14 research outputs found

    Anti-Annexin V Antibodies: Association with Vascular Involvement and Disease Outcome in Patients with Systemic Sclerosis

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    Background: Systemic Sclerosis (SSc) is characterized by skin thickening, fibrosis and vascular obliteration. The onset and course are heterogeneous. Prominent features include autoimmunity, inflammation and vascular damage. Aim of study: To measure the level of serum Anti-Annexin V antibodies in SSc patients and to study its significance in relation to vascular damage in these patients. Patients and methods: Twenty patients with SSc (12 with diffuse SSc and 8 with the limited form) and 10 healthy age and sex matched volunteers as controls were all subjected to routine laboratory testing and immunological profiling including antinuclear, anti-Scl-70, anticentomere, anticardiolipin antibodies and anti-annexin V antibodies titres. Vascular damage was assessed by clinical examination and assessment of the disease activity score, nailfold capillaroscopy and colour flow Doppler of the renal arteries; Doppler echocardiography was used for assessing pulmonary hypertension. Results: Anti-annexin V antibodies were detected in 75% of patients. Comparisons between anti-annexin V in diffuse and limited subgroups showed no significance; however a statistically significant positive correlation was found between Anti-annexin V titre and the degree of vascular damage in SSc patients. Anti-annexin V increased significantly in patients with severe vascular damage in comparison with those less affected (15.3 ± 6.6 vs. 11.25 ± 3.6, P , 0.05). A significant positive correlation was found between Anti-annexin V titre and both the ACL titre (r = 0.79, P , 0.001) and the resistive index of the main renal artery (r = 0.42, P , 0.05). Conclusion: Anti-annexin V antibodies were significantly present in sera of patients with SSc. Patients with more severe forms of vascular damage had higher titres of these antibodies. Anti-annexin V antibodies are a sensitive predictor of vascular damage in SSc and could serve as a useful parameter in discriminating patients with a higher risk of vascular affection from those without

    Possible protective effect of zinc administration on renal and cognitive changes occurring in uninephrectomized adult male Wistar rats

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    Abstract Cognitive impairment is increasingly recognized as an important consequence of kidney disease in humans. Kidney donation is a safe procedure but is known to increase the long‐term risk of cardiovascular and kidney disease. Whether kidney donation impairs cognitive function is not known. In the present study, we examined whether the renal changes occurring post‐nephrectomy were accompanied by cognitive changes as well, and whether early administration of zinc supplements such as ZnSO4 to uninephrectomized (UNX) rats could ameliorate the renal and cognitive changes if present. The present study included 30 adult male Wistar rats that were randomly assigned to three groups (n = 10 per group): sham‐operated rats, UNX and UNX treated with ZnSO4 for 20 weeks. Before termination, rats were subjected to 24‐h urine collection and behavioural testing with the Morris water maze and T maze tests. UNX induced significant proteinuria, renal functional, fibrotic and oxidative changes, as well as increased renal desmin expression. UNX rats also showed significant behavioural changes indicating spatial learning and memory affection, together with decreased hippocampal brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and antioxidant capacity, and increased glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), nitric oxide and malondialdehyde. In addition, UNX induced significant hyperglycaemia and dyslipidaemia, as well as significant reduction in serum zinc, copper and selenium. Early administration of ZnSO4 starting 1 week post‐nephrectomy significantly ameliorated renal and behavioural changes, as well as hippocampal oxidative, BDNF and GFAP changes. Additionally, Zn recovered serum changes of triglycerides, cholesterol, zinc and copper. Therefore, early administration of zinc to humans undergoing nephrectomy may be of benefit and should be considered in human trials

    Temporal bone rhabdomyosarcoma mimicking otitis media complicated by facial nerve palsy

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    Abstract Background Rhabdomyosarcoma is common in childhood, especially, the head and neck region, yet involvement of the temporal bone is rare. Case presentation We reported a case of an embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma in a 4.5-year-old boy presenting with external auditory canal polyp and purulent otorrhea that later developed grade 6 facial palsy. Imaging showed soft tissue mass involving the middle ear, mastoid cavity, parotid gland, and parapharyngeal space. Subtotal petrosectomy with blind closure of the external auditory canal was performed with facial nerve decompression and debulking biopsy followed by combined chemoradiation. Conclusion Middle ear rhabdomyosarcoma is a rare pathology, usually present in childhood by symptoms similar to suppurative otitis media not responding to medical treatment leading to delayed diagnosis and development of complications

