15 research outputs found

    A loss of mature microglial markers without immune activation in schizophrenia

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    Microglia, the immune cells of the brain, are important for neurodevelopment and have been hypothesized to play a role in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia (SCZ). Although previous postmortem studies pointed toward presence of microglial activation, this view has been challenged by more recent hypothesis-driven and hypothesis-free analyses. The aim of the present study is to further understand the observed microglial changes in SCZ. We first performed a detailed meta-analysis on studies that analyzed microglial cell density, microglial morphology, and expression of microglial-specific markers. We then further explored findings from the temporal cortex by performing immunostainings and qPCRs on an additional dataset. A random effect meta-analysis showed that the density of microglial cells was unaltered in SCZ (ES: 0.144 95% CI: 0.102 to 0.390, p = .250), and clear changes in microglial morphology were also absent. The expression of several microglial specific genes, such as CX3CR1, CSF1R, IRF8, OLR1, and TMEM119 was decreased in SCZ (ES: -0.417 95% CI: -0.417 to -0.546, p < .0001), consistent with genome-wide transcriptome meta-analysis results. These results indicate a change in microglial phenotype rather than density, which was validated with the use of TMEM119/Iba1 immunostainings on temporal cortex of a separate cohort. Changes in microglial gene expression were overlapping between SCZ and other psychiatric disorders, but largely opposite from changes reported in Alzheimer's disease. This distinct microglial phenotype provides a crucial molecular hallmark for future research into the role of microglia in SCZ and other psychiatric disorders

    Characterization of HIV-1 Infection in Microglia-Containing Human Cerebral Organoids

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    The achievement of an HIV cure is dependent on the eradication or permanent silencing of HIV-latent viral reservoirs, including the understudied central nervous system (CNS) reservoir. This requires a deep understanding of the molecular mechanisms of HIV's entry into the CNS, latency establishment, persistence, and reversal. Therefore, representative CNS culture models that reflect the intercellular dynamics and pathophysiology of the human brain are urgently needed in order to study the CNS viral reservoir and HIV-induced neuropathogenesis. In this study, we characterized a human cerebral organoid model in which microglia grow intrinsically as a CNS culture model to study HIV infection in the CNS. We demonstrated that both cerebral organoids and isolated organoid-derived microglia (oMG), infected with replication-competent HIVbal reporter viruses, support productive HIV infection via the CCR5 co-receptor. Productive HIV infection was only observed in microglial cells. Fluorescence analysis revealed microglia as the only HIV target cell. Susceptibility to HIV infection was dependent on the co-expression of microglia-specific markers and the CD4 and CCR5 HIV receptors. Altogether, this model will be a valuable tool within the HIV research community to study HIV-CNS interactions, the underlying mechanisms of HIV-associated neurological disorders (HAND), and the efficacy of new therapeutic and curative strategies on the CNS viral reservoir

    Transcriptomic and morphological maturation of human astrocytes in cerebral organoids

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    Cerebral organoids (CerOrgs) derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are a valuable tool to study human astrocytes and their interaction with neurons and microglia. The timeline of astrocyte development and maturation in this model is currently unknown and this limits the value and applicability of the model. Therefore, we generated CerOrgs from three healthy individuals and assessed astrocyte maturation after 5, 11, 19, and 37 weeks in culture. At these four time points, the astrocyte lineage was isolated based on the expression of integrin subunit alpha 6 (ITGA6). Based on the transcriptome of the isolated ITGA6-positive cells, astrocyte development started between 5 and 11 weeks in culture and astrocyte maturation commenced after 11 weeks in culture. After 19 weeks in culture, the ITGA6-positive astrocytes had the highest expression of human mature astrocyte genes, and the predicted functional properties were related to brain homeostasis. After 37 weeks in culture, a subpopulation of ITGA6-negative astrocytes appeared, highlighting the heterogeneity within the astrocytes. The morphology shifted from an elongated progenitor-like morphology to the typical bushy astrocyte morphology. Based on the morphological properties, predicted functional properties, and the similarities with the human mature astrocyte transcriptome, we concluded that ITGA6-positive astrocytes have developed optimally in 19-week-old CerOrgs

    Human microglial models to study HIV infection and neuropathogenesis: a literature overview and comparative analyses

