4 research outputs found

    Chronic lumbar pain: rehabilitation

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    This study revised articles from the MEDLINE (PubMed) databases and other research sources, with no time limit. To do so, the search strategy adopted was based on (P.I.C.O.) structured questions (from the initials "Patient"; "Intervention"; "Control" and "Outcome".  With the above keywords crossings were performed according to the proposed theme in each topic of the (P.I.C.O.) questions. After analyzing this material, therapy narrow articles regarding the questions were selected and, by studying those, the evidences that fundamented the directives of this document were established.Este estudo revisou artigos nas bases de dados do MEDLINE (PubMed) e demais fontes de pesquisa sem limite de tempo. Para tanto, adotou-se a estratégia de busca baseada em perguntas estruturadas na forma (P.I.C.O.) das seguintes iniciais: "Paciente"; "Intervençao"; "Controle"; "Outcome". Com esses descritores efetivaram-se cruzamentos de acordo com o tema proposto em cada tópico das perguntas (P.I.C.O.). Analisado esse material, foram selecionado os artigos relativos às perguntas e, por meio do estudo dos mesmos, estabeleceram-se as evidências que fundamentaram às diretrizes do presente documento