3 research outputs found

    Description of Maternal Age, Parity, and Birth Spacing, in Infants with Low Birthweight in Karawang, West Java

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    Background: Low birth weight (LBW) is a major public health problem in low income countries. LBW is associated with a range of both short and long term consequences. Maternal and fetal factors may determine the risk of LBW. This study aimed to describe the maternal age, parity, and birth spacing, ininfants with LBW, in Karawang, West Java. Subjects and Method: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted at Citra Sari Husada hospital, Karawang, West Java. A sample of 70 infants with low birth weight was selected by simple random sampling. The study variables were age, parity, birth spacing, and history of delivery of previous LBW babies. The data were taken from medical records. The data of each variable were described in percent. Results: The cumulative incidence of LBW infantsin 2014 was 386 cases (20.29%) of the 1902 mothers who gave birth at Citra Sari Husada hospital, Karawang, West Java. Mothers who gave birth to LBW were mostly 20-35 years old (61.42%), 74.28% 2-3 parity, 81.42% ≥2 years birth spacing, and 92% had history of LBW baby in previous pregnancy. Conclusion: The incidence of LBW has been described by maternal age, parity, birth spacing, and history of LBW in previous pregnancy. Keywords: maternal age, parity, birth spacing, low birthweigh

    The Associations between Metabolic Syndrom Components and Chronic Renal Disease at Gatot Subroto Hospital, Jakarta

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    Background: The incidence of chronic renal disease in Indonesia is increasing. Metabolic syndrome is one of the risk factors of chronic renal disease. Insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes mellitus, high fasting-blood glucose, glucose intolerance), hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, low serum HDL level, obesity, and micro albuminuria are components of metabolic syndrome according to WHO criteria. Metabolic syndrome causes chronic inflammation and eventually damages renal cells. This study aimed to examine the associations between metabolic syndrom components and chronic renal disease. Subjects and Method: This was a cross sectional study carried out at Gatot Subroto Hospital, Jakarta. A sample of 113 patients with chronic renal disease was selected for this study. The dependent variable was patient of chronic renal disease. The independent variable was metabolic syndrome components based on WHO criteria. The data of chronic renal disease were obtained from the medical record. The data were described in percent and analyzed by a multiple logistic regression. Results: Of all 113 patients with chronic renal disease sample in this study, 66 (58.4%) had metabolic syndrome. Chronic renal disease was associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (OR= 8.29; 95% CI= 0.77 to 52.50; p= 0.049) and high fasting-blood glucose level (OR= 6.34; 95% CI= 1.01 to 68.08; p= 0.087). Conclusion: Type 2 diabetes mellitus and high fasting-blood glucose level are associated with an increased risk of chronic renal disease. Keywords: chronic renal disease, metabolic syndrome, risk facto

    Peningkatan Peran Antenatal Care (ANC) dan Pemanfaatan TOGA dalam Kehamilan di Puskesmas Sawangan Depok

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    ENHANCING OF ANC AND UTILIZATION OF TOGA IN PREGNANCY AT SAWANGAN DEPOK. Women's and children's health problems today remain a global challenge and need remedial action. Maternal death is the death of a woman during pregnancy or death within 42 days of termination of pregnancy. Antenatal care (ANC) is an attempt to prevent the causes of morbidity and mortality in pregnant women and children. During pregnancy various physiological changes occur in pregnant women, this certainly has an impact on the psychology and health of pregnant women. TOGA (Family medicinal plants) can be used to help overcome this uncomfortable situation. Plants that can be used by pregnant women include, such as ginger, red spinach, red betel, green betel, tomatoes, and broccoli. There is a possibility of abnormalities such as bleeding, preeclampsia, and infection during pregnancy. Therefore there is a need for monitoring in the form of Antenatal Care during pregnancy and the mother's understanding of early detection of the risk of abnormalities during pregnancy. This community service is carried out to increase community knowledge around the Sawangan Depok Community Health Center about the importance of ANC and the use of TOGA in pregnant women as well as training in the introduction of several abnormalities and emergencies during pregnancy through counseling with lecture media, pamphlets and pocketbooks on ANC and the use of TOGA. This activity went well and the results can be seen there is an increase in the results of the posttest compared to the pretest, and statistically, there are significant differences