5 research outputs found

    Performance of Equilibrium Zeolite in Water-Based Mud at Elevated Temperature Conditions

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    This study looks at the performance of nano equilibrium zeolite treated drilling fluids at high temperatures conditions, and their potential as alternatives for oil-based muds (OBM). Mud samples for this study were prepared and aged with the equilibrium zeolite nanoparticles concentrations of 0.0 g, 0.5 g, 1.0 g and 1.5 g. Tests were performed to determine the rheological, filtration control properties, the pH and consequently the thermal stability of the study mud samples over a temperature range of 120 °F to 360 °F. One sample without the equilibrium zeolite served as a control for the study. From the results obtained, all the nano samples had their rheological properties not exhibiting much significant variation with temperature, thus they were more thermally stable, with the optimum nanoparticle concentration being 1.5 g. It was also hypothesized that the nano equilibrium zeolite behaved as thinners, since they were able to reduce the shear stresses, yield points, plastic viscosities and gel strengths of the mud samples as temperature was varied incrementally. It was therefore concluded that the optimum concentration of aged equilibrium zeolite has the potential to act as a thermal stability additive for Water Based Mud systems (WBMs)

    Flow Assurance in Subsea Pipeline Design - A Case Study of Ghana’s Jubilee and TEN Fields

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    The increasing exploration and production activities in the offshore Cape Three Point Blocks of Ghana have led to the discovery and development of gas condensate fields in addition to the oil fields which produce significant amount of condensate gas. These discoveries require pipelines to transport the fluids avoiding hydrates and wax formation. This paper focuses on subsea pipeline design using Pipesim software that addresses flow assurance problems associated with transporting condensate gas from the Jubilee and TEN Fields to the Atuabo Gas Processing Plant. It also considered an alternate design that eliminates the need for capacity increase of flowlines for the futuristic highest projected flow rates in 2030. The design comprises of two risers and two flowlines. Hydrate formation temperature was determined to be 72.5 ˚F at a pressure of 3 000 psig. The insulation thickness for flowlines 1 and 2 were determined to be 1.5 in. and 2 in. respectively. The pipe size for flowlines 1 and 2 were determined to be 12 in. and 14 in. respectively. The maximum designed flow rate was determined to be 150 MMSCFD. To meet the highest projected flow rate of 700 MMSCFD in the year 2030 at the processing plant, a 16 in. ID pipeline of 44 km length was placed parallel to the 12 in. ID flowline 1. This parallel pipeline increased the designed flow rate by approximately 4.7 times (705 MMSCFD). The alternate design employs 18 in. and 20 in. ID pipes for flowlines 1 and 2 respectively. Keywords: Condensate Gas; Flowline; Flow Assurance; Hydrate; Pipesi