1,963 research outputs found

    Optimasi Kekerasan Kampas Rem Dengan Metode Desain Eksprimen

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    Brake lining always needed in automotive world, so good quality from process maufacturing must be obtained. Brake lining quality must be fulfilled, one of the properties is hardeness. Brake lining hardness correlate with influence their lifetime, the drum or disk lifetime and type of vehichle. To get optimal performance of production, we make experiment from factors that influence the hardness of brake lining and determine level from their factors

    The Effects of Herbs on Milk Yield and Milk Quality of Mastitis Dairy Cow

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    This experiment aimed to observe the effect of herbs (Black Cumin,Curcuma zeodharia,Curcumamangga, and Curcuma aeruginosa) supplementation on milk yield and milk quality (milk fat, milkprotein, milk lactosa and mastitis status) in lactating dairy cows suffering mastitis. Twenty cows in 2nd-4th lactation suspected mastitis subclinical (++) were used in the experiment. Completely randomizeddesign was used in this experiment with 5 treatments (A. Non Herb; B. Black Cumin; C. Curcumazeodharia; D. Curcuma mangga, and E. Curcuma aeruginosa) with four replicates per treatment. Thecollected data were analyzed by analysis of variance and difference between the treatment effects wastested by using Duncan\u27s Multiple Range Test. The results showed that supplementation of herbssignificantly increased (P<0.01) milk yield, milk protein, milk lactosa and significantly decreasedmastitis status and did not significant affect milk fat

    Hubungan Usia, Tingkat Pendidikan, Dan Gender Pemilik UMKM Terhadap Program UMKM Go Digital Di Kabupaten Gresik

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    The government of Indonesia supports the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMes) by providing many programs to accelerate their business. UMKM Go Digital is one of the program provides easier access for SMEs into digital market. However, the participation rate was relatively low as less than 5%. This research aims to investigate the problem by integrating two theories in technology adoption, which are the Task Technology Fit (TTF) and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)-then developed as UTAUT2. The research model explains 84,5% and 88,7% variation in TTF and use behaviour of UMKM Go Digital, respectively. The result also confirms that age, gender and education level have not affected the adoption. Future research should consider to extend the originated-location of the SMEs and the number of the participants as well to gain more comprehensive result

    Factors Related to Work Performance of Village Midwives in Applying Informed Choice and Informed Consent in Contraception Service in North Minahasa District

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    Application of informed choice and informed consent constituted an effort to increasecoverage and quality of family planning (KB) service. Application of informed choice andinformed consent in North Minahasa district was not optimum. It could be seen from the factsthat coverage of active KB participants decreased in the last four years, and the number ofpeople who dropped out from using contraceptive device increased. Objective of the studywas to analyze factors related to work performance of village midwives in applying informed choice and informed consent in contraception service in North Minahasa district. This was anobservational-analytical study with cross sectional approach. Data were collected throughinterview guided by questionnaire. Study population was 100 village midwives in NorthMinahasa. Fifty respondents were selected randomly from all primary healthcare centersvillage midwives who fulfilled inclusion and exclusion criteria. Chi-square test and logisticregression were applied in the data analysis. Results of the study showed that mean ofrespondents' age was 34 years, mean of respondents' duration of work was 11 years, andmost of respondents' education was D III Kebidanan. Motivation, facilities, perception onworkload, and work performance were good. However, knowledge was still insufficientspecifically on understanding term for counseling step ‘SATUTUJU' and on the method to fillinformed consent form. Supervision was still inadequate due to no routine supervisionactivity. Factors related to work performance were motivation (ρ= 0.048), facility (ρ= 0.001),and perception on supervision (ρ= 0.001). Factor that, in common, influenced workperformance were perception on supervision (ρ= 0.001). Motivation, facility, and perceptionon supervision were related with work performance of village midwives in applying informedchoice and informed consent in the contraception service. The strongest factor affecting workperformance was perception on supervision

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemberian Beasiswa Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting di Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo

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    Panca Marga Probolinggo University as a place of learning and self developments provides facilities for student achievements scholarships. The scholarship program is expected to spur student interest in learning to be more accomplished. In determining the scholarship recipients, the administrator selects candidates for faculty scholarship recipients base on existing criteria. In the process of selecting, admin faculty have difficulty selecting a data prospective recipients. Because each type of scholarship criteria and weight have different criteria. It makes the calculation of the value criteria requires precision. Knowing the problem that occur, the autors designed the decision support system and make the determination of scholarship by using the SAW method. This system can help admins to perform data administration faculty scholarship recipients, the data type of scholarship, the data criteria, criteria weighting data, and data recipients. With this system the loss of data can be minimize. After testing the use of decision support system determining the scholarship by using the SAW method, it can be concluded that this decision support system to help admins faculty in performing their duties

    Pengaruh Kebijakan Fiskal Amerika, Nilai Tukar, dan Rezim Nilai Tukar terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia

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    Integrated in the world economy and open, then the policy conducted by a state against the countrys economy could have an impact on other countries. The impact of policy and economic activity is transmitted through international trade of a country to another country. The larger the economic size of a country, the greater the effect on other countries, either directly or indirectly. Economic impact is also determined by the amount of international trade in economic activity that occurred between contries. Greater international economic activity, the greater the external impact on the domestic economy. This study aims examine the effect of American fiscal policy in terms of the American budget deficit, exchange rate, and the exchange rate regime on Indonesian economic growth. This research uses secondary data. Analysis method used is desciptive quantitative, the error correction model (ECM) analysis using Eviews 7.0 program. The research that has been conducted, the overall significant effect of independent variables on the dependent variable. Individually, the American budget defisit and the exchange rate are both positively related and do not significantly affect on Indonesian economic growth. While the exchange rate regime, negatively related and significantly affect on Indonesian economic growth.Keywords : Indonesian economic growth, American budget deficit, exchange rate, exchange rate regime, Eror Correction Model (ECM)

    Perancangan Permainan Papan Sebagai Media Edukasi Pengenalan Karier Bagi Remaja

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    Kegiatan bekerja dilakukan masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup.Sebagai generasi penerus bangsa,remaja juga akan berkarier di masa depan mereka.Remaja perlu dipersiapkan untuk menghadapi karier karenadibutuhkan tanggung jawab dan kompetensi lainnya. Untuk itu, remaja perlu terlebih dahulu mengenal tentangbagaimana hidup berkarier.Salah satupendekatan yang digunakan untuk memperkenalkan karieradalah melaluipermainan papan dimana remaja bisa bermain sebagai salah satu dari profesi yang sudah disediakan. Selainmenghibur, permainan papan juga dapat menjadi sarana edukasi dan sosialisasi bagi remaja