66 research outputs found

    Computational studies of history-dependence in nematic liquid crystals in random environments

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    Glassy liquid crystalline systems are expected to show significant history-dependent effects. Two model glassy systems are the RAN and SSS (sprinkled silica spin) lattice models. The RAN model is a Lebwohl-Lasher lattice model with locally coupled nematic spins, together with uncorrelated random anisotropy fields at each site, while the SSS model has a finite concentration of impurity spins frozen in random directions. Here Brownian simulation is used to study the effect of different sample histories in the low temperature regime in a three-dimensional (d=3) model intermediate between SSS and RAN, in which a finite concentration p<pc (pc the percolation threshold) of frozen spins interacts with neighboring nematic spins with coupling W. Simulations were performed at temperature T?TNI/2 (TNI the bulk nematic-isotropic transition temperature) for temperature-quenched and field-quenched histories (TQH and FQH, respectively), as well as for temperature-annealed histories (AH). The first two of these limits represent extreme histories encountered in typical experimental studies. Using long-time averages for equilibrated systems, we calculate orientational order parameters and two-point correlation functions. Finite-size scaling was used to determine the range of the orientational ordering, as a function of coupling strength W,p and sample history. Sample history plays a significant role; for given concentration p, as disorder strength W is increased, TQH systems sustain quasi-long-range order (QLRO) and short-range order (SRO). The data are also consistent with a long-range order (LRO) phase at very low disorder strength. By contrast, for FQH and p?0.1, only LRO and QLRO occur within the range of parameters investigated. The crossover between regimes depends on history, but in general, the FQH phase is more ordered than the AH phase, which is more ordered than the TQH phase. However, at temperatures close to the isotropic-nematic phase transition of pure samples we observe SRO for p=0.1 even for FQH. We detect also in the QLRO phase a domain-type structural pattern, consistent with ideas introduced by Giamarchi and Doussal [Phys. Rev. B 52, 1242 (1995)] on superconducting flux lattices. In the weak-disorder limit the orientational correlation length obeys the Larkin-Imry-Ma scaling ??D?2/(4?d)

    Efficacy and safety of electrochemotherapy combined with peritumoral IL-12 gene electrotransfer of canine mast cell tumours

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    Electrochemotherapy combined with peritumoral interleukin-12 (IL-12) gene electrotransfer was used for treatment of mast cell tumours in 18 client-owned dogs. Local tumour control, recurrence rate, as well as safety of combined therapy were evaluated. One month after the therapy, no side effects were recorded and good local tumour control was observed with high complete responses rate which even increased during the observation period to 72%. IL-12 gene electrotransfer resulted in 78% of patients with detectable serum IFN- and/or IL-12 levels. In the treated tumours vascular changes as well as minimal T-lymphocytes infiltration was observed. After 1week, the plasmid DNA was not detected intra- or peritumorally and no horizontal gene transfer was observed. In summary, our study demonstrates high antitumour efficacy of electrochemotherapy combined with IL-12 electrotransfer, which also prevented recurrences or distant metastases, as well as its safety and feasibility in treatment of canine mast cell tumours

    NEWS AND NOTES 1994, VOL.4, NO.16

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    Modeling noise experiments performed at AKR-2 and CROCUS zero-power reactors

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    CORTEX is a EU H2020 project (2017-2021) devoted to the analysis of ’reactor neutron noise’ in nuclear reactors, i.e. the small fluctuations occurring around the stationary state due to external or internal disturbances in the core. One important aspect of CORTEX is the development of neutron noise simulation codes capable of modeling the spatial variations of the noise distribution in a reactor. In this paper we illustrate the validation activities concerning the comparison of the simulation results obtained by several noise simulation codes with respect to experimental data produced at the zero-power reactors AKR-2 (operated at TUD, Germany) and CROCUS (operated at EPFL, Switzerland). Both research reactors are modeled in the time and frequency domains, using transport or diffusion theory. Overall, the noise simulators managed to capture the main features of the neutron noise behavior observed in the experimental campaigns carried out in CROCUS and AKR-2, even though computational biases exist close to the region where the noise-inducing mechanical vibration was located (the so-called ”noise source”). In some of the experiments, it was possible to observe the spatial variation of the relative neutron noise, even relatively far from the noise source. This was achieved through reduced uncertainties using long measurements, the installation of numerous, robust and efficient detectors at a variety of positions in the near vicinity or inside the core, as well as new post-processing methods. For the numerical simulation tools, modeling the spatial variations of the neutron noise behavior in zero-power research reactors is an extremely challenging problem, because of the small magnitude of the noise field; and because deviations from a point-kinetics behavior are most visible in portions of the core that are especially difficult to be precisely represented by simulation codes, such as experimental channels. Nonetheless the limitations of the simulation tools reported in the paper were not an issue for the CORTEX project, as most of the computational biases are found close to the noise source
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