6 research outputs found

    Worst Case Scenarios! Complications Related to Hernial Disease

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    Incarceration, obstruction and strangulation are well recognized common complications of hernias. Several risk factors determine patients’ morbidity and mortality. Hernia surgery complications encompass infections, fascial dehiscence, recurrence, neuralgia, visceral injury, and mesh erosion or migration predetermined by many risk factors. The types and criteria for surgical site infections are defined by the extent of the infection. Whether the open or laparoscopic approaches are attempted, the rates of the respective complications depend on the approach. Post-operative hernias are appreciated because of their prevalence and complications. The criteria for enhanced recovery after surgery depend on whether patient is in the pre-operative, intra-operative or post-operative phase. Within the pediatric population, the risk of developing umbilical and inguinal is variable

    Impact of spinal anesthesia on cesarean section outcome in Omdurman maternity hospital - Sudan 2011

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    Background: The cesarean section is indicated when vaginal delivery is not safe for the mother or the baby.Objective: A descriptive study done in Omdurman maternity hospital–OMH to assess the impact of spinal anesthesia (SA) on cesarean section(C/S), including, intra and post operative maternal complications, neonatal outcome and patients’ satisfaction in 2011.Methodology: Women delivered by C/S under SA were included in the study after an informed consent. All women in the study were operated on by trained registrars or obstetricians, under SA given, either by anesthetist or assistant anesthetist under supervision with similar conditions andwere followed till discharge from hospital.Results: Total number of deliveries at OMH in 2011 were 30397, 21677 (71.3%) delivered vaginally, 8720 (28.7%) delivered by C/S, only 24 women (0.3%) delivered under general anaethesia- GA. Women included in the study were 1029, 517 (50.2%) were elective and 512 (49.8%) were emergency C/S. Intra- operatively, 79 women (7.7%) developed hypotension, their BP dropped by more than 30 mmHg, four women developed severe shivering for which they received intravenous 25 mg pethedine, and 44 neonates received oxygen by mask and only oneneeded endotranchial intubation. Post operatively, only two women had disabling headache, 24 women (2.4%) had episodes of vomiting and 199 (19.3%) had pain in their lower limbs, buttock and thigh, it disappeared completely before discharge. In this study, 880 women (85.5%) weresatisfied with SA, while 149 (14.5%) were not satisfied due to pain at the time of puncture, headache, or transient lower limb pain after operation.Conclusion:Spinal anesthesia is increasingly used for C/S in this hospital, with excellent patients’ satisfaction, without increase in maternal and neonatal mortality or morbidity.Key words: spinal anesthesia, Cesarean section, Suda

    A forgotten Reason for abdominal pain: Mesentric Panniculitis case report and review of literature

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    Background: Mesentric Panniculitis an inflammatory condition that usually present with vague abdominal symptoms such as pain and diarrhea. The ambiguity of the symptoms makes the diagnosis of MP a challenge. Case Report: a twenty five years old lady presented to the emergency room with vague abdominal complaints including pain and loss of appetite along with fever for the last two days. Workup for acute appendicitis was done including a CT scan which showed possible radiological signs of Mesentric Panniculitis

    The Role of Mother Tongue in Reception and Production of Collocations by English Majors at the Palestinian Universities

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    The study aimed to investigate the role of mother tongue in reception and production of collocations by Palestinian English majors at the Palestinian universities. To achieve this aim, the researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach. The sample of the study consisted of (280) participants: in which (104) male and (176) female . The researcher used three instruments to achieve the aim of the study. The first instrument was the receptive test which consisted of (30) items and the second instrument was the productive test which also consisted of (30) items. The third instrument was the written interview which was designed to measure the participants' level of exposure to language. The collected data were analyzed and treated statistically through the use of (SPSS) by using T- test, One Way ANOVA. And Scheffe Post test was also used to identify the direction of the differences. The findings indicated that there were statistically significant differences between congruent and non-congruent collocations in favor of the congruent collocations and this indicated that the mother tongue played a significant role in reception and production of collocations. The findings showed that there were statistically significant differences in reception and production of collocations in favor of the receptive knowledge. Moreover, there were statistically significant differences between reception and production of collocations due to gender and university in favor of female Participants and the Islamic university of Gaza. In the light of those findings, the study recommended the necessity of shedding more light on the Non-congruent collocations because of their difficulty in the acquisition and the adjective-noun collocations must be treated in different ways to make the student receive and produce them easily. The focus should be more on the productive knowledge because the participants met more difficulty in producing collocations than receiving them. It was also suggested that further researches should be conducted in using other lexical categories of collocations and other researches must be conducted in more ESL environments and finally, researches should be particularly conducted in the productive knowledge of collocations

