45 research outputs found

    Plasmodium Knowlesi: Distribusi, Gambaran Mikroskopis, Gejala Penderita Dan Vektor Potensial

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    Malaria in humans is caused by an infection of genus Plasmodium, especially P. falciparum, P. vivax.P.mulariae and P. ovate. Types of Plasmodium in animals that can inject humans is P. knowlesi. Animalswhich are found parasites in their body are long tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) and pig-tailedmacaques (Macaca nemestrina). .There have been many cases with positive malaria knowlesi as ithappened in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, China, Vietnam and Indonesia. Studyof P. knowlesi aims to give an overview of the • case distribution, microscopic. features, patient characteristic, potential vector, as well as potential spread of malaria knowlesi in Indonesia. The methodused in this study is study literature from various sources. The microscopic features of the parasite inpatient blood films is pretty similar to P. falciparum and P. malariae in certain stadium. Therefore more awareness are needed regarding the spread of this parasite, especially in border areas of malaria endemiccountries and newly arrived immigrants in endemic areas of P. knowlesi

    Vector Control Using Sterile Insect Technique (Sit)

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    Penyakit tular vektor seperti malaria dan demam berdarah dengue masih menjadi masalah kesehatan di dunia dan Indonesia khususnya. Upaya pengendalian vektor telah lama dilakukan untuk memutuskan rantai penularan. Saat ini upaya pengendalian vektor sangat tergantung pada penggunaan insektisida kimia dan berdampak terjadinya resistensi pada nyamuk. Berbagai rintangan tersebut memicu pengembangan metode atau strategi tertentu. Teknologi nyamuk yang dimodifikasi secara genetik (GMM) telah berkembang selama lebih dari 50 tahun. Teknik Serangga Mandul (TSM) adalah salah satu metode dalam GMM. Tulisan ini menyajikan konsep tentang TSM, hasil dari beberapa penelitian sebelumnya dan isu etik. TSM menawarkan keuntungan-keuntungan bila dibandingkan metode yang sekarang tengah digunakan. Kendala dalam pelaksanannya antara lain kondisi fisik serangga yang diaplikasikan dan sumber daya manusia. Secara umum, konsep TSM adalah pelepasan nyamuk jantan yang sebelumnya telah disterilisasi di laboratorium ke dalam populasi. Metode TSM telah memberikan dampak positif terhadap pengendalian serangga hama pertanian. Kata kunci: vektor, teknik serangga mandul, nyamuk modifikasi geneti

    Pengamatan Larva Aedes di Desa Sukaraya Kabupaten Oku dan di Dusun Martapura Kabupaten Oku Timur Tahun 2004

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    An observation study on Larvae of Aedes has been conducted in Sukaraya village (OKU) and Martapura village (OKU Timur) in early November 2004. Sukaraya village is an endemic area of DHF (Dengue Haemorragic Fever) while Martapura village represent a non endemic area for DHF, but both areas known to have high resident mobilization and density. The objective of this study was to observe the types of Aedes breeding site and its density. Results of this study indicate that the most dominant (indoor) container positive with larvae was "bak" (concrete reservoirs), while there were 3 types of container frequently found outdoor, there were "drum", "bak" and plastic buckets. From all containers found with lar\>a those were mainly found in uncover condition. HI, CI, and BI as Larvae indexes were 45%, 19% and 55% respectively for Sukaraya. while for Martapura were 30%. 14.9% and 40% respectively

    Konfirmasi Anopheles sinensis dan Anopheles vagus sebagai Vektor Malaria di Kabupaten Muara Enim Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    Muara Enim Regency is one of endemic malaria area in South Sumatera Province. The number of malaria clinical cases in 2015 is 9.382 cases with positive confirmed by microscopy is 143 cases (Annual parasite incidence = 0,26 ‰). There were no information or publication confirmed the vector of malaria in this regency. The aims of this study was to confirm species of Anopheles as malaria vector and its biting behavior in Muara Enim Regency. The study carried out two activity that were mosquito collection (indoor and outdoor) starts from 18.00 hours until 06.00 in the morning, and survey of the breeding habitat of pre-adult mosquito. The total of Anopheles mosquitoes collected were 1.443 and 200 mosquitoes were prepared for sporozoit identification by ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) method. Two species of Anopheles (of four mosquitoes), Anopheles sinensis and Anopheles vagus, were confirmed sporozoit positive. Anopheles sinensis tends to bite outdoors while Anopheles vagus prefer indoors. Both species actively biting at 9 p.m. until 4 a.m

    Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Masyarakat Tentang Aspek Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Demam Berdarah Dengue di Kota Prabumulih, Sebelum dan Sesudah Intervensi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

