487 research outputs found

    Strange Hadron Spectroscopy with a Secondary KL Beam at GlueX

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    We propose to create a secondary beam of neutral kaons in Hall D at Jefferson Lab to be used with the GlueX experimental setup for strange hadron spectroscopy. A flux on the order of 3 x 10^4 KL/s will allow a broad range of measurements to be made by improving the statistics of previous data obtained on hydrogen targets by three orders of magnitude. Use of a deuteron target will provide first measurements on the neutron which is {\it terra incognita}. The experiment will measure both differential cross sections and self-analyzed polarizations of the produced {\Lambda}, {\Sigma}, {\Xi}, and {\Omega} hyperons using the GlueX detector at the Jefferson Lab Hall D. The measurements will span c.m. cos{\theta} from -0.95 to 0.95 in the c.m. range above W = 1490 MeV and up to 3500 MeV. These new GlueX data will greatly constrain partial-wave analyses and reduce model-dependent uncertainties in the extraction of strange resonance properties (including pole positions), and provide a new benchmark for comparisons with QCD-inspired models and lattice QCD calculations. The proposed facility will also have an impact in the strange meson sector by providing measurements of the final-state K{\pi} system from threshold up to 2 GeV invariant mass to establish and improve on the pole positions and widths of all K*(K{\pi}) P-wave states as well as for the S-wave scalar meson {\kappa}(800).Comment: 97 pages, 63 figures, Proposal for JLab PAC45, PR12-17-001; v3 missed citation in Sec 9 (pg 22

    Observation of a narrow structure in p(gamma,K_s)X via interference with phi-meson production

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    We report observation of a narrow peak structure at ~1.54 GeV with a Gaussian width sigma=6 MeV in the missing of K_s in the reaction gamma+p = pK_sK_L. The observed structure may be due to the interference between a strange (or anti-strange) baryon resonance in the pK_L system and the phi(K_sK_L) photoproduction leading to the same final state. The statistical significance of the observed excess of events estimated as the log likelihood ratio of the resonant signal+background hypothesis and the phi-production based background only hypothesis corresponds to 5.3 sigma.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review C, 9 pages, 11 figures, 1 table added, revise

    Beam Asymmetry Σ for π+ and π0 Photoproduction on the Proton for Photon Energies From 1.102 to 1.862 GeV

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    Beam asymmetries for the reactions ˠp -\u3e pπ0 and ˠp -\u3e nπ+have been measured with the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) and a tagged, linearly polarized photon beam with energies from 1.102-1.862 GeV. A Fourier moment technique for extracting beam asymmetries from experimental data is described. The results reported here possess greater precision and finer energy resolution than previous measurements. Our data for both pion reactions appear to favor the SAID and Bonn-Gatchina scattering analyses over the older Mainz MAID predictions. After incorporating the present set of beam asymmetries into the world database, exploratory fits made with the SAID analysis indicate that the largest changes from previous fits are for properties of the Δ(1700)3/2- and Δ(1905) 5/2+ states

    Beam Spin Asymmetry in Semi-Inclusive Electroproduction of Hadron Pairs

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    A first measurement of the longitudinal beam spin asymmetry ALU in the semi-inclusive electroproduction of pairs of charged pions is reported. ALU is a higher-twist observable and offers the cleanest access to the nucleon twist-3 parton distribution function e(x). Data have been collected in the Hall-B at Jefferson Lab by impinging a 5.498-GeV electron beam on a liquid-hydrogen target, and reconstructing the scattered electron and the pion pair with the CLAS detector. One-dimensional projections of the AsinLUϕR moments are extracted for the kinematic variables of interest in the valence quark region. The understanding of dihadron production is essential for the interpretation of observables in single-hadron production in semi-inclusive DIS, and pioneering measurements of single-spin asymmetries in dihadron production open a new avenue in studies of QCD dynamics

    Induced Polarization of Λ1116 in Kaon Electroproduction

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    We have measured. the induced polarization of the Λ (1116) in the reaction ep →e′K+Λ , detecting the scattered e′ and K+ in the final state along with the proton from the decay Λ → pπ− . The present study used the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS), which allowed for a large kinematic acceptance in invariant energy W (1.6≤ W ≤ 2.7 GeV) and covered the full range of the kaon production angle at an average momentum transfer Q2 = 1.90GeV2 . In this experiment a 5.50-GeV electron beam was incident upon an unpolarized liquid-hydrogen target. We have mapped out the W and kaon production angle dependencies of the induced polarization and found striking differences from photoproduction data over most of the kinematic range studied. However, we also found that the induced polarization is essentially Q2 independent in our kinematic domain, suggesting that somewhere below the Q2 covered here there must be a strong Q2 dependence. Along with previously published photo- and electroproduction cross sections and polarization observables, these data are needed for the development of models, such as effective field theories, and as input to coupled-channel analyses that can provide evidence of previously unobserved s -channel resonances

    First Measurement of Direct Photoproduction of the a\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e(1320)⁰ Meson on the Proton