    Occipital Meningoencephalocele case report and review of current literature

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    Abstract Background Meningoencephalocele is a rare congenital anomaly that is characterized by herniation of brain tissue through a defect in skull. Generally, it could be divided by anatomical location of defect to occipital and frontoethmoidal. The exact etiology of this condition is unknown but many theories have been postulated. The condition is usually seen at birth but can be identified prenatally. Case presentation A newborn was brought to the hospital after a normal non-complicated vaginal delivery done by the ambulance personnel. The newborn had a bulging mass on the posterior aspect of the head. Therefore, he was admitted and neurosurgical consultation was done for further evaluation. Currently the patient is following up in well baby clinic as well as the neurosurgery clinic for normal development and milestones acquisition. Conclusions This case presents the opportunity for junior healthcare professionals to learn about a group of congenital neurological disorder in the content of a rare case presentation

    Team-based learning in an undergraduate pathology curriculum and its effects on student performance

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    الملخص: أهداف البحث: يمثل'التعلم المبني على فريق' استراتيجية تعليمية مستحدثة مثيرة للاهتمام. حيث يتم جمع الطلاب المتفوقين مع غير في مجموعات تعليمية مما يساعد على تعزيز الكفاءات المهنية للطلاب، ويعتمج بشكل كبير على قابلية الطلبة للتعلم من بعضهم البعض. الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو تقييم فاعلية 'التعلم المبني على فريق كاستراتيجية تعليمية، و تأثيرة على الدرجة النهائيةز أيضا استكشاف آراء الطلاب عن هذه الاستراتيجية كطريقة تعليم حديثة في العالم العربي. طرق البحث: أجريت دراسة مقطعية من خلال استبانة ذاتية التصميم. شُيّد الاستبانة لفحصعدة جوانب من 'التعلم المبني على فريق'، بما في ذلك الإدراك، والمهارات الاجتماعية، و نوعية الأسئلة خلالل محاضرات التعليم المبني علي فريق. تمت دعوة ١٠١ طالبا للمشاركة في الدراسة وأكمل ١٠١ منهم الاستبانة. تم جمع نتائج كل من 'اختبارات ضمان استعداد الفرد' و'اختبارات ضمان استعداد المجموعة' كما تم تحليل البيانات ومقارنتها بنتائج التقييم النهائي باستخدام البرنامج الإحصائي للعلوم الاجتماعية. النتائج: درجات الطلاب خلال محاضرات التعليم المبني علي فريق كانت دائما أعلي من درجات التعليم المبني علي الفرد. لوحظ وجود علاقة ايجابية بين درجة التعليم المبني علي الفرد ة درجة الامتحان النهائي. ٥٧٪ من الطلاب وافقوا علي التعليم المبني علي فريق ساعد في فهم المادة المطروحة في المحاضرة. ٤٥٪ و جودوا أن التعليم المبني علي فريق كان مفيد و ٦٧٪ من الطلاب و جدوا أن التعليم المبني علي فريق ساعد في تحسين مهارات الاتصال و العمل الجماعي. الاستنتاجات: كان التصور العام وموقف الطلاب تجاه نظام 'التعلم المبني على فريق' إيجابيا وواعدا. ومع ذلك، فإن هناك بعض الملحوظات ومجالات للقلق يجب إعادة النظر فيها ومعالجتها لتحسين 'التعلم المبني على فريق' كأداة تعليمية. Abstract: Objectives: Team-based learning (TBL) is a student-centered learning modality in which high and low achievers are organized in groups where students learn from each other at their own pace. The purpose of this study was to explore the correlations between TBL scores and final examination scores and student perceptions of a TBL system. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on a sample obtained using quota sampling of a population of second-year students enrolled in the College of Medicine, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. A self-administered questionnaire was employed to collect data on the students’ perceptions and opinions, TBL scores, and final examination scores. The data were processed and analyzed using SPSS Version 22. Results: A sample of 101 students participated in the study. The Team Readiness Assurance Test scores were consistently higher than the mean Individual Readiness Assurance Test (IRAT) scores. The results found a statistically significant correlation between the IRAT and the final examination scores (r = 0.46, p < 0.001). About 57% of the sample agreed that TBL increased the understanding of course content, 45% reported that TBL was a useful learning activity, and 67% indicated that TBL enhanced interpersonal and communication skills. Conclusion: The findings imply that TBL is an effective tool to facilitate inter-professional and team-based learning outcomes. Collaborations among TBL group members help learners to develop communication and interpersonal skills and to gain knowledge. الكلمات المفتاحية: التعلم المبني على, فريق, التعليم, الطبي, التعلم المبني على, مشكلة, اختبارات ضمان استعداد, الفرد, اختبارات ضمان استعداد المجموعة, Keywords: Communication skills, Interpersonal skills, Medical students, Student-centered learning, Team-based learnin