168 research outputs found

    Apocrine carcinoma of the male breast: a case report of an exceptional tumor

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    Apocrine carcinoma of the male breast is an exceptional malignant tumor. It does not have a particular clinical or radiological appearance, but it's microscopically characterized by the presence of granular cells and foamy cells representing over 90% of tumor cells. These cells express most of the time the GCDFP-15 and the androgen receptors. This tumor is a distinct molecular entity. In this observation, we report the case of a 70 year old man presenting apocrine carcinoma of the left breast diagnosed at the stage of lung metastasis

    Giant Presternal Dermoid Cyst: An Adult Case

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    Epidermal cysts are more common above the shoulder and within the face and scalp. The authors report a case of giant presternal dermoid cyst in a 25 year old man. The case illustrates that dermoid cysts can appear in atypical location. Dermoid cysts should be considered in the differential diagnosis of midsternal lesions regardless of the size and imaging characteristics.Key Words: Dermoid cyst, Presternal chest wall, Thoracic surger

    Endometrial stromal tumors with sex cord-like elements: a case report

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    Endometrial stromal nodules are rare. They represent less than a quarter of endometrial stromal tumors. Clement and Scully described as variants of endometrial stromal nodules two types of tumor ressembling ovarian sex cord tumors. Type I is tumor that resembles focally an ovarian sex cord tumor which can be abbreviated ESTSCLE, or endometrial stromal tumors with sex cord-like elements and type II; uterine tumors with more than 40% sex cord-like differentiation so called UTROSCT for uterine tumor resembling ovarian sex cord tumor. Uterine tumours with sex cord-like differentiation are very rare with only 50 cases reported in the literature so far. The diagnostic is based on microscopic findings. Immunohistochemical tests to elucidate their nature yield variable and polyphenotypic with coexpression of markers of epithelial, myoid and sex cord lineage as well as hormone receptors. We report an additional case of an endometrial stromal tumors with sex cord-like elements in a 48-year-old woman presenting with abnormal mass.Pan African Medical Journal 2013; 14:5

    Digestive cancers in Morocco: Fez-Boulemane region

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    Introduction: To describe the epidemiological and pathological aspects of gastrointestinal cancers in Fez-Boulemane. Methods: This was a retrospective descriptive study of 1120 gastrointestinal cancers diagnosed between 2004 and 2010 in the department of Pathology of Hassan II University Hospital in Fez Morocco. Results: The average age of our patients was 53 years with a male predominance in 52% of cases. Digestive cancers in this study are distinguished by the predominance of colorectal and stomach location. Conclusion: Gastrointestinal cancers are the most frequent cancer in our region. An epidemiological monitoring program is needed.Pan African Medical Journal 2012; 13:4

    Hepatobiliary Cystadenoma Revealed by a Jaundice: A Case Report

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    Introduction. Hepatobiliary cystadenomas are rare benign cystic tumors and have a potential for recurrence and malignant transformation. The diagnosis may be very difficult because of absence of typical imaging feature in some cases. Case Presentation. In this paper, the authors discuss a 57-year-old woman who presented a jaundice related to hepatobiliary cystadenoma. Biological and radiological examinations have led to surgery, and the diagnosis is made after a histological examination of surgical specimens. Conclusion. This observation illustrates a hepatobiliary cystadenoma revealed by jaundice. Histology examination contributed to diagnosis. The authors discussed the mechanisms of biliary obstruction and differential diagnoses through a review of the literature

    Nécrose pariétale utérine partielle après capitonnage hémostatique au cours d’une hémorragie de la délivrance

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    L'hémorragie de la délivrance reste la première cause de mortalité dans la majorité des pays y compris le Maroc. Sa prise en charge doit être multidisciplinaire, rapide, avec mise en 'uvre de moyens médicaux et parfois chirurgicaux pour contrôler l'hémorragie. Les techniques de compression ou de cloisonnement utérins ont été peu évaluées mais diffusées rapidement dans le monde entier vu la facilité de leur réalisation; Néanmoins des complications secondaires ont été rapportées dans la littérature dont la nécrose utérine. Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente de 33ans césarisée à 38 semaines d'aménorrhée pour utérus cicatriciel associé à une grossesse gémellaire avec inertie utérine. Un capitonnage hémostatique a été nécessaire pour contrôler l'hémorragie, l'évolution a été marquée par la survenue d'une nécrose partielle utérine confirmée histologiquement. Nous insistons à travers cette observation et sous la lumière de la revue de la littérature sur la nécessité d'un suivi post opératoire des patientes qui bénéficient de capitonnage hémostatique pour mieux documenter l'efficacité et les complications de cet acte chirurgical qui reste encore sous évalué.Key words: Hémorragie de la délivrance, Atonie utérine, capitonnage utérin, nécrose utérin

    A rare neuronal tumor of the cerebellum with myloid features

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    We report an extremely rare tumor presenting with myoid features in the left cerebellar hemisphere in a 62- year-old man. This tumor consisted of medium to large round cells with focal lipomatous and myoid differentiation. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells expressed synaptophysin, GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein) and focally desmin. From these findings, we concluded that this tumor was a liponeurocytoma with myoid features. To the best of our knowledge, this report constitutes the second described case of liponeurocytoma with myoid differentiation in the cerebellum

    A rare neuronal tumor of the cerebellum with myoid features

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    We report an extremely rare tumor presenting with myoid features in the left cerebellar hemisphere in a 62-year-old man. This tumor consisted of medium to large round cells with focal lipomatous and myoid differentiation. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells expressed synaptophysin, GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein) and focally desmin. From these findings, we concluded that this tumor was a liponeurocytoma with myoid features. To the best of our knowledge, this report constitutes the second described case of liponeurocytoma with myoid differentiation in the cerebellum

    Solitary Granular Cell Tumor of Cecum: A Case Report

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    Granular cell tumor (GCT) was first described by Abrikossof in 1926. This tumor is a benign neoplasm of unclear histogenesis that is generally believed to be of nerve sheath origin. GCT is not common and most often affects the tongue, skin, and soft tissue, although it may occur anywhere in the body. Gastrointestinal tract involvement, and especially that of the colon, is very rare. This usually benign tumor appears as a submucosal nodule, measuring less than 2 cm in diameter and is often found incidentally during colorectal examinations. We describe the case of a 27-year-old man with a GCT in the cecum that was detected after a screening colonoscopy. Endoscopic examination revealed a yellowish submucosal tumor, 0.7 cm in diameter. An endoscopic mucosal polypectomy was done for histological confirmation and treatment

    Aspergilloma in combination with adenocarcinoma of the lung

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    A 60 year old male with a long standing history of smoking was referred to our department for surgery of aspergilloma in right upper lung lobe diagnosed by computed tomography and confirmed by computed tomography guided needle aspiration biopsy. A lobectomy was performed. Histological study of the surgical specimen revealed a pulmonary adenocarcinoma associated with aspergilloma. By presenting this case we suggest that every case of pulmonary aspergillome should be examined for malignancies, especially in smokers