7 research outputs found


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    This research was conducted in Lapandewa Makmur Village of Lapandewa sub-district of South Buton Regency, which takes place from June to July 2015. The aims of this research were : 1) to know what the area of land, seed, fertilizer, tanager labor simulates significant effect on farm incomes onion; 2) whether a land area is a partially significant effect on farm incomes onion; 3) whether the seed is partially significant effect on farm incomes onion; 4) whether the fertilizer is partially significant effect on farm incomes onion; 5) whether the workforce is partially significant effect on farm incomes onion. The purpose of this research were; 1) to determine the effect of land seed fertilizer, and labor on the farm income of onion, 2) to determine the effect of land on onion farming income, 3) to determine the effec1 of seed on onion farming income, 4) to determine the effect of fertilizer on onion farming income, 5) to determine the effect of employment on onion farming income. The population in this research is the overall farmers who cultivate plants of onion totaling 160 people. The determination of samples was done by simple random sampling so that the number of samples obtained as many as 40 people. Furthermore, the data tabulated and analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis techniques to find out whether there is an influence of socio-economic characteristics of the respondent against the productivity of farmers in onion farming. The results of the analysis conducted regression equation Y = 628566.433 + 5166123.665X1 + 0.0821X2 + 13.646X3 - 0.103X4 + e; The results of the research suggest that there as significant factors of production on onion farming income with adjusted R Square at 0.514. This shows that the factors of production together have the same influence on onion farming income of 51.4% and the remaining 48.6% is influenced by other factors. The value of significance for land area (X1) =0.026; seeds (X2) = 0.893; fertilizer (X3) = 0.024; labor (X4) = 0.854. The value of the probability obtained each of these variables is smaller when compared to the significance or confidence level 5%> or 0.05 then it can be said of the variable land area and fertilizer have significant effect, while labor (X4) and seeds (X2) have not significantly affected the revenues of onion farming.  Keywords: revenue, costs of production, coco


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    Abstract The problems in this study are (1) how much income earned by farmers from seaweed cultivation activities in Sandi Village, South Kaledupa District (2) How much is the feasibility value of seaweed cultivation by farmers (3) How is the structure of the seaweed market in the Village South Kaledupa District. This research was carried out with the aim to determine (1) the income received by seaweed farmers (2) to determine the feasibility value of seaweed farming (3) to determine the seaweed market structure in Sandi Village, South Kaledupa District. The population in this study were all farmers who cultivated seaweed which amounted to 50 people. Determination of respondents is done by census method by taking all farmers totaling 50 respondents. The results showed that the average income obtained by farmers within 6 months amounted to IDR. 5,576,000 with an average rope length of 1277 meters used by farmers, with an income of IDR 929,333 per capita per month. That seaweed business is feasible to be cultivated and developed. The market structure faced by each marketing agency for seaweed in Sandi village is the same. Farmers and village collectors face an oligopsony market structure. Dry seaweed produced by respondents after being sold to exporters, the seaweed sold back to the Industry in Surabaya to be managed and processed further so that the market structure faced by large traders (exporters) lead to the oligopoly market. Keywords: income, feasibility, market structure, seawee


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    This research was conducted in Balobone Village, Mawasangka Sub-district, Central Buton Regency. Coconut farmers in Balobone village have problems, in addition to the low quality of copra as well as price fluctuations in a short time often occur in copra marketing so that it affects the marketing efficiency that is formed. For this reason, a comprehensive assessment of the most efficient copra marketing system needs to be carried out, so that it can provide a proportional income contribution for farmers. The objectives of this study are: (1) Knowing copra marketing channels in Balobone Village; (2) Knowing the number of costs, margins and profits received by each marketing institution involved in copra marketing in Balobone Village; (3) Analyzing copra market performance in Balobone Village through analysis of marketing margins and producer share. The sampling procedure is carried out in an institutional approach with a snowball sampling method with the amount adjusted to field conditions and research analysis needs. Marketing channel analysis is done descriptively qualitatively to see the pattern of marketing channels formed during the copra drainage process from producer farmers to exporter traders. The conclusions of the research are (1) Farmers in marketing copra produced through 2 patterns of marketing channels, namely: a. The pattern I Marketing Channels: Inter-island Traders Surabaya Big Surabaya Traders. (2) The result of Analysis of Marketing Margin 1 received by traders shows that the marketing margin of the village collecting trader is IDR 600/Kg, costs IDR 350/Kg, Profits IDR 250/Kg, while the marketing margin of the big traders in Baubau Town is IDR 3,700/kg, with the cost IDR 1,354.5/kg, the profit received is IDR 2,543.5 / kg. Pattern 2 marketing margin received by inter-island traders is IDR 4,300, with a total cost of IDR 1,354.5/Kg, with a profit of IDR 2,945.5/Kg; (3) The percentage of the price received by farmers from each of the marketing channels I patterns is 53% and the marketing channel pattern 2 is 53. Thus, the copra marketing system of the 2 marketing channel patterns formed in Balobone Village is efficient. Farmers, Village Traders, Large Village Traders, Large Traders I (Exporters); (b) Marketing Channel Pattern II: Farmers.   Keywords: Copra, marketing margins, marketing channel


