10 research outputs found

    Stock market prediction using machine learning classifiers and social media, news

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    Accurate stock market prediction is of great interest to investors; however, stock markets are driven by volatile factors such as microblogs and news that make it hard to predict stock market index based on merely the historical data. The enormous stock market volatility emphasizes the need to effectively assess the role of external factors in stock prediction. Stock markets can be predicted using machine learning algorithms on information contained in social media and financial news, as this data can change investors’ behavior. In this paper, we use algorithms on social media and financial news data to discover the impact of this data on stock market prediction accuracy for ten subsequent days. For improving performance and quality of predictions, feature selection and spam tweets reduction are performed on the data sets. Moreover, we perform experiments to find such stock markets that are difficult to predict and those that are more influenced by social media and financial news. We compare results of different algorithms to find a consistent classifier. Finally, for achieving maximum prediction accuracy, deep learning is used and some classifiers are ensembled. Our experimental results show that highest prediction accuracies of 80.53% and 75.16% are achieved using social media and financial news, respectively. We also show that New York and Red Hat stock markets are hard to predict, New York and IBM stocks are more influenced by social media, while London and Microsoft stocks by financial news. Random forest classifier is found to be consistent and highest accuracy of 83.22% is achieved by its ensemble

    The integrated academic information system support for education 3.0 in higher education institution: lecturer perspective

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    Education 3.0 has been implemented in many higher education institutions (HEIs). Education 3.0 has been directed the institution toward better educational experience. But on the other hands, the implementation of Education 3.0 also caused some problems. Previous research has found administrative problem experienced by the lecturer. This research explores deeper from the lecturer and suggested the solution from lecturer perspective, combined with information technology capabilities owned by the HEIs. The research used a case study as the method and conducted a qualitative research with a semi-structured interview. The interview analysis has found that the increase of the administrative processes is caused by online and offline administrative activities. The online activities are from e-learning and the offline activities are from traditional learning (face-to-face). The administrative processes also involved the academic information system (AIS). Simplified all of the administrative processes are more preferred. To overcome the problems, integrating the AIS and e-learning become necessary. This research suggests transforming the existing AIS into an integrated AIS and hopes the solution can simplify the administration process

    Lysozyme as an alternative to antibiotics improves growth, antioxidants status, immunity, and intestinal bacteria in broiler chickens during the fattening period

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    The present study aimed to evaluate the impact of dietary lysozyme levels on the growth performance, hematological and blood biochemical parameters, immunity, antioxidant capacity, and intestinal microbial count in broiler chickens. Three-hundred 1 d old birds (Cobb-avian500) were used and divided into five groups (five replicates per group, 60 birds per replicate). Birds in the first group were fed a control diet, while birds in the second, third, fourth, and fifth groups were fed the control diet with 0.2 g lincomycin, 1 g commercial lysozyme, 25 mg chicken egg lysozyme, and 50 mg egg lysozyme per kg of diet, respectively. Results confirmed that, in comparison with the control diet, all supplements had greater impacts on final body weight and body weight gain, and only the egg lysozyme diet (50 mg kg−1 diet) increased feed intake. Lincomycin, commercial lysozyme, and egg lysozyme (25 mg) improved the feed conversion ratio (FCR). Birds fed commercial lysozyme and egg lysozymes showed significantly increased hemoglobin and red blood cell counts. All supplements reduced white blood cells, heterophils, and heterophils / lymphocytes ratio and increased lymphocytes. All supplements significantly increased serum total protein, albumin, globulin, and glucose. The diet of egg lysozyme (50 mg kg−1) significantly decreased alpha-globulin, alanine aminotransferase, triglycerides, cholesterol, and urea levels and increased high-density lipoproteins. Diets with lincomycin, commercial lysozyme, and egg lysozyme significantly increased antioxidant capacity and decreased malondialdehyde (MDA). The interferon-gamma (IFNγ) and interlukin-2 (IL-2) were significantly improved by lincomycin, commercial lysozyme and egg lysozyme diets, but interlukin-10 (IL-10) was significantly increased only by the egg lysozyme (50 mg kg−1) diet. The total bacterial count, Salmonella, Escherichia coli, and Proteus counts were significantly decreased. Dressing rate and breast weight percentage were significantly increased by the egg lysozyme (50 mg kg−1) diet. Thigh weight percentage was increased only by the commercial lysozyme diet. In conclusion, chicken egg lysozyme (50 mg kg−1), a promising alternative for antibiotics in broiler chickens' diet, can enhance growth performance, antioxidant status, immunity, and intestinal bacteria.</p

    Eclipsed Acetaldehyde as a Precursor for Producing Vinyl Alcohol

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    Abstract: The MP2 and DFT/B3LYP methods at 6-311++G(d,p) and aug-cc-pdz basis sets have been used to probe the origin of relative stability preference for eclipsed acetaldehyde over its bisected counterpart. A relative energy stability range of 1.02 to 1.20 kcal/mol, in favor of the eclipsed conformer, was found and discussed. An NBO study at these chemistry levels complemented these findings and assigned the eclipsed acetaldehyde preference mainly to the vicinal antiperiplanar hyperconjugative interactions. The tautomeric interconversion between the more stable eclipsed acetaldehyde and vinyl alcohol has been achieved through a four-membered ring transition state (TS). The obtained barrier heights and relative stabilities of eclipsed acetaldehyde and the two conformers of vinyl alchol at these model chemistries have been estimated and discussed