8,507 research outputs found

    Gap terminology and related combinatorial properties for AVL trees and Fibonacci-isomorphic trees

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    We introduce gaps that are edges or external pointers in AVL trees such that the height difference between the subtrees rooted at their two endpoints is equal to 2. Using gaps we prove the Basic-Theorem that illustrates how the size of an AVL tree (and its subtrees) can be represented by a series of powers of 2 of the heights of the gaps, this theorem is the first such simple formula to characterize the number of nodes in an AVL tree. Then, we study the extreme case of AVL trees, the perfectly unbalanced AVL trees, by introducing Fibonacci-isomorphic trees that are isomorphic to Fibonacci trees of the same height and showing that they have the maximum number of gaps in AVL trees. Note that two ordered trees (such as AVL trees) are isomorphic iff there exists a one-to-one correspondence between their nodes that preserves not only adjacency relations in the trees, but also the roots. In the rest of the paper, we study combinatorial properties of Fibonacci-isomorphic trees. (C) 2018 Kalasalingam University. Publishing Services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Capturing Dynamic Linkages Between Agriculture and Energy in Biofuel Assessment: The Case of Iowa

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    The expansion of biofuel production brought about a signi�icant change in the dynamics between agriculture and energy. In the past, energy prices in�luenced the agricultural sector primarily through agricultural commodity production and transportation costs. Now, because of biofuels, the energy sector impacts the agricultural sector through feedstock demand and prices; and conversely, the agricultural sector now impacts energy prices through its competition in the transportation energy sector. In the past, studies analyzed the impact of biofuel production on agricultural and energy markets separately without accounting for sector feedback. However, in analyzing the impact of biofuels, the interconnectedness between the agricultural and energy sectors should not be ignored


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    This study aimed to identify ways to increase the private income of North Khorasan education. The study was a combination of exploratory design projects in two qualitative and quantitative stages. Due to the quality of the study, the snowball sampling method was used and a total of 22 experts were interviewed. In the quantitative research section, statistical samples were selected from among managers and deputies of the General Administration and financial sector experts in a comprehensive manner. Data analysis and qualitative analysis in the qualitative stage was done by the Foundation's data analysis method and through open coding, central coding, and selective coding, and in a small part, Friedman's test method was used to evaluate and prioritize strategies. Based on the research findings, it was found that privatization and transfer, commercialization, internal resource management, external participation, manpower, and legal-structural measures were among the strategies to increase specific revenues. Also among the specific revenue-generating strategies for training and education were human resource strategies, internal resource management, privatization, and assignment. As a result, officials are encouraged to take effective steps to increase their revenues by properly planning to strengthen and revitalize previous resources and policy and develop new guidelines for using new resources.Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar maneiras de aumentar a renda privada da educação North Khorasan. O estudo foi uma combinação de projetos de design exploratório em duas etapas qualitativas e quantitativas. Devido à qualidade do estudo, o método de amostragem bola de neve foi utilizado e um total de 22 especialistas foram entrevistados. Na seção de pesquisa quantitativa, as amostras estatísticas foram selecionadas entre gerentes e deputados da Administração Geral e especialistas do setor financeiro de forma abrangente. A análise dos dados e a análise qualitativa na etapa qualitativa foram feitas pelo método de análise de dados da Fundação e por meio de codificação aberta, codificação central e codificação seletiva e, em uma pequena parte, o método de teste de Friedman foi utilizado para avaliar e priorizar estratégias. Com base nos resultados da pesquisa, constatou-se que privatização e transferência, comercialização, gestão de recursos internos, participação externa, mão de obra e medidas jurídico-estruturais estavam entre as estratégias para aumentar receitas específicas. Também entre as estratégias específicas de geração de receita para treinamento e educação estavam as estratégias de recursos humanos, gestão de recursos internos, privatização e designação. Como resultado, os funcionários são incentivados a tomar medidas eficazes para aumentar suas receitas, planejando adequadamente para fortalecer e revitalizar os recursos e políticas anteriores e desenvolver novas diretrizes para o uso de novos recursos

    Policy and Competitiveness of U.S. and Brazilian Ethanol

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    I ncreased interest in biofuels can be attributed to environmental, economic, and geo-political factors. Harmful emissions, high crude oil prices, and the growing dependency on foreign oil supplies all provide incentives for pursuing alternative fuel sources. However, the rising importance of ethanol can also be attributed to the desire by countries to develop new markets for agricultural products. This push is currently policy driven, for example, in the United States through the U.S. energy bill. Even Brazil, an established producer and consumer of ethanol, used mandates to encourage the use of ethanol when it launched its ethanol program, the National Alcohol Programme (PROALCOOL), in the mid-1970s

