638 research outputs found

    What\u27s the Buzz on Library Publishing? Developing a Consortial Support Model for Open Access Publishing

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    Library publishing programs, on the rise in the last decade, help libraries more actively participate in the scholarly communications cycle, advance open access, and meet local needs related to the creation and dissemination of scholarship. Buzz and excitement surrounds this topic as part of a growing notion that publishing is an innovative function critical for the libraries of the future. PALNI’s Library Publishing Task Force recently wrapped up its exploration of this emerging consortial service area, and in this webinar Amanda Hurford, Olivia MacIsaac, and Sue Wiegand discussed our findings and recommendations, including the creation of an Admin Team for library publishing services across PALNI

    Profile of photic driving in electroencephalography records at Mohammad Hoesin Hospital Palembang

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    Photic driving (PD) is a normal electroencephalography phenomenon in the parietooccipital region  during intermittent photic stimulation (IPS). The PD response is an indicator that is sensitive to age, brain maturity, certain abnormalities, changes in brain signal and brain complexity. Currently, there is not much  data about the PD response based on individual characteristics. Methods: It is a cross-sectional study with secondary data from EEG and medical records,  from January to December 2017. Result: Of 536 records, only 444 EEG records fulfilled the research criteria. PD response was more common in women (61.4%) and age group between 20-60 years (78.6%). Normal EEG result was 71.4%. PD responses were most commonly diagnosed with epilepsy etiology (33.8%). Only 28.6% of PD responses were found in abnormal EEG results. Conclusion: Distribution showed that the response of PD decreased in older age. The PD response is more common in patients with normal EEG results.  The more abnormal results of EEG, PD response rarely arise

    Screening for HIV Infection in Pregnancy

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    Gerillamarknadsföring - Ett lojalt verktyg?

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    Konsumenter utsätts dagligen för reklam i form av traditionell masskommunikation, så frekvent att de knappt lägger märke till den överhuvudtaget. Spelreglerna för verksam och lönsam marknadsföring har idag omskrivits och därmed har effektiviteten hos traditionell marknadsföring minskat med tiden. Forskare påstår däremot att gerillamarknadsföring är en typ av marknadsföring som ökar i effektivitet. Gerillamarknadsföring är samlingsnamnet för många innovativa marknadsföringsverktyg som syftar till att överraska, skapa stor uppmärksamhet och spridas genom word of mouth. I denna uppsats har vi undersökt hur sambandet mellan gerillamarknadsföring, word of mouth och kundlojalitet förhåller sig. Studiens resultat visar att karaktären på spridningen (positiv/negativ) beror på de reaktioner och känslor som väcks hos konsumenterna som följd av en gerillamarknadsföringskampanj. Genomtänkta, innovativa, oväntade och humoristiska kampanjer tycks väcka positiva känslor hos mottagarna något som kan leda till ökad kundlojalitet och spridning av positiv word of mouth. Vårt resultat visar vidare att negativa känslor väcks vid exempelvis provocerande och oetiska gerillamarknadsföringskampanjer vilket i sin tur leder till negativ word of mouth och missgynnar mottagarens kundlojalitet gentemot företaget i fråga.Consumers are exposed daily to advertising in the form of traditional mass communication, so frequent that they hardly notice it at all. The game rules for effective and profitable marketing today has been featured and thus the effectiveness of traditional marketing decreased with time. Scientists’ say, however, that guerrilla marketing is a type of marketing that increases in efficiency. Guerrilla marketing is the umbrella name for many innovative marketing tools that aims to surprise, create attention and spread by word of mouth. In this paper, we studied how the relationship between guerrilla marketing, word of mouth and customer loyalty relate. Our results demonstrate that the nature of the word of mouth (positive / negative) depends on the reactions and emotions brought by consumers as a result of a guerrilla marketing campaign. Thoughtful, innovative, unexpected and humorous campaigns seem to arouse positive emotions of the receivers, which can lead to increased customer loyalty, and spread of positive word of mouth. Our results further show that negative emotions are brought in the example of provocative and unethical guerrilla marketing campaigns, which in turn leads to negative word of mouth and disadvantages recipient's loyalty towards the company in question

    The Case for Investing in King Countys Black-Led Organizations

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    Black residents in King County have faced immeasurable layers of harm, due to systemic racism, redlining, underemployment, the school-to-prison pipeline, and the implementation of systematic barriers, which have prevented Blacks from accessing traditional pathways to wealth and economic security in the region. In alignment with its commitment to advancing racial equity and in support of Black residents, Seattle Foundation invested in learning how to better support the work of Black-led organizations (BLOs) through a partnership with Byrd Barr Place and Cardea. The project team worked to explore the strengths, challenges, and opportunities for alignment across BLOs.The intent of this report is to enhance funders' understanding of local BLOs, so they can provide tailored philanthropic support that meets the needs of BLOs and so BLOs in the King County region can better understand each other's work

    Gross Motor Interventions Support Play Engagement in Children with Developmental Delays: An Evidence-Based Practice Project

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    The overall focus of each of case scenarios are related to assessment or interventions that are related to Choosing Wisely Campaign items 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10. Case scenarios were developed related to each initiative with clientele and conditions across the lifespan in various practice settings. Practice settings included school district, outpatient pediatric, primary care, skilled nursing facility, work rehabilitation, and acute care

    The Effect of Single-Leg Stance on Dancer and Control Group Static Balance

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 9(2): 110-120, 2016. The purpose of this study was to compare kinetic differences of static balance between female dancers (D) with at least seven years of dance experience and female non-dancers (ND) who were typical college students. Participants were tested in single-leg stance. Both the dominant leg (DL) and non-dominant leg (NDL) were tested with the participants shod (S) and barefoot (BF). Kinetic variables (vertical, medio-lateral [ML], antero-posterior [AP] maximum ground reaction forces (GRF), and center of pressure (COP) ML and AP) were measured by a Bertec force platform at 1000 Hz with participants S and BF. Each subject’s stance was measured over 3 x 30-second intervals. No significant differences (p≥0.05) existed between groups for height, body mass, or age. Significant differences existed between groups for balance time, AP GRF in both BF and S conditions for both DL and NDL, and ML GRF in BF NDL and S DL and NDL conditions. D and ND in BF and S conditions with DL and NDL static stance demonstrate different AP and ML GRF when balancing over a 30-second time interval. Data may suggest that ND are more prone to lose their balance. Further investigation is warranted to understand whether individuals in the rehabilitative field and athletic populations can use dance therapy for injury prevention and rehabilitation