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    Pengaruh Layanan Tour Leader Terhadap Kepuasan Wisatawan Yang Menggunakan Jasa Traveltrip.id.

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    Abstract Tour and travel agencies have sprung up a lot, with various styles and their own characteristics to make it more attractive to the market. Traveltrip.id is one of the travel agencies in Indonesia, especially in Tangerang. This research took place at PT Wisata Wisata Indonesia (Traveltrip.id) to determine the effect of tour leader services on tourist satisfaction using Traveltrip.id services with the formulation of the problem " is there any effect of tour leader service quality on tourist satisfaction” variable in this study Variable (X) Tour Service uses Kotler and Keller (2008) theory and Variable (Y) Tourist Satisfaction uses Irawan theory (2004: 37), This study uses a quantitative approach method The instrument uses a questionnaire with a Likert scale. Instrument testing techniques in this study, namely testing the validity, and reliability. While the data analysis technique uses the classical assumption test, simple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing. Data collection uses statistical analysis by conducting questionnaires. This study used 80 respondents taken from data with a population of 400 traveltrip.id participants in the last year and used theory according to Djatmiko (2018). 0.60 and the Y variable is 0.907 > 0.60 based on these results the X and Y variables are declared reliable. In the classical assumption test the normality test Asymp,Sig (2 Tailed)) value is 0.2 > 0.05 normally distributed test linearity Sig 0.133 > 0.05 there is a linear relationship between the relationship testing the results of the hypothesis test (T test) that the significant value for the (partial) effect of X on Y is 0.00 0.60 dan variabel Y yaitu 0.907 > 0.60 berdasarkan hasil tersebut variabel X dan variabel Y dinyatakan reliable. Pada pengujian uji asumsi klasik uji normalitas nilai Asymp,Sig (2 Tailed)) sebesar 0,2 > 0,05 terdistribusi normal uji liniearitas Sig 0,133 > 0.05 ada hubungan linear antar hubungan pengujian hasil uji hipotesis (uji T) bahwa nilai signifikan untuk pengaruh (parsial) X terhadap Y adalah sebesar 0,00 < 0.05  dan nilai t hitung 11.845 t tabel 1.99006 sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa H1 diterima           Kata kunci : Layanan Tour Leader, Kepuasan wisatawa