    A Neocolonial Warp of Outmoded Hierarchies, Curricula and Disciplinary Technologies in Trinidad’s Educational System

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    I re-appropriate the image of a space-time warp and its notion of disorientation to argue that colonialism created a warp in Trinidad’s educational system. Through an analysis of school violence and the wider network of structural violence in which it is steeped, I focus on three outmoded aspects as evidence of this warp--hierarchies, curricula and disciplinary technologies--by using data (interviews, documents and observations) from a longitudinal case study at a secondary school in Trinidad. Colonialism was about exclusion, alienation, violence, control and order, and this functionalism persists today; I therefore contend that hierarchies, curricula and disciplinary technologies are all enforcers of these tenets of (neo)colonialism in Trinidad’s schools. I conclude with some nascent thoughts on a Systemic Restorative Praxis (SRP) model as a way of de-stabilizing the warp, by stitching together literature/approaches from systems thinking, restorative justice and Freirean notions of praxis. SRP implies that colonialism (and this modern-day warp) has rendered much psychic and material damage, and that any intervention to address structural violence has to be systemic and iterative in scope and process, include healing, be participatory, and foster an ethic of horizontalization in human relations

    Lingering Colonialities as Blockades to Peace Education: School Violence in Trinidad

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    Book Summary: Bringing together the voices of scholars and practitioners on challenges and possibilities of implementing peace education in diverse global sites, this book addresses key questions for students seeking to deepen their understanding of the field. The book not only highlights ground-breaking and rich qualitative studies from around the globe, but also analyses the limits and possibilities of peace education in diverse contexts of conflict and post-conflict societies. Contributing authors address how educators and learners can make meaning of international peace education efforts, how various forms of peace and violence interact in and around schools, and how the field of peace education has evolved and grown over the past four decades. Chapter Summary: By using data on school violence from field research in Trinidad and Tobago (TT), I argue that in the knowledge production of \u27school violence,\u27 \u27school\u27 is subtracted as a descriptive [term], and in its place is hoisted the category of \u27youth,\u27 inscribed as the \u27Other,\u27 the predominant signifier of violence. In so doing, the predominating discourse about what constitutes school violence itself, and its drivers/\u27causes,\u27 takes on a limiting and individualizing nature. As a result, the principal interventions that emanate from such a discourse are correspondingly narrow and therefore fail to reveal the structural violence in which youth violence in school is embedded. I posit this discursive violence as a lingering coloniality, and thus, as a blockade to the implementation of sustainable peace education in TT\u27s schools. [excerpt

    Implications of a US Carbon Tax on Agricultural Markets and GHG Emissions from Land-use Change

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    Rising concerns about climate change have led to the introduction of carbon policies around the globe. In January 2019, the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend (EICD) Act of 2019 was introduced to the House of Representatives.1 The act proposes a carbon tax of 15/tonofcarbondioxideequivalent(t1CO2e)startingincalendaryear2019,andcoversentitiessuchasrefineries,coalmines,andnaturalgasproducers.Adjustedforinflation,thetaxincreases15/ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (t-1 CO2-e) starting in calendar year 2019, and covers entities such as refineries, coal mines, and natural gas producers. Adjusted for inflation, the tax increases 10 each year and is subject to adjustments given the under- or over-achievement of annual emission reduction targets. The tax ceases if greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are at or below 10% of the 2016 GHG emissions

    Removal of U.S. Ethanol Domestic and Trade Distortions: Impact on U.S. and Brazilian Ethanol Markets

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    We analyze the impact of trade liberalization and removal of the federal tax credit in the United States on U.S. and Brazilian ethanol markets using a multi-market international ethanol model calibrated on 2005 market data and policies. The removal of trade distortions induces a 23.2 percent increase in the price of world ethanol on average between 2006 and 2015 relative to the baseline. The U.S. domestic ethanol price decreases by 14.1 percent, which results in a 7.5 percent decline in production and a 3.2 percent increase in consumption. The lower domestic price leads to a 2.5 percent rise in the share of fuel ethanol in gasoline consumption. U.S. net ethanol imports increase by 192.8 percent. Brazil responds to the higher world ethanol price by increasing its production by 8.8 percent on average. Total ethanol consumption in Brazil decreases by 3.2 percent and net exports increase by 61.9 percent relative to the baseline. The higher ethanol price leads to a 4.7 percent increase in the share of sugarcane used in ethanol production. The removal of trade distortions and 51¢ per gallon tax credit to refiners blending ethanol induces a 22.5 percent increase in the world ethanol price

    Speech by H.E. Amani Abeid Karume former President of Zanzibar on recent developments in North Africa; impact on the Arab World, Africa and the world at large, lessons learned

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    This is the archive of a speech on developments in North Africa given by President Karume of Zanzibar, APC's 7th President in Residence, on March 10, 2011