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    HIV persistence in the CNS despite antiretroviral therapy may cause neurological disorders and poses a critical challenge for HIV cure. Understanding the pathobiology of HIV-infected microglia, the main viral CNS reservoir, is imperative. Here, we provide a comprehensive comparison of human microglial culture models: cultured primary microglia (pMG), microglial cell lines, monocyte-derived microglia (MDMi), stem cell–derived microglia (iPSC-MG), and microglia grown in 3D cerebral organoids (oMG) as potential model systems to advance HIV research on microglia. Functional characterization revealed phagocytic capabilities and responsiveness to LPS across all models. Microglial transcriptome profiles of uncultured pMG showed the highest similarity to cultured pMG and oMG, followed by iPSC-MG and then MDMi. Direct comparison of HIV infection showed a striking difference, with high levels of viral replication in cultured pMG and MDMi and relatively low levels in oMG resembling HIV infection observed in post-mortem biopsies, while the SV40 and HMC3 cell lines did not support HIV infection. Altogether, based on transcriptional similarities to uncultured pMG and susceptibility to HIV infection, MDMi may serve as a first screening tool, whereas oMG, cultured pMG, and iPSC-MG provide more representative microglial culture models for HIV research. The use of current human microglial cell lines (SV40, HMC3) is not recommended

    Exposure to the Amino Acids Histidine, Lysine, and Threonine Reduces mTOR Activity and Affects Neurodevelopment in a Human Cerebral Organoid Model

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    Evidence of the impact of nutrition on human brain development is compelling. Previous in vitro and in vivo results show that three specific amino acids, histidine, lysine, and threonine, synergistically inhibit mTOR activity and behavior. Therefore, the prenatal availability of these amino acids could be important for human neurodevelopment. However, methods to study the underlying mechanisms in a human model of neurodevelopment are limited. Here, we pioneer the use of human cerebral organoids to investigate the impact of amino acid supplementation on neurodevelopment. In this study, cerebral organoids were exposed to 10 mM and 50 mM of the amino acids threonine, histidine, and lysine. The impact was determined by measuring mTOR activity using Western blots, general cerebral organoid size, and gene expression by RNA sequencing. Exposure to threonine, histidine, and lysine led to decreased mTOR activity and markedly reduced organoid size, supporting findings in rodent studies. RNA sequencing identified comprehensive changes in gene expression, with enrichment in genes related to specific biological processes (among which are mTOR signaling and immune function) and to specific cell types, including proliferative precursor cells, microglia, and astrocytes. Altogether, cerebral organoids are responsive to nutritional exposure by increasing specific amino acid concentrations and reflect findings from previous rodent studies. Threonine, histidine, and lysine exposure impacts the early development of human cerebral organoids, illustrated by the inhibition of mTOR activity, reduced size, and altered gene expression

    The biology of schizophrenia as a neurodevelopmental disorder

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    Schizophrenia is a severe psychiatric disorder. Increasingly, research suggests that disturbances in brain development are a major cause of schizophrenia. However, not much is known about the underlying pathological biological processes. It is important to unravel this in order to understand the disease and develop new therapies. That is why Amber Berdenis van Berlekom has investigated specific molecular and cellular processes during brain development that play a role in schizophrenia. Brain development was looked at from different perspectives using both established and innovative translational techniques. In part 1 of this thesis, research is performed using brains of deceased patients with schizophrenia. The aim here is to investigate changes in the number of connections between brain cells (synapses) and epigenetic differences in the gray and white matter of patients with schizophrenia. Part 2 focuses on studying very early brain development in relation to schizophrenia. Here cerebral organoids are used, small 3D brain structures grown in a petri dish, which resemble the developing human brain. The research focuses on two environmental factors during pregnancy that are associated with an increased risk of schizophrenia: infection and nutrition. The research in this thesis has identified specific molecular and cellular features related to brain development in schizophrenia. However, contradictions and heterogeneity have also been found, showing that replication and deepening are of great importance to unravel the biological underpinnings of schizophrenia

    Synapse Pathology in Schizophrenia: A Meta-analysis of Postsynaptic Elements in Postmortem Brain Studies

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    Changed synapse density has been suggested to be involved in the altered brain connectivity underlying schizophrenia (SCZ) pathology. However, postmortem studies addressing this topic are heterogeneous and it is not known whether changes are restricted to specific brain regions. Using meta-analysis, we systematically and quantitatively reviewed literature on the density of postsynaptic elements in postmortem brain tissue of patients with SCZ compared to healthy controls. We included 3 outcome measurements for postsynaptic elements: dendritic spine density (DSD), postsynaptic density (PSD) number, and PSD protein expression levels. Random-effects meta-analysis (31 studies) revealed an overall decrease in density of postsynaptic elements in SCZ (Hedges’s g: −0.33; 95% CI: −0.60 to −0.05; P = .020). Subgroup analyses showed reduction of postsynaptic elements in cortical but not subcortical tissues (Hedges’s g: −0.44; 95% CI: −0.76 to −0.12; P = .008, Hedges’s g: −0.11; 95% CI: −0.54 to 0.35; P = .671) and specifically a decrease for the outcome measure DSD (Hedges’s g: −0.81; 95% CI: −1.37 to −0.26; P = .004). Further exploratory analyses showed a significant decrease of postsynaptic elements in the prefrontal cortex and cortical layer 3. In all analyses, substantial heterogeneity was present. Meta-regression analyses showed no influence of age, sex, postmortem interval, or brain bank on the effect size. This meta-analysis shows a region-specific decrease in the density of postsynaptic elements in SCZ. This phenotype provides an important cellular hallmark for future preclinical and neuropathological research in order to increase our understanding of brain dysconnectivity in SCZ

