134 research outputs found

    Thé ou café ? Oui

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present the aim and architecture of our dialogue modeling project. We focus on producing logical representations of questions and answers in dialogue. Our view is to narrow the problem of identifying incomprehension in dialogue to the one of finding logical incoherences in speech acts combinations

    Pour un TAL responsable

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    International audienceL'intelligence artificielle (IA) a connu ces dernières années de grandes avancées qui ont résonné avec des préoccupations sociétales. Des instances ont été créées et ont commencé à structurer les problèmes posés par ces développements. Tant pour la société civile que pour de nombreux scientifiques, le champ de ces instances recouvre les problématiques du traitement automatique des langues (TAL). Dans cet article nous revenons sur certains aspects expliquant la relation entre IA et TAL, mais aussi sur les éléments qui les différencient. Nous revenons sur les problèmes d'éthique pour l'IA et également pour le TAL. Ces questions étant complexes, nous en donnons une lecture en contextualisant les problématiques. Enfin nous argumentons pour ne pas dresser l'éthique comme solution de facto à la réflexion, mais plutôt comme occasion de positionner les recherches dans des perspectives plus globales et nous revenons sur le problème de la relation entre utilisation de modèles numériques et faculté de les interpréter. ABSTRACT. Artificial intelligence (AI) has evolved in recent years along with societal concerns. Various committees were introduced in order to brainstorm on the consequences of these developments. These authorities are also concerned by Natural Language Processing (NLP), not only as a subfield of AI but also as a specific field with which it interacts. In this article we review the links between AI and NLP but also where they differ. We focus on ethical clues for both of them. Finally we argue for not using ethics as a unique solution, but rather as the way to abstract over our researches. In the end, we go back on how to interpret machine learning methods in the context of NLP. MOTS-CLÉS : éthique, intelligence artificielle, traitement automatique des langues, épistémolo-gie

    L'informaticien face au traitement du langage : que peut-on faire et que croit-on que nous faisons ?

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    National audienceDe la représentation de l'informaticien dans la série contemporain

    Treating clitics with minimalist grammars

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    International audienceWe propose an extension of Stabler's version of clitics treatment for a wider coverage of the French language. For this, we present the lexical entries needed in the lexicon. Then, we show the recognition of complex syntactic phenomena as (left and right) dislo- cation, clitic climbing over modal and extraction from determiner phrase. The aim of this presentation is the syntax-semantic interface for clitics analyses in which we will stress on clitic climbing over verb and raising verb

    Counting dependencies and Minimalist Grammars

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    International audienceMinimalist Grammars (MG) are a formalism which allows a flexible syntactic analysis of natural languages. It was introduced by Stabler in [St 97]. Its generative capacity has been studies in [Ha 01]. This article describes the existence of a MG generating the counting dependencies L m = {1 n 2 n · · · m n , n ∈ IN}, and an algorithm of construction of the lexicon Lex m producing this language. It is a generalization of the Stabler presentation with n = 5 [St 97]. This class of languages belongs to the context-sensitive languages in the hierarchy of Chomsky. In a linguistic way, we could find example of this structure in sentence like : "Peter, Mary and Charles had respectively 14, 12 and 6 in math, history and sport". 1 Stabler's MG Stabler's Minimalist Grammars are lexicalised grammars. Therefore the generated language is the transitive closure of the lexicon under the generating functions. Each lexical entry is a list of features. The features are of two different natures and take part in the release of two distinct operations. Different types of feature : The set of base features is noted BF. The following features are also defined : – select : {= d | d ∈ BF}. The set of move features is noted MF. The following features are defined : – licensors : {+k | k ∈ MF}. – licensees : {−k | k ∈ MF}. Generating functions : – Merge : unification of a base feature with the corresponding selector. The result is the concatenation of the other feautures. – Move : unification of a licensor with a licensee. It corresponds to the move of the features to the components carrying the licensees in front of the structure. We use the following notation : e stand for a feature of an arbitrary type and E for a sequence of features. A lexical entry is made of a list of features and the associated phonological form, noted between oblique bars : e1. . ./z1/. The word generated is recognized by a left-right-hand side reading of the phonological forms in the analysis. The phonological form will be called "terminal" and the other elements of the list of features "non-terminal". Traditionally, the analyses are finite, binary and ordered trees with projections -which preserve the position of the head of the component. This order is marked on the nodes of the tree by ' ' -for the direction of the head. In this article, we will use list ordered from left to right. A component will be delimited by an under-brace and the head of this last will be marked in bold. To simplify the graphical representation, the group containing only one element and those containing only a phonological form will not be marked by a under-brace and the head will take back a normal font. The linear representation contains less information than the tree form but this information is sufficient to describe the mechanisms of our paper. Here an example of translation of an analysis in tree form to a linear representation

    Le langage comme marqueur des troubles du langage et de la pensée

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    National audienc

    Question the coherence of dialogical interaction through formalization

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    International audienc
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