7 research outputs found

    Development of instrumented textiles incorporating organic electrodes for bio-potential measurements

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    Les maladies cardiovasculaires sont les premières causes de mortalités dans le monde. La manière la plus efficace de combattre ces maladies est le suivi en temps réel de l’électrocardiogramme (ECG) qui traduit les signaux électriques générés par les cellules cardiaques. Le signal ECG fournit aux cardiologues toutes les informations nécessaires pour diagnostiquer les pathologies cardiaques. De nos jours, l’électrocardiogramme s’enregistre en cabinet à l’aide d’électrodes cutanées à base d’argent et chlorure de l’argent (Ag/AgCl). Celles-ci ne sont pas conçues pour un usage prolongé et peuvent provoquer des irritations de la peau à cause du gel ionique qui les compose et qui sert à réduire l’impédance de l’interface électrode/peau. Dans cette thèse, des électrodes textiles flexibles fonctionnant sans aucun gel ionique ont été développées en tant qu’alternatives aux électrodes médicales (Ag/AgCl). Notre approche est basée sur la modification d’encres conductrices à base du polymère intrinsèquement conducteur, le poly (3,4-éthylènedioxythiophène) poly(styrènesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) compatible avec les substrats textiles choisis. La réalisation des électrodes fait appel à des techniques de fabrication qui peuvent être transférées facilement à l’industrie textile. Des caractérisations ont été mises en places afin d’évaluer la fiabilité de ces systèmes avant et après 50 lavages en machine de laboratoire et domestique. En l’occurrence, la résistivité surfacique des électrodes-capteurs, la modélisation de l’interface électrode/peau, l’analyse du signal ECG en statique et en dynamique, la densité spectrale de puissance du signal ECG, le rapport signal sur bruit (SNR) ont été analysés et comparés à des électrodes commerciales à base d’argent. Comme nos électrodes-capteurs développées possèdent un véritable potentiel clinique et industriel, nous avons également étudié la faisabilité de la connectique et sa durabilité. La solution retenue se compose de deux fils conducteurs en polyamide argenté, existants sur le marché, brodés pour réaliser les connexions entre les électrodes-capteurs textiles et un module électronique flexible à base d’un film composite (polyester-aluminium). De plus deux méthodes d’encapsulation des systèmes ont été également développées en vue de leur protection au lavage et futur commercialisation.Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. The most effective way to combat these diseases is the real-time monitoring of the electrocardiogram (ECG) that reflect the electrical signals generated by the heart cells. The ECG signal provides to cardiologists all the information needed to diagnose heart diseases. So far, the electrocardiogram is recorded by using the cutaneous conventional medical electrodes (Ag/AgCl) based on silver and silver chloride. These electrodes are not destined for long-term use and can provoke skin irritation because of the ionic gel that serves to reduce the impedance of the electrode / skin interface. In this thesis, flexible textile electrodes operating without any ionic gel have been developed as alternatives to medical electrodes (Ag/AgCl). Our approach is based on the modification of conductive inks based on the intrinsically conductive polymer, poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) poly (styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT: PSS) compatible with selected textile substrates. The realization of the electrodes uses manufacturing techniques that can be easily transferred to the textile industry. Characterizations were set up to evaluate the reliability of these systems before and after 50 washes in laboratory and domestic machines. In this case, the surface resistivity of the electrodes-sensors, the modeling of the electrode/skin interface, the analysis of the ECG signal in static and dynamic, the spectral power density of the ECG signal, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) were analyzed and compared to commercial silver-based electrodes. As our developed sensor electrodes have a real clinical and industrial potential, we have also studied the feasibility of the connection and its durability. The chosen solution consists of two silver-plated polyamide threads, which are available on the market, embroidered to make the connections between the textile sensor electrodes and a flexible electronic module based on a composite film (polyester-aluminum). In addition, two encapsulation methods have also been developed to protect systems during washing and to make them ready for the market

    Washable and Reliable Textile Electrodes Embedded into Underwear Fabric for Electrocardiography (ECG) Monitoring

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    A medical quality electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is necessary for permanent monitoring, and an accurate heart examination can be obtained from instrumented underwear only if it is equipped with high-quality, flexible, textile-based electrodes guaranteeing low contact resistance with the skin. The main objective of this article is to develop reliable and washable ECG monitoring underwear able to record and wirelessly send an ECG signal in real time to a smart phone and further to a cloud. The article focuses on textile electrode design and production guaranteeing optimal contact impedance. Therefore, different types of textile fabrics were coated with modified poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) in order to develop and manufacture reliable and washable textile electrodes assembled to female underwear (bras), by sewing using commercially available conductive yarns. Washability tests of connected underwear containing textile electrodes and conductive threads were carried out up to 50 washing cycles. The influence of standardized washing cycles on the quality of ECG signals and the electrical properties of the textile electrodes were investigated and characterized