    Characterization of HIV-1 Infection in Microglia-Containing Human Cerebral Organoids

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    The achievement of an HIV cure is dependent on the eradication or permanent silencing of HIV-latent viral reservoirs, including the understudied central nervous system (CNS) reservoir. This requires a deep understanding of the molecular mechanisms of HIV’s entry into the CNS, latency establishment, persistence, and reversal. Therefore, representative CNS culture models that reflect the intercellular dynamics and pathophysiology of the human brain are urgently needed in order to study the CNS viral reservoir and HIV-induced neuropathogenesis. In this study, we characterized a human cerebral organoid model in which microglia grow intrinsically as a CNS culture model to study HIV infection in the CNS. We demonstrated that both cerebral organoids and isolated organoid-derived microglia (oMG), infected with replication-competent HIVbal reporter viruses, support productive HIV infection via the CCR5 co-receptor. Productive HIV infection was only observed in microglial cells. Fluorescence analysis revealed microglia as the only HIV target cell. Susceptibility to HIV infection was dependent on the co-expression of microglia-specific markers and the CD4 and CCR5 HIV receptors. Altogether, this model will be a valuable tool within the HIV research community to study HIV–CNS interactions, the underlying mechanisms of HIV-associated neurological disorders (HAND), and the efficacy of new therapeutic and curative strategies on the CNS viral reservoir

    Synapse Pathology in Schizophrenia : A Meta-analysis of Postsynaptic Elements in Postmortem Brain Studies

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    Changed synapse density has been suggested to be involved in the altered brain connectivity underlying schizophrenia (SCZ) pathology. However, postmortem studies addressing this topic are heterogeneous and it is not known whether changes are restricted to specific brain regions. Using meta-analysis, we systematically and quantitatively reviewed literature on the density of postsynaptic elements in postmortem brain tissue of patients with SCZ compared to healthy controls. We included 3 outcome measurements for postsynaptic elements: dendritic spine density (DSD), postsynaptic density (PSD) number, and PSD protein expression levels. Random-effects meta-analysis (31 studies) revealed an overall decrease in density of postsynaptic elements in SCZ (Hedges’s g: −0.33; 95% CI: −0.60 to −0.05; P = .020). Subgroup analyses showed reduction of postsynaptic elements in cortical but not subcortical tissues (Hedges’s g: −0.44; 95% CI: −0.76 to −0.12; P = .008, Hedges’s g: −0.11; 95% CI: −0.54 to 0.35; P = .671) and specifically a decrease for the outcome measure DSD (Hedges’s g: −0.81; 95% CI: −1.37 to −0.26; P = .004). Further exploratory analyses showed a significant decrease of postsynaptic elements in the prefrontal cortex and cortical layer 3. In all analyses, substantial heterogeneity was present. Meta-regression analyses showed no influence of age, sex, postmortem interval, or brain bank on the effect size. This meta-analysis shows a region-specific decrease in the density of postsynaptic elements in SCZ. This phenotype provides an important cellular hallmark for future preclinical and neuropathological research in order to increase our understanding of brain dysconnectivity in SCZ

    DNA methylation differences in cortical grey and white matter in schizophrenia

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    Aim: Identify grey- and white-matter-specific DNA-methylation differences between schizophrenia (SCZ) patients and controls in postmortem brain cortical tissue. Materials & methods: Grey and white matter were separated from postmortem brain tissue of the superior temporal and medial frontal gyrus from SCZ (n = 10) and control (n = 11) cases. Genome-wide DNA-methylation analysis was performed using the Infinium EPIC Methylation Array (Illumina, CA, USA). Results: Four differentially methylated regions associated with SCZ status and tissue type (grey vs white matter) were identified within or near KLF9, SFXN1, SPRED2 and ALS2CL genes. Gene-expression analysis showed differential expression of KLF9 and SFXN1 in SCZ. Conclusion: Our data show distinct differences in DNA methylation between grey and white matter that are unique to SCZ, providing new leads to unravel the pathogenesis of SCZ