5 research outputs found

    Timed global reorganization of protein synthesis during neocortex neurogenesis at codon resolution

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    Translation modulates the timing and amplification of gene expression after transcription. Development of the brain’s neocortex requires precisely timed and spatially targeted gene expression, but the relationship between mRNA vs. protein synthesis throughout the genome is unknown. We perform a comprehensive analysis of the reactants, synthesis, and products of mRNA translation spanning mouse neocortex neurogenesis. Ribosome number in the cortical plate decreases sharply at mid-neurogenesis during a transition in neuronal subtype specification, shifting the fundamental kinetics of protein synthesis, with mRNA and protein levels frequently divergent. Satb2, which drives an essential neuronal subtype-specific program, is a highly dynamically translated mRNA with surprisingly broad transcription across diverse neuronal lineages. Satb2 protein achieves its neuronal subtype expression through timed regulation by the RNA-binding protein Pumilio2. Thus, the refinement of transcriptional programs by protein synthesis is a widespread feature of neuronal specification. Developmental neocortex translatome data are provided in an open-source resource: https://shiny.mdc-berlin.de/cortexomics/

    The architecture of protein synthesis in the developing neocortex at near-atomic resolution reveals Ebp1-mediated neuronal proteostasis at the 60S tunnel exit

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    Protein synthesis must be finely tuned in the nervous system, as it represents an essential feature of neurodevelopmental gene expression, and dominant pathology in neurological disease. However, the architecture of ribosomal complexes in the developing mammalian brain has not been analyzed at high resolution. This study investigates the architecture of ribosomes ex vivo from the embryonic and perinatal mouse neocortex, revealing Ebp1 as a 60S peptide tunnel exit binding factor at near-atomic resolution by multiparticle cryo-electron microscopy. The impact of Ebp1 on the neuronal proteome was analyzed by pSILAC and BONCAT coupled mass spectrometry, implicating Ebp1 in neurite outgrowth proteostasis, with in vivo embryonic Ebp1 knockdown resulting in dysregulation of neurite outgrowth. Our findings reveal Ebp1 as a central component of neocortical protein synthesis, and the 60S peptide tunnel exit as a focal point of gene expression control in the molecular specification of neuronal morphology

    A critical period of translational control during brain development at codon resolution

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    Translation modulates the timing and amplification of gene expression after transcription. Brain development requires uniquely complex gene expression patterns, but large-scale measurements of translation directly in the prenatal brain are lacking. We measure the reactants, synthesis and products of mRNA translation spanning mouse neocortex neurogenesis, and discover a transient window of dynamic regulation at mid-gestation. Timed translation upregulation of chromatin-binding proteins like Satb2, which is essential for neuronal subtype differentiation, restricts protein expression in neuronal lineages despite broad transcriptional priming in progenitors. In contrast, translation downregulation of ribosomal proteins sharply decreases ribosome biogenesis, coinciding with a major shift in protein synthesis dynamics at mid-gestation. Changing activity of eIF4EBP1, a direct inhibitor of ribosome biogenesis, is concurrent with ribosome downregulation and affects neurogenesis of the Satb2 lineage. Thus, the molecular logic of brain development includes the refinement of transcriptional programs by translation. Modeling of the developmental neocortex translatome is provided as an open-source searchable resource at https://shiny.mdc-berlin.de/cortexomics

    Satb2(Cre/+) mouse as a tool to investigate cell fate determination in the developing neocortex

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    BACKGROUND: Generation of different neuronal subtypes during neocortical development is the most important step in the establishment of cortical cytoarchitecture. The transcription factor Satb2 is expressed in neocortical projection neurons that send their axons intracortically as opposed to Satb2-negative neurons that preferentially project to subcortical targets. NEW METHOD: In this report, we present a novel method to carry out large scale screening for molecules that control cell fate in the developing neocortex. It is based on a Satb2(Cre/+) mouse strain that expresses Cre recombinase from the Satb2 locus. RESULTS: By transfecting neuronould determine the proportion of cells that become al progenitors with a Cre-inducible reporter construct by nucleofection or in utero electroporation, we cSatb2-positive. COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHODS: Compared to genetic tracing or lineage analysis, this method offers a fast, easy-to-perform, and reliable way of determining cell fate of newly born neurons. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that the Satb2(Cre/+) mouse can be applied to study factors, such as small molecule inhibitors, sh-RNAs or overexpression constructs, that can alter the proportion of Satb2-positive cells and thus play key roles in differentiation and acquisition of cell fate

    Protein synthesis in the developing neocortex at near-atomic resolution reveals Ebp1-mediated neuronal proteostasis at the 60S tunnel exit

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    Protein synthesis must be finely tuned in the developing nervous system as the final essential step of gene expression. This study investigates the architecture of ribosomes from the neocortex during neurogenesis, revealing Ebp1 as a high-occupancy 60S peptide tunnel exit (TE) factor during protein synthesis at near-atomic resolution by cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM). Ribosome profiling demonstrated Ebp1-60S binding is highest during start codon initiation and N-terminal peptide elongation, regulating ribosome occupancy of these codons. Membrane-targeting domains emerging from the 60S tunnel, which recruit SRP/Sec61 to the shared binding site, displace Ebp1. Ebp1 is particularly abundant in the early-born neural stem cell (NSC) lineage and regulates neuronal morphology. Ebp1 especially impacts the synthesis of membrane-targeted cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), measured by pulsed stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (pSILAC)/bioorthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging (BONCAT) mass spectrometry (MS). Therefore, Ebp1 is a central component of protein synthesis, and the ribosome TE is a focal point of gene expression control in the molecular specification of neuronal morphology during development