98 research outputs found

    A virágosvölgyi sótömzs értékesítési lehetősége: The Flower Valley Salt Block sales opportunity

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    There are six salt mines in Romania. Ocna Dej, Praid, Slanic Prahova, Tg.-Ocna, Ocnele Mari and Cacica.The mineral resources of the above-mentioned salt mines will be depleted in the next 10-20 years.The Flower Valley salt concentrate is the purest in quality in the country, containing 98.8% NaCl.The quality, geological and geographical location of the salt marsh is a huge advantage for a potential investor, whether public or private, to open a salt mine

    Analysis of worm-like locomotion

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    Nature is a storehouse of great ideas, which are mostly so well planned, that engineers can apply them directly via examining, understanding and imitating the natural working principles. Snakes and worms can be found in almost every region of our planet. Their success is mainly based on the simple construction of their body and their robust locomotion technique. Snakes and worms move their body periodically, to generate propulsive force and get forward, using the interaction with the surrounding environment. The aim of this work is the analysis of a particular worm-like locomotion technique through numerical simulations. The worm is modeled by a multibody system containing lumped masses constrained to each other by ideal rigid rods. The periodic motion of the worm body is achieved via the use of an artificial muscle-like actuator system. The results and experiences can be exploited in future work when a worm-like robot will be built for exploration and rescue purposes

    Adatok Magyarország vízibogár-faunájához (Coleoptera: Haliplidae, Dytiscidae, Noteridae, Gyrinidae) | (Contribution to the water beetle fauna of Hungary (Coleoptera: Haliplidae, Dytiscidae, Noteridae, Gyrinidae)

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    Locality and collecting data of 79 species of water beetles (12 Haliplidae, 60 Dytiscidae, 2 Noteridae, 5 Gyrinidae) are given. Nebrioporus depressus (Fabricius, 1775) and Laccornis oblongus (Stephens, 1835) are new to the fauna of Hungary

    Dependence of Left Ventricular Rotational Mechanics on Left Atrial Volumes in Non-Smoker Healthy Adults: Analysis based on the Three-Dimensional Speckle-Tracking Echocardiographic MAGYAR-Healthy Study

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    Introduction. As has been established, the left ventricle (LV) and the left atrium (LA) form an organic unit of the left heart; however, little is known about the dependence of LV rotational parameters on LA volumes, even in healthy circumstances. Therefore, the present study aimed to assess the associations between basal and apical LV rotations and LA volumes and volume-based functional properties throughout the cardiac cycle in healthy adults by three-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography. Methods. The present study comprised 167 healthy adults (age: 33.4 ± 12.6 years, 77 males) with normally directed LV rotational mechanics. All subjects underwent complete two-dimensional Doppler echocardiography with three-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography (3DSTE)-derived data acquisition. The 3DSTE-derived LA volumes and LV rotational parameters were determined at a later date. Results. An increasing end-systolic maximum LA volume (Vmax) was associated with increasing pre-atrial-contraction early (VpreA) and minimum end-diastolic (Vmin) LA volumes, and all stroke volumes were increased as well. Systolic basal left ventricular rotation (LVrot) was highest in the case of the highest systolic Vmax and early-diastolic VpreA. Apical LVrot did not show obvious associations with any increasing LA volumes. The highest systolic basal LVrot was associated with significantly increased diastolic VpreA and Vmin. Reduced diastolic LA volumes (VpreA, Vmin) were seen in the case of increased apical LVrot. An increasing basal LVrot was associated with the tendentious lowering of the apical LVrot and the significant elevation of LV twist. Similarly, an increasing apical LVrot was associated with the tendentious lowering of basal LVrot and the significant elevation of LV twist. Conclusions. Strong associations and adaptations between 3DSTE-derived LA volumes throughout the cardiac cycle and LV rotational mechanics were evidenced, even in healthy circumstances

    Simultaneously Assessed Three-Dimensional Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography-Derived Left Ventricular and Left Atrial Volumes Are Associated in Healthy Adults—Findings from the MAGYAR-Healthy Study

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    Introduction: The left atrium (LA) has a significant role in regulating blood flow from veins to the left ventricle (LV). LV performance is affected by several factors including preload, which is partly, but highly, dependent on LA volumes. The aim of the present study is to perform simultaneous assessment of LA and LV volume changes during the cardiac cycle in healthy circumstances. Therefore, LA and LV volumes and volume-based functional properties were determined in healthy adults, and the associations of these parameters were examined. Methods: The present study consists of 164 healthy adults (age: 33.0 ± 12.3 years, 82 males) being in sinus rhythm. All subjects have undergone complete two-dimensional Doppler echocardiography with three-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography (3DSTE). Results: Increased end-systolic maximum LA volume was associated with higher LV volumes and reduced LV ejection fraction. Very high early pre-atrial contraction and late diastolic LA volumes were associated with increased LV volumes, reduced LV ejection fraction and increased LV mass. Increased LA volumes were associated with increased LV mass. Higher LV volumes were associated with tendentiously higher LA volumes. Higher LV end-diastolic volume was associated with tendentiously higher all LA stroke volumes (SVs) and total and active LA emptying fractions (EFs). Higher LV end-systolic volume was associated with tendentiously higher all LA SVs but preserved all LA EFs. Conclusions: 3DSTE is capable of simultaneous assessment of LA and LV volumes and volume-based functional properties for (patho)physiologic studies. Moreover, 3DSTE-derived LV and LA volumes and functional properties show strong associations

    Three-Dimensional Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography-Derived Tricuspid Annular Dimensions and Right Atrial Strains in Healthy Adults—Is There a Relationship? (Insights from the MAGYAR-Healthy Study)

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    Introduction. The tricuspid valve and its annulus (TA) are thought to be integrally related to right atrial (RA) size and function. The present study aimed to assess associations between TA dimensions and RA strains, and quantitative features of its contractility were determined by 3DSTE in healthy adults. Methods. The study comprised 145 healthy volunteers with a mean age of 34.4 ± 12.5 years (73 males). Electrocardiographic, two-dimensional Doppler echocardiographic and 3DSTE parameters were in normal reference ranges in all subjects. Results. Enlarged TA areas, regardless of which phase of the cardiac cycle were measured, were not associated with the deterioration of peak RA strains in longitudinal (LS) and circumferential (CS) directions. Increased end-diastolic TA area was associated with reduced RA strain in the radial direction (RS). Dilation of end-diastolic and end-systolic TA areas was related to increased RA volumes. End-diastolic TA area was the smallest in case of increased peak global RA-RS, and other associations between increasing TA areas and peak global strains could not be detected. Peak global RA-CS and RA-LS were not related to TA areas. Increasing peak global RA-RS was not associated with peak global RA-LS and RA-CS, while increasing peak global RA-LS and RA-CS were not associated with peak global RA-RS. Increasing peak global RS did not show associations with RA volumes, Vmin was the smallest in the case of highest peak global RA-CS and RA-LS. Vmax increased with increasing peak global RA-LS. Conclusions. 3DSTE is suitable for simultaneous non-invasive determination of TA dimensions and RA volumes and strains using the same acquired 3D dataset, allowing physiologic studies. RA volumes are associated with end-diastolic and end-systolic TA areas. RA strains in radial direction (RS) show associations with end-diastolic TA area