41 research outputs found

    Investigating Salmonella Eko from Various Sources in Nigeria by Whole Genome Sequencing to Identify the Source of Human Infections

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    Twenty-six Salmonella enterica serovar Eko isolated from various sources in Nigeria were investigated by whole genome sequencing to identify the source of human infections. Diversity among the isolates was observed and camel and cattle were identified as the primary reservoirs and the most likely source of the human infections

    Detection and antibiotic sensitivity pattern of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strains among rural chickens in the arid region of north-eastern Nigeria

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    Aim: To know the prevalence of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) strains among adult apparently healthy rural chickens slaughtered in Maiduguri, north-eastern Nigeria. Materials and Methods: Cloacal swabs were examined by Gram staining, biochemical tests such as indole, methyl red, Voges-Proskauer and citrate (IMVC) tests and serotype by standard slide agglutination test with antisera against somatic antigen using six monospecific “O” antisera to E. coli belonging to the avian pathogenic E. coli group namely O1, O2, O26, O78, O86 and O141. The sensitivity of the isolated APEC strains to 10 antibiotics of human and veterinary use was also determined. Results: Out of a total of 510 samples examined, 356 (69.8%) were positive for E. coli. Of this number 20 (5.6%) samples were positive for O1, 20 (5.6%) for O2, 0 (0%) for O26, 25 (7.0%) for O78, 25 (7.0%) for O86 and 24 (6.7%) for O141 serotypes. The remaining 242 (68.0%) E. coli isolates were non typable with the 6 sera of avian pathogenic E. coli strains used for the study. The sensitivity profile of the isolates showed complete resistance of all the isolates against ampicillin, tetracycline, nalidixic acid and cefuroxime, while on the other hand all the isolates showed very high susceptibility to oxofloxacin followed by ciprofloxacin and gentamycin. The result of this study suggests that multiple-antimicrobial-resistant APEC isolates are present in rural chickens in Maiduguri, north-eastern Nigeria. In addition to animal health problems created by the resistant strains, there may also be potential danger posed to human health because these strains could easily infect humans through the food chain. Conclusion: The result of this study suggests that multiple-antimicrobial-resistant APEC isolates are present in rural chickens in Maiduguri, north-eastern Nigeria. Consequently, introduction of surveillance programs to monitor antimicrobial resistance of pathogenic bacteria is strongly recommended in Nigeria. [Vet. World 2012; 5(6.000): 325-329

    Antibacterial efficacy of ethyl acetate fraction of Psidium guajava leaf aqueous extract on experimental Escherichia coli (O78) infection in chickens

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    Aim: This study was desingned to examine the efficacy of ethyl acetate fraction of aqueous extracted Psidium guajava leaves on chicks experimentally-infected with diarrheagenic strain of Escherichia coli O78. Methods: A total of 60 ISA brown male chicks were randomly divided into 6 Groups of ten chicks each in separate cages. Group A was not infected and not treated. Groups B, C and D were infected and treated with extracts at a dose of 25, 50 and 100 mg/kg respectively for 10 days. Group E was infected and treated with oxytetracycline while Group F was infected, but left untreated. Chicks from all groups were closely monitored for clinical signs, body weight change and fecal bacterial shedding load during the course of the experiment. Results: Diarrhea, vents pasted with feces, drop in feed intake accompanied by slow weight gain and decreased activity was observed in infected untreated groups. Groups treated with graded doses of the extract experienced a dose-dependent decreased in severity of the clinical signs shown compared to the infected untreated group. Bacterial shedding load was found to be lower in groups treated with the extract and oxytetracycline than those without intervention. Conclusion: Ethyl acetate soluble fraction of leaf extract of Psidium guajava effectively controlled diarrhea and decreased the severity of other clinical signs caused by experimental E. coli infections in chicks

    Response of Domestic Pigeons (Columba livia) to Experimental Infection with Chicken Isolate of Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) Virus

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    The susceptibility of pigeons (Columba livia) to chicken isolate of infectious bursal disease (IBD) virus was investigated under arid zone condition. Thirty pigeons, 15 adults and 15 young ones were acquired from the Maiduguri Monday Market and some households in Maiduguri. The pigeons were divided into two groups thus: Group A, which is the experimental group and consisted of ten (10) adults and ten (10) young pigeons. Group B that served as the control group was made up of five (5) adults and five (5) young pigeons. Pigeons in group A were infected with 3 drops of IBD virus inoculum orally while those in group B were given same quantity of normal saline per os. All the pigeons in groups A and B did not manifest any clinical sign throughout the period of the study. However, some of the serum samples from the infected group were positive for presence of precipitin antibody on day 7 and 14 PI, while all the samples became negative on 21 days PI. The study revealed that pigeons (young and adults) are resistant to experimental infection with chicken isolate of IBD virus. However, the birds seroconverted following exposure to the virus despite the absence of clinical signs. This showed that there was “virus take” following exposure of the species to IBD virus. The possible role of pigeons in the epidemiology of IBD in Nigeria need to be further investigated. Keywords: Domestic pigeon, experimental infection, IBD virusSahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences Vol. 5 (1) 2006 pp. 59-6