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    We present the first measurement of the reaction p -\u3e a₂(1320)⁰ p in the photon energy range 3.5-5.5 GeV and four-momentum transfer squared 0.2 \u3c -t \u3c 2.0 GeV2. Data were collected with the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer detector at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. The a2resonance was detected by measuring the reaction p → π0ηp and reconstructing the π0η invariant mass. The most prominent feature of the differential cross section is a dip at -t ≈ 0.55 GeV2. This can be described in the framework of Regge phenomenology, where the exchange degeneracy hypothesis predicts a zero in the reaction amplitude for this value of the four-momentum transfer

    Center of Mass Motion of Short-Range Correlated Nucleon Pairs Studied Via the A(e, e\u27pp) Reaction

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    Short-range correlated (SRC) nucleon pairs are a vital part of the nucleus, accounting for almost all nucleons with momentum greater than the Fermi momentum (kF). A fundamental characteristic of SRC pairs is having large relative momenta as compared to kF, and smaller center of mass (c.m.) which indicates a small separation distance between the nucleons in the pair. Determining the c.m. momentum distribution of SRC pairs is essential for understanding their formation process. We report here on the extraction of the c.m. motion of proton-proton (pp) SRC pairs in carbon and, for the first time in heavier and ansymetric nuclei: aluminum, iron, and lead, from measurements of the A(e,e′pp) reaction. We find that the pair c.m. motion for these nuclei can be described by a three-dimensional Gaussian with a narrow width ranging from 140 to 170  MeV/c , approximately consistent with the sum of two mean-field nucleon momenta. Comparison with calculations appears to show that the SRC pairs are formed from mean-field nucleons in specific quantum states

    Photoproduction of η Mesons Off the Proton For 1.2 \u3c E\u3csub\u3eγ\u3c/sub\u3e \u3c 4.7 GeV Using CLAS at Jefferson Laboratory

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    Photoproduction cross sections are reported for the reaction γp→pη using energy-tagged photons and the CLAS spectrometer at Jefferson Laboratory. The η mesons are detected in their dominant charged decay mode, η→π+π−π0, and results on differential cross sections are presented for incident photon energies between 1.2 and 4.7 GeV. These new η photoproduction data are consistent with earlier CLAS results but extend the energy range beyond the nucleon resonance region into the Regge regime. The normalized angular distributions are also compared with the experimental results from several other experiments, and with predictions of η-MAID 2018 and the latest solution of the Bonn-Gatchina coupled-channel analysis. Differential cross sections dσ/dt are presented for incident photon energies Eγ\u3e2.9GeV (W\u3e2.5GeV), and compared with predictions which are based on Regge trajectories exchange in the t-channel (Regge models). The data confirm the expected dominance of ρ, ω vector-meson exchange in an analysis by the Joint Physics Analysis Center

    Measurement of the Structure Function of the Nearly Free Neutron Using Spectator Tagging in Inelastic ²H(e,e\u27pˢ) X Scattering with CLAS

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    Background: Much less is known about neutron structure than that of the proton due to the absence of free neutron targets. Neutron information is usually extracted from data on nuclear targets such as deuterium, requiring corrections for nuclear binding and nucleon off-shell effects. These corrections are model dependent and have significant uncertainties, especially for large values of the Bjorken scaling variable x . As a consequence, the same data can lead to different conclusions, for example, about the behavior of the d quark distribution in the proton at large x . Purpose: The Barely Off-shell Nucleon Structure experiment at Jefferson Lab measured the inelastic electron-deuteron scattering cross section, tagging spectator protons in coincidence with the scattered electrons. This method reduces nuclear binding uncertainties significantly and has allowed for the first time a (nearly) model-independent extraction of the neutron structure function F2(x,Q2) in the resonance and deep-inelastic regions. Method: A novel compact radial time projection chamber was built to detect protons with momentum between 70 and 150 MeV/c and over a nearly 4π angular range. For the extraction of the free-neutron structure function Fn2 , spectator protons at backward angles (\u3e100∘ relative to the momentum transfer) and with momenta below 100 MeV/c were selected, ensuring that the scattering took place on a nearly free neutron. The scattered electrons were detected with Jefferson Lab\u27s CLAS spectrometer, with data taken at beam energies near 2, 4, and 5 GeV. Results: The extracted neutron structure function Fn2 and its ratio to the inclusive deuteron structure function Fd2 are presented in both the resonance and the deep-inelastic regions for momentum transfer squared Q2 between 0.7 and 5 GeV2/c2 , invariant mass W between 1 and 2.7 GeV/c2 , and Bjorken x between 0.25 and 0.6 (in the deep-inelastic scattering region). The dependence of the semi-inclusive cross section on the spectator proton momentum and angle is investigated, and tests of the spectator mechanism for different kinematics are performed. Conclusions: Our data set on the structure function ratio Fn2/Fd2 can be used to study neutron resonance excitations, test quark-hadron duality in the neutron, develop more precise parametrizations of structure functions, and investigate binding effects (including possible mechanisms for the nuclear EMC effect) and provide a first glimpse of the asymptotic behavior of d/u at x→1