha and Lagoínhas (Santa Maria Island, Azores).

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    A critical review of the reported Pleistocene species of and Lagoinhas (Santa Maria Island, Azores) is provided, new data increasing the marine molluscan fauna to 95 taxa (80 Gastropoda and 15 Bivalvia). Six of the reported taxa are considered dubious records (5 Gastropoda, 1 Bivalvia). The stratigraphic sequence of Praia Formosa is composed of two main units, about 2-4 meters above present-day sea level. In the lower unit, Patella ulyssiponensis dominates the fossil assemblage of the basal calcareous conglomerate while Myoforceps arustatus (Dillwyn, 1817) dominates the assemblage associated to a calcareous algae mat. Above a non-depositional hiatus surface, a sandy beach deposit mainly composes the upper unit. Its fossil assemblages are dominated by large amounts of Eruilin castanea (Montagu, 1803) and, in a less extent, Lucinella diwricntn (Linnaeus, 1758) and Ensis minor (Chenu, 1843). The stratigraphic sequence of Lagoinhas, located 7.4 m above present-day sea level, is also composed of two units. A basal conglomerate is fossilized by or passes laterally to a calcareous algae mat, dominated by Myoforceps aristatus and with abundant Calliostoma pecimens. As at Prainha, these lower units are covered by a highly fossiliferous sandy bach deposit, though thinner, in which Ervlie castanea is the dominant species. Some species with Caribbean or West African affinities, the "Strombus bubonius accompanying fauna" (Garcia-Talavera, 1990), were found in the lower layers. The upper layer malacofauna is mainly related to the Mediterranean faunas, similarly to what happens nowadays (Ávila, 2000)

    Coralline-algal framework in the quaternary of prainha (Santa Maria island, Azores)

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    © Instituto Geológico y Minero de España.At the south coast of the island of Santa Maria (Azores, Portugal) a coralline-algal framework emerges near the base of a Quaternary succession. It is located about 2 m above the present mean sea level, extends for near 200 m along the littoral zone, and has a maximum thickness of 60 cm. The main framework builders are coralline red algae (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta). Mollusc shells, vermetid tubes and bryozoans are the secondary framework builders. The coralline assemblage is composed of Spongites fruticulosus, with some Neogoniolithon brassica-florida, Lithophyllum incrustans and Titanoderma pustulatum. The morphological network and taxonomic composition show close analogies with the coralline algal assemblages of the Mediterranean and west Atlantic, formed at sea level in narrow tide amplitudes and moderate hydrodynamics

    Estudos de parâmetros craniométricos e densidade populacional do coelho selvagem da ilha Terceira.

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    IX Expedição Científica do Departamento de Biologia - Terceira 1994.Neste trabalho estudou-se primacialmente os valores craniométricos do coelho selvagem Oryctolagus cuniculus L., 1758, da Ilha Terceira, seguindo-se o estudo da sua densidade e dinâmica populacional. Compararam-se estatisticamente os resultados obtidos da amostragem desta Ilha com os obtidos nas amostragens de outras três Ilhas do Grupo Central - S. Jorge, Pico e Faial

    Preliminary study of the Prainha algal reef (Santa Maria, Azores).

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    8th International Symposium of Fossil Algae. Granada, Espanha, 18-20 de Setembro de 2003