    Three-Dimensional Histologic, Immunohistochemical and Multiplex Immunofluorescence Analysis of Dynamic Vessel Co-Option of Spread Through Air Spaces (STAS) in Lung Adenocarcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: Spread through air spaces (STAS) is a method of invasion in lung adenocarcinoma, associated with tumor recurrence and poor survival. The spatial orientation of STAS cells/clusters to the lung alveolar parenchyma is not known. The aim of this study was to utilize high resolution and high-quality three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of images from immunohistochemistry (IHC) and multiplex immunofluorescence (IF) experiments to understand the spatial architecture of tumor cell clusters by STAS in the lung parenchyma. METHODS: Four lung adenocarcinomas: 3 micropapillary (MIP) predominant and 1 solid (SN) predominant adenocarcinoma subtypes, were investigated. A 3D reconstruction image was created from the formalin fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) blocks. 350 serial sections were obtained and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) (100 slides), IHC (200 slides), and multiplex IF (50 slides) with the following antibodies: CD31, collagen type 4, TTF-1 and E-Cadherin. Whole slide images (WSIs) were reconstructed into 3D images for evaluation. RESULTS: Serial 3D image analysis by H&E as well as IHC and IF showed the MIP clusters and SN nests of STAS focally attached to alveolar walls away from the main tumor. CONCLUSION: Our 3-D reconstructions demonstrated STAS tumor cells can attach to alveolar walls rather than appearing free floating as seen on 2D sections. This suggests that tumor cells detach from the main tumor, migrate through air spaces and reattach to alveolar walls through vessel co-option allowing them to survive and grow. This may explain the higher recurrence rate and worse survival for STAS positive tumors undergoing limited resection compared to lobectomy

    Validation of mitotic cell quantification via microscopy and multiple whole-slide scanners

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    Background: The establishment of whole-slide imaging (WSI) as a medical diagnostic device allows that pathologists may evaluate mitotic activity with this new technology. Furthermore, the image digitalization provides an opportunity to develop algorithms for automatic quantifications, ideally leading to improved reproducibility as compared to the naked eye examination by pathologists. In order to implement them effectively, accuracy of mitotic figure detection using WSI should be investigated. In this study, we aimed to measure pathologist performance in detecting mitotic figures (MFs) using multiple platforms (multiple scanners) and compare the results with those obtained using a brightfield microscope. Methods: Four slides of canine oral melanoma were prepared and digitized using 4 WSI scanners. In these slides, 40 regions of interest (ROIs) were demarcated, and five observers identified the MFs using different viewing modes: microscopy and WSI. We evaluated the inter- and intra-observer agreements between modes with Cohen’s Kappa and determined “true” MFs with a consensus panel. We then assessed the accuracy (agreement with truth) using the average of sensitivity and specificity. Results: In the 40 ROIs, 155 candidate MFs were detected by five pathologists; 74 of them were determined to be true MFs. Inter- and intra-observer agreement was mostly “substantial” or greater (Kappa?=?0.594?0.939). Accuracy was between 0.632 and 0.843 across all readers and modes. After averaging over readers for each modality, we found that mitosis detection accuracy for 3 of the 4 WSI scanners was significantly less than that of the microscope (p =?0.002, 0.012, and 0.001). Conclusions: This study is the first to compare WSIs and microscopy in detecting MFs at the level of individual cells. Our results suggest that WSI can be used for mitotic cell detection and offers similar reproducibility to the microscope, with slightly less accuracy

    Chemical profile of launaea nudicaulis ethanolic extract and its antidiabetic effect in streptozotocin-induced rats

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    Launaea nudicaulis is used in folk medicine worldwide to treat several diseases. The present study aimed to assess the antidiabetic activity of L. nudicaulis ethanolic extract and its effect on diabetic complications in streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemic rats. The extract was orally administrated at 250 and 500 mg/kg/day for 5-weeks and compared to glibenclamide as a reference drug at a dose of 5 mg/kg/day. Administration of the extract exhibited a potential hypoglycemic effect manifested by a significant depletion of serum blood glucose concurrent with a significant elevation in serum insulin secretion. After 5-weeks, extract at 250 and 500 mg/kg/day decreased blood glucose levels by about 53.8 and 68.1%, respectively, compared to the initial values (p _ 0.05). The extract at the two dosages prevented weight loss of rats from the 2nd week till the end of the experiment, compared to diabetic control rats. The extract further exhibited marked improvement in diabetic complications including liver, kidney and testis performance, oxidative stress, and relative weight of vital organs, with respect to diabetic control. Histopathological examinations confirmed the previous biochemical analysis, where the extract showed a protective effect on the pancreas, liver, kidney, and testis that degenerated in diabetic control rats. To characterize extract composition, UPLC-ESI-qTOF-MS identified 85 chromatographic peaks belonging to flavonoids, phenolics, acyl glycerols, nitrogenous compounds, and fatty acids, with four novel phenolics reported. The potential anti-diabetic effect warrants its inclusion in further studies and or isolation of the main bioactive agent(s)