4 research outputs found

    Pirolisis Limbah Biomassa Serbuk Gergaji Kayu Campuran : Parameter Proses dan Analisis Produk Asap Cair

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    Produksi tahunan biomassa kayu mencapai 1011-1012 ton di seluruh dunia, pemrosesan 100 kg kayu dengan gergaji menghasilkan 10–25 % limbah biomassa. Pengolahan limbah biomassa dengan proses pirolisis dapat menghasilkan produk berupa asap cair melalui kondensasi yang mengandung berbagai senyawa kimia aktif yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk produk pangan maupun sebagai anti bakteri. Pada penelitian ini, pengukuran parameter pirolisis bertujuan untuk mengetahui performa reaktor pirolisis. Asap cair dianalisis untuk mengetahui komponen senyawa aktifnya melalui metode eksperimental. Komposisi lignoselulosa serbuk gergaji kayu campuran berupa hemiselulosa 17.54±3.16 %, selulosa 39.97±1.62 %, lignin 25.59±1.95 %, zat larut air 16.9±0.29 % dan kadar air 10.18±0.36 %. 3.6 kg biomassa di pirolisis pada suhu 500 °C selama 8 jam, menghasilkan asap cair 1.14 kg, arang 1.54 kg, nilai pH 3 dengan warna kuning tua, transparan, dan sedikit benda terapung. Pengamatan performa reaktor menunjukan nilai laju pemanasan 1.9±0.36 °C/min, dan pada beberapa titik terjadi kerugian panas yang tidak merata. Analisis asap cair dengan GC-MS menunjukkan tidak adanya senyawa PAH, sementara diketahui terdapat senyawa berbahaya lainnya, 2-propanone, 2 butanone, dan cyclopentanone masing-masing sebesar 2.05 %, 0.79 %, dan 1.84%

    Raman Spectroscopy for Characterizing Porous carbon

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    Porous carbon obtained from low cost and abundant biomass has gained attention as renewable material feedstock. In this study, porous carbon biochar produced through pyrolysis was investigated by Raman spectroscopy to disclose the structural properties. The measured samples were in form of pellets (identified as WP, 139, 233, 226), and lumber wood (Pine, a softwood type and Beech, a hardwood type). The resulted spectra, which consisted of two broadened overlapped peaks were fitted with two Gaussian curves. The intensity ratio of the curves (ID/IG) were calculated to analyse the aromaticity of the samples. The aromaticity represents the proportion of the total C phases (amorphous and crystalline) within the samples. The result indicates that the aromaticity of the samples increased as the pyrolysis temperature was raised. Furthermore, the biochar obtained for higher temperature had larger crystalline surface area, which is indicated by La (crystalline length). The La values obtained were around 9-10 Å and exhibit a highly disordered structure with turbostratic arrangement. As complementary, the data from Raman measurements were also compared with elemental analysis results to show the amount of carbon content in the samples. The results from elemental analysis present that the higher temperature will produce higher carbon proportion in the samples. Thereby, both Raman spectroscopy and elemental analysis give similar trends for evaluating the structure of the samples. In comparison with a soot sample, biochar exhibits less carbonization since the aromaticity and crystalline surface area (defined by La) of the soot have higher values. The Raman signal increases for higher laser power and detector integration acquisition time. However, high power and long acquisition time promote fluorescence background. Thus, moderate laser power and integration time was preferably chosen for reliable Raman measurements

    Raman spectroscopy for characterizing porous carbon

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    Raman spectroscopy is performed to disclose structural properties of porous carbon samples including lignocellulosic biomass. Analysis of spectral signatures of carbon, around 1350 cm-1 and 1580 cm-1, indicates higher porosity for the biomass sample

    Pengaruh suhu sterilisasi pada sifat morfologis dan mekanik kemasan fleksibel retort produk empal gentong siap saji [The effect of sterilization temperature on morphological and mechanical properties of retort flexible packaging for ready to eat “empal gentong” product ]

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    Thermal food sterilization is the preservation technology to extend packaged food shelf life. The properties of packaging materials that change after thermal sterilization are morphological, mechanical, and color properties. This study aimed to observe the effect of sterilization temperature on the morphological, mechanical, and color properties of flexible retort pouch packaging. The food product sample processed in retort packaging was Indonesian traditional food, “empal gentong”. The retort package was composed of PET/Al/Nylon/CPP and processed at 121 °C 0,8 bar for 9 min, with an unprocessed sample was as a control. Three replications of mechanical and color results were analyzed using T-test with p<0.05 significance level to determine the significant difference. The retort pouch sample showed visual and microscopic defects in the form of separation between the PET layer and aluminum foil after being processed at 121 °C 0,8 bar for 9 minutes. In addition, temperature processing at 121 °C influenced the tear strength results and color significantly (p<0,05). Color changes was occured on the inside of the packaging contacting with the food. Each layer in multilayer packaging is interrelated and supports one another. Multilayer flexible packaging combines the different properties of a single monolayer material, so it is suitable for commercial sterile food packaging