5 research outputs found

    Familial risks of esophageal cancer among the Turkmen population of the Caspian littoral of Iran

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    In northeastern Iran, there is an area of high incidence of esophageal cancer, which is populated by residents of Turkmen ancestry. Several environmental risk factors for esophageal cancer have been proposed, but the roles of familial and genetic factors have not been studied extensively in the Turkmen population. We evaluated the importance of familial risk factors for esophageal cancer by performing a case-control study of 167 cases of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and 200 controls of Turkmen ethnicity. Detailed family pedigrees of the cases and controls were constructed, which documented all cancers in first- and second-degree relatives. The actuarial risk of cancer was then estimated in 2,097 first-degree relatives of cases and 2,783 first-degree relatives of the controls. A hazard ratio was constructed, based on a comparison of the 2 cumulative incidence curves. The risk to age 75 of esophageal cancer in the first-degree relatives of Turkmen patients with esophageal cancer was 34% versus 14% for the first-degree relatives of the controls (hazard ratio = 2.3; p = 3 × 10⁻⁸). Cases (9.6%) reported that their parents were related, versus 2.5% of the controls who reported this, (odds ratio = 4.1; p value = 0.006). Familial factors are important in the etiology of esophageal cancer among the Turkmen residents of Iran. The hazard ratio of 2.3 for cancer among first-degree relatives is consistent with an important contribution of heritable factors. It will be of interest to perform marker studies to establish which genes are responsible. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Germline BRCA2 mutations and the risk of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

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    The incidence of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is very high among the Turkmen population of Iran. Family studies suggest a genetic component to the disease. Turkmen are ethnically homogenous and are well suited for genetic studies. A previous study from China suggested that BRCA2 might play a role in the etiology of ESCC. We screened for mutations in the coding region of the BRCA2 gene in the germline DNA of 197 Turkmen patients with ESCC. A nonsense variant, K3326X, was identified in 9 of 197 cases (4.6) vs 2 of 254 controls (0.8) (OR=6.0, 95 CI=1.3-28; P=0.01). This mutation leads to the loss of the C-terminal domain of the BRCA2 protein, a part of the region of interaction with the FANCD2 protein. We observed nine other BRCA2 variants in single cases only, including two deletions, and seven missense mutations. Six of these were judged to be pathogenic. In total, a suspicious deleterious BRCA2 variant was identified in 15 of 197 ESCC cases (7.6). © 2008 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved

    A case series of pediatric COVID-19 with complicated symptoms in Iran

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    People in different age groups are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection as a newly emerging virus. However, the clinical course, symptoms and disease outcome vary from case to case. Although COVID-19 is usually milder in children than adults, some studies reported nonspecific symptoms. Here, we report eight pediatric cases of COVID-19 admitted in the Taleghani Children Hospital in Gorgan city, north of Iran, with complicated symptoms. The current case series poses several challenges to the pediatricians regarding the pediatric cases of COVID-19. As most literature relating to adults are not always transferable to children, clinicians should be warned about such presentations among children with COVID-19. © 2021 Future Medicine Ltd