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    Abstract Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in South Sumatra Province especially Prabumulih in recent years has not shown a significant decline. This research aims to assess community’s level of knowledge, attitudes and practice with regards to empowerment of cadres and community group as an intervention variable. There were three location of research, first location with intervention of empowerment of cadre and community group, second location with cadre empowerment and the third location without intervention. The data collected in this research is knowledge, attitude and practice of the community before and after the intervention provided. The results showed there is an average level difference of knowledge, but statistically difference occurred on the knowledge and practice in an area with an intervention empowerment of cadres and local community groups. Local community groups such as religious group, social gathering, youth organization, etc can be an effective target for increasing knowledge about disease prevention aspects of DHF, raises awareness and triggered behavior change collectively. Abstrak Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan khususnya Kota Prabumulih dalam beberapa tahun terakhir belum menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak dari intervensi, pemberdayaan kader dan kelompok masyarakat terhadap tingkat pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku masyarakat. Intervensi yang diberikan pada penelitian ini adalah satu wilayah dengan intervensi pemberdayaan kader jumantik dan kelompok ibu-ibu pengajian, wilayah yang kedua dengan intervensi pemberdayaan kader jumantik, dan wilayah yang ketiga tanpa diberikan intervensi. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku masyarakat sebelum dan sesudah intervensi diberikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan rata-rata tingkat pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku masyarakat antara sebelum dan sesudah intervensi, namun secara statistik perbedaan yang bermakna terjadi pada aspek pengetahuan dan perilaku di daerah dengan intervensi pemberdayaan kader dan kelompok masyarakat lokal. Kelompok masyarakat lokal seperti kelompok pengajian, arisan, karang taruna dan sebagainya dapat menjadi sasaran efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang aspek pencegahan penyakit DBD, menimbulkan kesadaran dan memicu terjadinya perubahan perilaku secara kolektif

    Habitat Aedes Pradewasa Dan Indeks Entomologi Di 11 Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    Dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever still becomes public health problems in South Sumatera Province with all of its regencies/cities have infested with Aedes aegypti. This research aimed to determine Aedes entomological indices and its breeding habitats. The research located at 11 regencies/cities, where in every regencies/cities determined two clusters (village) based on incidence rate in the last three years. Survey of preadult mosquito was carried out inside and outside areas of 1181 houses using single larva method with modification. The survey found that the dengue vector indices for house index, breteau index, and container index were at range 22,6% - 60,6%, 26,4 – 154,1 and 8,0% - 36,2% respectively. The most dominant water holding containers found infested with pre-adults mosquito were cement tanks (33,4%), followed by buckets (18,2%) and drums (14,7%). Inside houses, larva or pupae found dominants in cement tanks (44,3%), buckets (19,5%) and drums (13,9%), while outside of the house were used containers (20,7%), followed by drums (16,7%), buckets (15,0%) and used tires (11,9%). Statistical analysis by chi-square test showed a significant relationship between infested of Aedes pre-adults with characteristic of containers (colours, volume, location found and containers). Larval survey by visiting houses should carry out routinely and integrated into dengue vector control program

    Pengetahuan Tokoh Masyarakat dan Kader Kesehatan Tentang Program Eliminasi Filariasis Limfatik di Kecamatan Pemayung Kabupaten Batanghari Provinsi Jambi

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    Lymphatic filariasis (LF) is a disease caused by filarial worms that until recently was remains a health problem in Indonesia. Jambi province is one of endemic areas for Lymphatic filariasis that some of its regency already implemented mass drug administration (MDA) program. One of regency which has already implemented mass drug administration is Batanghari Regency with 66 chronic cases. Mass drug administration has been started in Batanghari Regency since 2009 and the implementation unit is subdistrict of Pemayung. MDA coverage in the first year is 74,2 percent. The purpose of this research was to determine knowledge of cadres involved in MDA and community leader related to elimination program of Lymphatic filariasis in Pemayung Subdistrict of Batanghari Regency. The results show cadres have good knowledge in regard to the symptoms, impact of disease and prevention aspects. Cadres also support the program of mass drug administration. Knowledge of community leaders show poor on LF disease symptom, but they have good knowledge about the impact of the disease. They also agree and support the implementation of mass drug administration. Cadres and community leaders have experience that the community fear to drink medicines due to side effects of drugs. Conclusion of the research was cadres and community leader has good knowledge regard to the Lymphatic filariasis elimination program

    Malaria pada Anak di Desa Pagar Desa (Pemukiman Suku Anak dalam) di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin Propinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    Research on the incidence of malaria in children in Pagar Desa village of Musi Banyuasin District have aim to highlight the incidence of malaria in children. The community in this village comprises several ethnic including Suku Anak Dalam. This study use cross sectional design. The data were collected from children ages 9 year old or below. Blood sample were taken from each child and followed by examination of hemoglobin and spleen. Interview to child\u27s mothers were conducted to determine behaviours of the children. Out of 114 blood films collected, 17 blood samples showed positive malaria microscopically. Approximately 85,1% of children examined had hemoglobin below normal and 13,2% categorized splenomegaly. Statistically there was a significant correlation between malaria cases in children and enlarged spleen. Result suggest a critical need for improving the knowledge of the mothers about the link between malaria and its risk factors

    Konfirmasi Anopheles Sinensis dan Anopheles Vagus sebagai Vektor Malaria di Kabupaten Muara Enim Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    . Muara Enim Regency is one of endemic malaria area in South Sumatera Province. The number of malaria clinical cases in 2015 is 9.382 cases with positive confirmed by microscopy is 143 cases (Annual parasite incidence = 0,26%o). There were no information or publication confirmed the vector of malaria in this regency. The aims of this study was to confirm species of Anopheles as malaria vector and its biting behavior in Muara Enim Regency. The study carried out two activity that were mosquito collection (indoor and outdoor) starts from 18.00 hours until 06.00 in the morning, and survey of the breeding habitat of pre-adult mosquito. The total of Anopheles mosquitoes collected were 1.443 and 200 mosquitoes were prepared for sporozoit identification by ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) method. Two species of Anopheles (of four mosquitoes), Anopheles sinensis and An. vagus, were confirmed sporozoit positive. Anopheles sinensis tends to bite outdoors while An. vagus prefer indoors. Both species actively biting at 9 p.m. until 4 a.m