1,327 research outputs found

    Glocal interferences - human rights to the test of 21st century: an introduction

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    AI and Law: in place of an introduction

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    La filosofia dell’ecologia in Francesco D’Agostino

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    New Hope for a “Cursed” Crop? Understanding Stakeholder Attitudes to Plant Molecular Farming With Modified Tobacco in Europe

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    Plant molecular farming (PMF) with tobacco could provide a sustainable and cheap platform for the production of high-value proteins for medical use. It could also offer European tobacco farmers an alternative, healthful end use for their crop. New plant breeding techniques (NPBTs) offer a means of quickly and precisely optimizing molecular farming platforms for this purpose. However, there has been little empirical research focussing on the barriers and facilitators of these technologies in the agricultural sphere. Here, we explore key stakeholder perceptions toward this combination of technologies, exploring their understanding of risk and opportunity. We interviewed N = 24 key stakeholders – tobacco farmers, agronomists, policymakers, and researchers – in three tobacco-growing areas of Spain and Italy. Our findings demonstrate these stakeholders have a favorable attitude toward PMF with tobacco due to its beneficial medical purpose and the opportunity it provides farmers to continue growing tobacco in a declining European market. Tobacco producers also reported favorable views toward NPBTs, though for some this was contingent on their use for non-food crops like tobacco. Most stakeholders’ concerns are economic in nature, such as potential profitability and demands for new agronomic practices or infrastructure. Tobacco producer associations were thought to be important facilitators for future PMF scale-up. The attitude toward these technologies by smoking tobacco companies is, however, unknown and constitutes a potential risk to the development of PMF

    Breakdown of Fermi-liquid theory in a cuprate superconductor

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    The behaviour of electrons in solids is remarkably well described by Landau's Fermi-liquid theory, which says that even though electrons in a metal interact they can still be treated as well-defined fermions, called ``quasiparticles''. At low temperature, the ability of quasiparticles to transport heat is strictly given by their ability to transport charge, via a universal relation known as the Wiedemann-Franz law, which no material in nature has been known to violate. High-temperature superconductors have long been thought to fall outside the realm of Fermi-liquid theory, as suggested by several anomalous properties, but this has yet to be shown conclusively. Here we report on the first experimental test of the Wiedemann-Franz law in a cuprate superconductor, (Pr,Ce)2_2CuO4_4. Our study reveals a clear departure from the universal law and provides compelling evidence for the breakdown of Fermi-liquid theory in high-temperature superconductors.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Fertility Counseling Pattern over Time in Young Patients with Breast Cancer: A Retrospective Analysis at a Large Comprehensive Cancer Center

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    Background: One main issue to be considered in young patients diagnosed with early breast cancer (BC) is the impact of oncological treatments on fertility and future chances of conception. Current guidelines recommend a comprehensive addressing of oncofertility as part of the management of premenopausal BC patients, including counselling on available assisted reproduction technologies and fertility preservation (FP) strategies. The COVID-19 pandemic represented a potential hurdle to the integration of these procedures into clinical practice. This study aims to describe the time-related evolution in addressing oncofertility issues. Methods: This retrospective mono-institutional observational study considered 206 patients who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy, adjuvant chemotherapy (CT) or adjuvant endocrine therapy (ET), diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 40 or younger in the years 2014-2015 and 2020-2021. Timerelated evolution in addressing oncofertility during oncological consultations and adoption of a fertility or ovarian function preservation (OFP) method were analyzed comparing the two different timeframes. Results: Comparing the two cohorts 2014-2015 and 2020-2021, we found a significant difference in the presence of fertility discussion records (37.4% vs 57.9%, p < 0.01), and in the application of OFP/FP techniques (54.5 vs 78.5%, p < 0.01). In the two cohorts there was a significant difference in OFP (57.6% vs 70%, p = 0.03) and FP techniques application rates (5.1% vs 19.6%, p < 0.01). In the study population, age at diagnosis resulted to influence clinicians' approach towards counseling and/or OFP/FP strategies (87.3% in patients <35 years old (yo) vs 56.7% in older patients, p < 0.01). In the 2020-2021 cohort, age resulted less influential in the choice of using an OFP/FP strategy (87% vs 72.1%, p = 0.18). A higher rate of documented fertility discussion and/or OFP/FP techniques application was recorder in patients who had not had children before BC diagnosis (80.6% vs 64.5%, p = 0.02). When considering only the 2020-2021 timeframe, parity no longer significantly affected the prescription of an OFP/FP strategy (80.4% vs 78.3%, p = 0.93). Conclusions: This study on real world data demonstrates the progressive evolution in the way clinicians approach oncofertility issues, showing a greater attention across years, with more BC patients receiving a dedicated counseling, despite the COVID-19 pandemic

    Le confessioni religiose tra libertĂ  di vivere nella realtĂ  dell'ordinamento statale e potere di creare norme giuridiche all'interno dello Stato. Il caso della Chiesa di Scientology.

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    L'A. si pone nella prospettiva di delineare il possibile significato della compresenza delle due distinte previsioni, l’una nell’art. 8, l’altra nell’art. 19 della Costituzione, a garanzia del fenomeno associativo religioso. La ricerca è stata redatta, fra l’altro, in considerazione della circostanza che, ad una prima sommaria lettura della Carta Costituzionale, il lettore potrebbe essere indotto a pensare che il fenomeno religioso, ed in particolare quello che si svolge in forma associata, goda di una maggiore preferenza, rispetto a quello che si esprime in forma individuale, per essere più volte disciplinato in Costituzione. Problema, questo, il quale non sembra abbia sinora ricevuto adeguato rilievo dalla dottrina ecclesiasticista che si è meritevolmente impegnata sul tema. Si è posto al riguardo l’interrogativo che nasce dalla presenza di due distinte previsioni costituzionali a garanzia del fenomeno associativo religioso: la prima contenuta nell’art. 8 il quale - com’è noto - regola con novità di linguaggio la posizione dei culti diversi dalla religione cattolica, garantisce alle confessioni religiose l’eguale libertà davanti alla legge, il diritto di organizzarsi secondo i propri statuti ed il potere di concludere intese con gli organi dello Stato; la seconda nell’art. 19 che riconosce la libertà di professare liberamente la propria fede religiosa in qualsiasi forma “individuale o associata”. In ordine ai numerosi problemi che la previsione costituzionale dell’art. 8 solleva, si è riflettuto soprattutto sul dubbio se la fattispecie in essa contemplata sia sostanzialmente ripetitiva e si risolva in un inutile duplicato di quanto disposto dall’art. 19 per la parte che riguarda tale aspetto, oppure se, con ciascuna di tali disposizioni, il legislatore costituzionale abbia voluto conferire uno specifico rilievo a due distinte sfere dell’esperienza giuridica con caratteristiche proprie, per struttura e sistemi di garanzie. L’analisi intrapresa ha interessato anche la ricostruzione della definizione giuridica di confessione religiosa, nonché l’accertamento del carattere confessionale della Chiesa di Scientology alla luce delle sentenze della giurisprudenza costituzionale e di legittimità
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