18 research outputs found

    Oncolytic HSV Vectors and Anti-Tumor Immunity

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    The therapeutic promise of oncolytic viruses (OVs) rests on their ability to both selectively kill tumor cells and induce anti-tumor immunity. The potential of tumors to be recognized and eliminated by an effective anti-tumor immune response has been spurred on by the discovery that immune checkpoint inhibition can overcome tumor-specific cytotoxic T cell (CTL) exhaustion and provide durable responses in multiple tumor indications. OV-mediated tumor destruction is now recognized as a powerful means to assist in the development of anti-tumor immunity for two important reasons: (i) OVs, through the elicitation of an anti-viral response and the production of type I interferon, are potent stimulators of inflammation and can be armed with transgenes to further enhance anti-tumor immune responses; and (ii) lytic activity can promote the release of tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) and tumor neoantigens that function as in situ tumor-specific vaccines to elicit adaptive immunity. Oncolytic herpes simplex viruses (oHSVs) are among the most widely studied OVs for the treatment of solid malignancies, and Amgen's oHSV Imlygic® for the treatment of melanoma is the only OV approved in major markets. Here we describe important biological features of HSV that make it an attractive OV, clinical experience with HSV-based vectors, and strategies to increase applicability to cancer treatment

    Tumor bed radiosurgery following resection and prior stereotactic radiosurgery for locally-persistent brain metastasis

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    Purpose: Despite advances in multimodality management of brain metastases, local progression following stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) can occur. Often, surgical resection is favored, as it frequently provides immediate symptom relief as well as pathologic characterization of any residual tumor. Should the pathological specimen contain viable tumor cells, further radiation therapy is an option to sterilize the tumor bed. We evaluated the use of repeat SRS (rSRS) in lieu of whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT) as a means of improving local control (LC) while minimizing potential toxicity and dose to the normal brain. Material/Methods: A retrospective review was performed to identify patients with brain metastases who underwent SRS and then surgical resection for locally recurrent or persistent disease. From 2004 to 2014, thirteen consecutive patients or 15 lesions were treated with rSRS after resection, either post-operatively to the tumor bed (n=10, 66.6%) or after a second local recurrence (n=5, 33.3%). LC, distant brain failure (DBF), and radiation toxicity were determined using patient records, RECIST criteria v1.1, and CTCAE v4.03. Results: At a median follow-up interval of 9.0 months (range 1.8-54.9 months) from time of rSRS, 5 patients remain alive. Following rSRS, 13 of the 15 (86.6%) lesions were locally controlled with an estimated 100% LC at 6-months and 75% LC at 1- year. However, 11 of the 15 (73.3%) treated lesions developed DBF after rSRS with 3 of 13 patients proceeding to WBRT. Two of 15 (13.3%) resulted in either grade 2 radionecrosis with grade 3 seizures or grade 3 radionecrosis.Conclusion: Repeat SRS represents a potential salvage therapy for patients with locally-recurrent brain metastases, providing additional tumor control with acceptable toxicity, even in the setting of prior SRS and surgical resection. Repeat SRS may be reasonable to use as an alternative to WBRT in this setting

    Isocitrate dehydrogenase mutations suppress STAT1 and CD8+ T cell accumulation in gliomas.

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    Mutations in the isocitrate dehydrogenase genes IDH1 and IDH2 are among the first genetic alterations observed during the development of lower-grade glioma (LGG). LGG-associated IDH mutations confer gain-of-function activity by converting α-ketoglutarate to the oncometabolite R-2-hydroxyglutarate (2HG). Clinical samples and gene expression data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) demonstrate reduced expression of cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated genes and IFN-γ-inducible chemokines, including CXCL10, in IDH-mutated (IDH-MUT) tumors compared with IDH-WT tumors. Given these findings, we have investigated the impact of IDH mutations on the immunological milieu in LGG. In immortalized normal human astrocytes (NHAs) and syngeneic mouse glioma models, the introduction of mutant IDH1 or treatment with 2HG reduced levels of CXCL10, which was associated with decreased production of STAT1, a regulator of CXCL10. Expression of mutant IDH1 also suppressed the accumulation of T cells in tumor sites. Reductions in CXCL10 and T cell accumulation were reversed by IDH-C35, a specific inhibitor of mutant IDH1. Furthermore, IDH-C35 enhanced the efficacy of vaccine immunotherapy in mice bearing IDH-MUT gliomas. Our findings demonstrate a mechanism of immune evasion in IDH-MUT gliomas and suggest that specific inhibitors of mutant IDH may improve the efficacy of immunotherapy in patients with IDH-MUT gliomas