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    The coffee development strategy in Kaongke-ongkea village is dominant in the valley area and is still limited to sloping areas. Although the water potential is very large, coffee processing in Kaongke-ongkea village is not yet electrically based. This is caused by undeveloped farmer institutions (BPTP Balitbang, Southeast Sulawesi, 2016). Facilities and infrastructure provide a very important role in supporting economic activities in the village of Kaongke-ongkea. The differences in the spatial patterns of land area, labor, production, and farmer capital are very important. If this can be optimized, it can maximize greater profits for the Kaongke-ongkea Village in particularly and Pasarwajo Sub-district in general. The aditional value of a commodity provides a very important role for regional economic growth so that in the development of an area it must pay attention to the issue because it can harm the regional economy (Bendavid-Val, 1991). The fundamental thing besides the marketing aspect is the large transportation costs incurred by coffee farmers due to the long distance from the coffee plantation to the market. Differences in the distribution of coffee commodities in various locations cause costs (Rustiadi et al. 2011). The pattern of the distribution of the amount of income and the level of knowledge of coffee processing has an impact on the pattern of demand for coffee commodities. These differences in spatial patterns make inter-regional linkages very important for the stability of the economy of Kaongke-ongkea Village. In addition, the type of coffee industry tree character needs to be known in determining the extent of farmers' knowledge and technology used in coffee processing so that the added value of coffee from Kaongke-ongkea Village can be increased to certified processing (brand). Coffee producers certify products to increase the added value of coffee so that the character of the authenticity of the product based on its origin can be maintained (Botelho et al. 2017).   Keywords: Development strategy, coffee, marketing, SWO

    The Behavior and Market Efficiency of Aglaonema Ornamental Plants in Baubau

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    This research aims to look at the behavior and market efficiency of Aglaonema ornamental plants in Baubau, Indonesia. Furthermore, each agency's marketing channels, margins, expenses, and benefits are analyzed for technical and economic efficiency. In addition, 40 farmers were sampled using the census technique, and an institutional approach was taken utilizing the snowball method. The findings demonstrate that the quantity of customer demand determines market pricing behavior. The cost of the ornamental plants is paid in cash at the time of purchase, and there has been cooperation between traders with communication to ensure the number of ornamental plants purchased and an agreement on the payment system that will be given after the plants are sold, resulting in good cooperation. Intertwined does not rely on dealers providing financing to farmers. Furthermore, channel patterns 1,2 and 3 have no Marketing Efficiency, whereas channel 4 patterns have 46 percent and channel 5 patterns have a ratio of 48 percent. As a result, channels 4 and 5 are deemed inefficient


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    This research was conducted in Lapandewa Makmur Village of Lapandewa sub-district of South Buton Regency, which takes place from June to July 2015. The aims of this research were : 1) to know what the area of land, seed, fertilizer, tanager labor simulates significant effect on farm incomes onion; 2) whether a land area is a partially significant effect on farm incomes onion; 3) whether the seed is partially significant effect on farm incomes onion; 4) whether the fertilizer is partially significant effect on farm incomes onion; 5) whether the workforce is partially significant effect on farm incomes onion. The purpose of this research were; 1) to determine the effect of land seed fertilizer, and labor on the farm income of onion, 2) to determine the effect of land on onion farming income, 3) to determine the effec1 of seed on onion farming income, 4) to determine the effect of fertilizer on onion farming income, 5) to determine the effect of employment on onion farming income. The population in this research is the overall farmers who cultivate plants of onion totaling 160 people. The determination of samples was done by simple random sampling so that the number of samples obtained as many as 40 people. Furthermore, the data tabulated and analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis techniques to find out whether there is an influence of socio-economic characteristics of the respondent against the productivity of farmers in onion farming. The results of the analysis conducted regression equation Y = 628566.433 + 5166123.665X1 + 0.0821X2 + 13.646X3 - 0.103X4 + e; The results of the research suggest that there as significant factors of production on onion farming income with adjusted R Square at 0.514. This shows that the factors of production together have the same influence on onion farming income of 51.4% and the remaining 48.6% is influenced by other factors. The value of significance for land area (X1) =0.026; seeds (X2) = 0.893; fertilizer (X3) = 0.024; labor (X4) = 0.854. The value of the probability obtained each of these variables is smaller when compared to the significance or confidence level 5%> or 0.05 then it can be said of the variable land area and fertilizer have significant effect, while labor (X4) and seeds (X2) have not significantly affected the revenues of onion farming.  Keywords: revenue, costs of production, coco

    Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Cemilan Kacang Tanah (Arachis Hypogaea) Studi Kasus Pada Home Industry Rapo-Rapo Di Kota Raha Kabupaten Muna

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan: untuk mengetahui kelemahan, kekuatan, peluang dan ancaman yang mempengaruhi pemasaran cemilan kacang tanah (Arachis hypogaea) pada Home Industry Rapo-Rapo di Kota Raha Kabupaten Muna serta untuk merumuskan strategi pemasaran yang sesuai untuk diterapkan pada Home Industry Rapo-Rapo cemilan kacang tanah di Kota Raha Kabupaten Muna. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Maret 2021 di Home Industry Rapo-Rapo, Kota Raha, Kabupaten Muna. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah pelaku usaha Home Industry Rapo-Rapo cemilan kacang tanah. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis strategi pemasaran, analisis faktor internal dan eksternal melalui analisis SWOT  dan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa berdasarkan matriks SWOT maka prioritas utama startegi  pada Home Industry Rapo-Rapo cemilan kacang tanah di Kota Raha Kabupaten Muna adalah berada pada kuadran I (Progresif), yaitu Strategi S-O (Strength-Opportunity) atau strategi kekuatan-peluang “Daya guna Home Industry Rapo-Rapo cemilan kacang tanah yang memiliki status usaha sendiri, memiliki kemasan prodak yang sudah memenuhi standar menyebabkan Rapo-Rapo cemilan kacang tanah berkualitas sangat baik, dalam merebut dan menciptakan peluang inovasi bentuk produk, dan produk sudah dikenal sebagai oleh-oleh melalui penggunaan media sosial sebagai media pemasaran"