12 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Lahan Fisik Dan Ekonomi Komoditas Pertanian Utama Transmigran Di Lahan Marjinal Kering Masam Rantau Pandan Sp-4, Provinsi Jambi

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    Most of the land used for transmigration resettlement activities outside of Java Island is marginal land that requires highproduction inputs and susceptible to degradation. One of the need to be taken into consideration in the choice of location is land suitability. The objective of this study is to determine the land suitability of agricultural transmigration area with a case study of Transmigration Settlement Unit (UPT) of RantauPandan SP-4, Jambi Province, for cultivation of food crops, vegetables and perennial crops and analyse the level of biophysical and economical feasibility of several commodities. The actual land suitability assessment for the three agricultural commodities indicate the dominance land suitability classes of S3 (marginally suitable) with terrain, nutrient retention and nutrients available become dominant limiting factors. Economic land suitability analysis indicate that the biggest gross margin is rubber, while the smallest is rice. Results of analysis are used to determine the spatial land use recommendations on transmigration location. Results of analysis are not always in line with the transmigration pattern of land allocation. Nonetheless, these results suggested to be applied, for considerations of land conservation as well as farmers\u27 welfare

    the properties of zinc sodium phosphate glass system with the various concentration of chromium oxide doped

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    In this research, we investigate the properties of zinc sodium phosphate glass system with the various concentration of chromium oxide doped. The glass system was synthesized using the melt quenching technique - the concentration of chromium oxide varying from 0.5% to 2.5%. The chromium oxide presence makes the range value was smaller for the density and the molar volume thus making its the structure of this glass system more stable. We perform the Vicker Hardness test using 980 mNewton pressure. The test results show the concentration of chromium oxide effect to the hardness scale of glass system. We also perform FTIR test for knowing the relationship between the wavenumber and percentage of transmittance

    Pemetaan Cepat Kawasan Terdampak Bencana Longsor dan Banjir di Kabupaten Bangli, Provinsi Bali

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    Abstrak Teknologi penginderaan jauh mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Salah satunya adalah teknologi akuisisi data dengan menggunakan UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle).  Teknologi UAV dapat dipergunakan dalam berbagai bidang, salah satunya adalah bidang kebencanaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan pemetaan secara cepat kawasan terdampak bencana banjir dan longsor di Kabupaten Bangli, Bali dengan menggunakan teknologi UAV. Metode yang digunakan adalah pemotretan udara dengan UAV, survei lapangan dan analisis laboratorium. Pemotretan udara dilakukan satu hari pasca kejadian longsor dengan ketinggian jelajah pesawat antara 100-120 meter di atas permukaan tanah. Resolusi spasial yang dihasilkan antara 4,5 - 6,5 cm. Wilayah yang berhasil dipetakan adalah wilayah yang terdampak banjir dan longsor di Desa Songan A serta Songan B, wilayah terdampak banjir bandang Yeh Mampeh di Desa Batur Selatan, serta wilayah terdampak longsor di Desa Sukawana dan Desa Awan. Berdasarkan hasil pemotretan udara, dapat diketahui luasan daerah terdampak longsor. Lebih lanjut, strategi rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan hasil pemotretan udara.  Abstrak Remote sensing technology is experiencing rapid developments. One of which is in the field of data acquisition that has currently adopted the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). UAV technology is, for instance, employed in various studies related to disasters. This research aimed to perform a rapid mapping of flood- and landslide-affected areas in Bangli Regency, Bali using UAV technology. The applied methods included UAV-assisted aerial photography, field survey, and laboratory analysis. The aerial photography was conducted one day after the landslide event and at a recording altitude of 100-120 m above the ground. The spatial resolution produced in the photography was 4.5-6.5 cm. The mapped areas were the ones affected by floods and landslides in Songa A and Songa B Villages, flash floods in Yeh Mampeh, Batur Selatan Village, and landslides in Sukawana and Awan Villages. The aerial photography also provided the extent of the landslide-affected areas. Therefore, the post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction strategies can be implemented using the results of the aerial photography.