11 research outputs found

    Hand Foot and Mouth Disease in Adults - A Case Report

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    A doença de mãos-pés-boca é uma infecção viral, mais frequentemente causada pelos vírus coxsackie A16 e enterovírus 71, que afecta preferencialmente crianças com idade inferior a 10 anos. Geralmente é uma doença benigna, caracterizada por febre e vesículas na boca e extremidades distais, mas também pode associar-se a complicações mais graves com meningoencefalite ou miocardite. Os autores reportam um caso de DMPB num adulto imunocompetente, com 27 anos de idade, que apresentava pápulas das mãos, pés e cavidade oral, algumas com progressão posterior para vesículas. A exuberância do quadro clínico e curso mais prolongado da doença também constituíram características pouco usuais

    Cutaneous Tuberculosis. A Case Report

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    Apesar de a tuberculose cutânea (TBC) compreender apenas entre 0,1 a 4,4 por cento de todos os casos de tuberculose, é importante para os clínicos considerarem esta infecção quando confrontados com uma lesão cutânea de etiologia não esclarecida. Além do M. tuberculosis, também os bacilos M. bovis e Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) podem causar infecção da pele. A tuberculose cutânea “verdadeira” pode ser adquirida por via exógena (quando há inoculação directa do bacilo na pele), ou endógena, e apresenta um largo espectro de apresentações clínicas. Reportamos um caso de escrofuloderma (envolvimento da pele por contiguidade a partir de um outro foco de infecção), com linfadenite tuberculosa e envolvimento da clavícula, numa mulher imunocompetente

    Assessing composition in modeling approaches

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    Modeling approaches are based on various paradigms, e.g., aspect-oriented, feature-oriented, object-oriented, and logic-based. Modeling approaches may cover requirements models to low-level design models, are developed for various purposes, use various means of composition, and thus are difficult to compare. However, such comparisons are critical to help practitioners know under which conditions approaches are most applicable, and how they might be successfully generalized and combined to achieve end-to-end methods. This paper reports on work done at the 2nd International Comparing Modeling Approaches (CMA) workshop towards the goal of identifying potential comprehensive modeling methodologies with a particular emphasis on composition: (i) an improved set of comparison criteria; (ii) 19 assessments of modeling approaches based on the comparison criteria and a common, focused case study

    Specifying Structural Properties and Their Constraints Formally, Visually and Modularly Using VCL

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    The value of visual representations in software engineering is widely recognised. This paper addresses the problem of formality and rigour in visual-based descriptions of software systems. It proposes a new language, VCL, designed to be visual, formal and modular, targeting abstract specification at level of requirements, and that aims at expressing visually what is not visually expressible using mainstream visual languages, such as UML. This paper presents and illustrates VCL's approach to structural modelling based on the VCL notations of structural and constraint diagrams with a case study. VCL's contributions lie in its modularity mechanisms, and the support for two alternative styles of visual constraint modelling (one closer to set theory expressions and based on Euler diagrams, the other closer to predicate calculus and based on object graphs)

    Comparison of Formalisation Approaches of UML Class Constructs in Z and Object-Z

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    UML, and other object-oriented approaches to system specification and design, are increasingly popular in industry. Many attempts have been made to formalise either the notations, the system models produced using these notations, or both. However, there have been no attempts to compare the expressiveness of the formal approaches. This paper compares Z and Object-Z approaches to object-oriented formalisation

    Aspect-Oriented Model Development at Different Levels of Abstraction

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    The last decade has seen the development of diverse aspect- oriented modeling (AOM) approaches. This paper presents eight different AOM approaches that produce models at different level of abstraction. The approaches are different with respect to the phases of the development lifecycle they target, and the support they provide for model composition and verification. The approaches are illustrated by models of the same concern from a case study to enable comparing of their expressive means. Understanding common elements and differences of approaches clarifies the role of aspect-orientation in the software development process

    Assessing composition in modeling approaches

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    Modeling approaches are based on various paradigms, e.g., aspect-oriented, feature-oriented, object-oriented, and logic-based. Modeling approaches may cover requirements models to low-level design models, are developed for various purposes, use various means of composition, and thus are difficult to compare. However, such comparisons are critical to help practitioners know under which conditions approaches are most applicable, and how they might be successfully generalized and combined to achieve end-to-end methods. This paper reports on work done at the 2nd International Comparing Modeling Approaches (CMA) workshop towards the goal of identifying potential comprehensive modeling methodologies with a particular emphasis on composition: (i) an improved set of comparison criteria; (ii) 19 assessments of modeling approaches based on the comparison criteria and a common, focused case study