    Washable and Reliable Textile Electrodes Embedded into Underwear Fabric for Electrocardiography (ECG) Monitoring

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    A medical quality electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is necessary for permanent monitoring, and an accurate heart examination can be obtained from instrumented underwear only if it is equipped with high-quality, flexible, textile-based electrodes guaranteeing low contact resistance with the skin. The main objective of this article is to develop reliable and washable ECG monitoring underwear able to record and wirelessly send an ECG signal in real time to a smart phone and further to a cloud. The article focuses on textile electrode design and production guaranteeing optimal contact impedance. Therefore, different types of textile fabrics were coated with modified poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) in order to develop and manufacture reliable and washable textile electrodes assembled to female underwear (bras), by sewing using commercially available conductive yarns. Washability tests of connected underwear containing textile electrodes and conductive threads were carried out up to 50 washing cycles. The influence of standardized washing cycles on the quality of ECG signals and the electrical properties of the textile electrodes were investigated and characterized

    Washable embroidered textile electrodes for long-term electrocardiography monitoring

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    The improvement of human health condition is an important objective that remains relevant since the origin of human being. Currently, cardiovascular diseases are the first cause of death worldwide. For this reason, permanent real-time monitoring of heart activity (Electrocardiogram: ECG), its analysis and alerting of concerned person is a solution to decrease the death toll provoked by heart diseases. ECG signal of medical quality is necessary for permanent monitoring and accurate heart examining. It can be obtained from instrumented underwear only if it is equipped with high quality, flexible textile based electrodes guaranteeing low contact resistance between the skin and them. This work is therefore devoted to the design and test of wearable textile embroidered bands following defined protocol for ECG long-term monitoring. These bands were investigated in three configurations: band without any adding layer to protect lines between electrodes and the connector, band with lines protected by simple yarn, band with lines protected with thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). Bands were worn around chest by healthy subjects in a sitting position and ECG signals were acquired by an Arduino-based device and assessed. Washability tests of connected underwear were carried out over 50 washing cycles in a domestic machine and by using a commercial detergent. Influence of encapsulation process on the electrical properties of textile electrodes during repetitive washing process has also been investigated and analyzed. All the ECG signals acquired and recorded have been reviewed by a cardiologist in order to validate their quality required for accurate diagnosis

    Ambulatory Evaluation of ECG Signals Obtained Using Washable Textile-Based Electrodes Made with Chemically Modified PEDOT:PSS

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    A development of washable PEDOT:PSS (poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate) polyamide textile-based electrodes is an interesting alternative to the traditional Ag/AgCl disposable electrodes, usually used in clinical practice, helping to improve medical assessment and treatment before apparition or progress of patients’ cardiovascular symptoms. This study was conducted in order to determine whether physical properties of PEDOT:PSS had a significant impact on the coated electrode’s electrocardiogram (ECG) signal quality, particularly after 50 washing cycles in a domestic laundry machine. Tests performed, included the comparison of two PEDOT:PSS solutions, in term of viscosity with emphasis on wetting tests, including surface tension and contact angle measurements. In addition, polyamide textile fabrics were used as substrate to make thirty electrodes and to characterize the amount of PEDOT:PSS absorbed as a function of time. The results showed that surface tension of PEDOT:PSS had a significant impact on the wetting of polyamide textile fabric and consequently on the absorbed amount. In fact, lower values of surface tension of the solution lead to low values contact angles between PEDOT:PSS and textile fabric (good wettability). Before washing, no significant difference has been observed among signal-to-noise ratios measured (SNR) for coated electrodes by the two PEDOT:PSS solutions. However, after 50 washing cycles, SNR decreased strongly for electrodes coated by the solution that had low viscosity, since it contained less solid contents. That was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy images (SEM) and also by analyzing the color change of electrodes based on the calculation of CIELAB color space coordinates. Moreover, spectral power density of recorded ECG signals has been computed and presented. All cardiac waves were still visible in the ECG signals after 50 washing cycles. Furthermore, an experienced cardiologist considered that all the ECG signals acquired were acceptable. Accordingly, our newly developed polyamide textile-based electrodes seem to be suitable for long-term monitoring. The study also provided new insights into the better choice of PEDOT:PSS formulation as a function of a specific process in order to manufacture cheaper electrodes faster