    Characterization of systemic immunosuppression by IDH mutant glioma small extracellular vesicles

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    Background Gliomas are the most common primary brain tumors and are universally fatal. Mutations in the isocitrate dehydrogenase genes (IDH1 and IDH2) define a distinct glioma subtype associated with an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment. Mechanisms underlying systemic immunosuppression in IDH mutant (mutIDH) gliomas are largely unknown. Here, we define genotype-specific local and systemic tumor immunomodulatory functions of tumor-derived glioma small extracellular vesicles (TEX). Methods TEX produced by human and murine wildtype and mutant IDH glioma cells (wtIDH and mutIDH, respectively) were isolated by size exclusion chromatography (SEC). TEX morphology, size, quantity, molecular profiles and biodistribution were characterized. TEX were injected into naive and tumor-bearing mice, and the local and systemic immune microenvironment composition was characterized. Results Using in vitro and in vivo glioma models, we show that mutIDH TEX are more numerous, possess distinct morphological features and are more immunosuppressive than wtIDH TEX. mutIDH TEX cargo mimics their parental cells, and induces systemic immune suppression in naive and tumor-bearing mice. TEX derived from mutIDH gliomas and injected into wtIDH tumor-bearing mice reduce tumor-infiltrating effector lymphocytes, dendritic cells and macrophages, and increase circulating monocytes. Astonishingly, mutIDH TEX injected into brain tumor-bearing syngeneic mice accelerate tumor growth and increase mortality compared with wtIDH TEX. Conclusions Targeting of mutIDH TEX represents a novel therapeutic approach in gliomas

    Single-cell profiling of human gliomas reveals macrophage ontogeny as a basis for regional differences in macrophage activation in the tumor microenvironment

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    Abstract Background Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) are abundant in gliomas and immunosuppressive TAMs are a barrier to emerging immunotherapies. It is unknown to what extent macrophages derived from peripheral blood adopt the phenotype of brain-resident microglia in pre-treatment gliomas. The relative proportions of blood-derived macrophages and microglia have been poorly quantified in clinical samples due to a paucity of markers that distinguish these cell types in malignant tissue. Results We perform single-cell RNA-sequencing of human gliomas and identify phenotypic differences in TAMs of distinct lineages. We isolate TAMs from patient biopsies and compare them with macrophages from non-malignant human tissue, glioma atlases, and murine glioma models. We present a novel signature that distinguishes TAMs by ontogeny in human gliomas. Blood-derived TAMs upregulate immunosuppressive cytokines and show an altered metabolism compared to microglial TAMs. They are also enriched in perivascular and necrotic regions. The gene signature of blood-derived TAMs, but not microglial TAMs, correlates with significantly inferior survival in low-grade glioma. Surprisingly, TAMs frequently co-express canonical pro-inflammatory (M1) and alternatively activated (M2) genes in individual cells. Conclusions We conclude that blood-derived TAMs significantly infiltrate pre-treatment gliomas, to a degree that varies by glioma subtype and tumor compartment. Blood-derived TAMs do not universally conform to the phenotype of microglia, but preferentially express immunosuppressive cytokines and show an altered metabolism. Our results argue against status quo therapeutic strategies that target TAMs indiscriminately and in favor of strategies that specifically target immunosuppressive blood-derived TAMs