16 research outputs found

    Culturas ceramistas de São Paulo e Minas Gerais: Estudo Tencotipológico

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    This paper deals with the detection and evidentiation of four archcologic sites, two of them, FRANCO DE GODOY and LAGOA SÃO PAULO, situated in the State of São Paulo and the others, PRADO and SILVA SERROTE, located in the State of Minas Gerais. Their ceramic sets were studied in a technical-typological level, considering their spatial context, following Lcroi-Gourhan methodology of "wide surfaces" The present study was based on the typological classification and PETROLOGICAL MICROSCOPIC ANALYSIS (transmitted light), XRAY DIFRATOMETRY ANALYSIS" and ELECTRONIC MICROSCOPY ANALYSIS. This study resulted in a Doctor Thesis - "ANÁLISE CERÂMICA: ESTUDO TECNOT1POLÓGICO" submitted in the University of São Paulo, in 19SS. This paper gives evidence to the methodology, the excavation associated with the sites structures and the typological study of the four sets.Este artigo trata da detecção e evidenciação de quatro sítios arqueológicos estando dois, FRANCO DE GODOY e LAGOA SÃO PAULO, localizados no Estado de São Paulo, os outros dois, PRADO e SILVA SERROTE, situados no Estado de Minas Gerais, cujos conjuntos cerâmicos foram estudados em seus contextos espaciais, à luz da metodologia de "Superfícies Amplas" de Leroi-Gourhan, a nível tecnolipológico. Neste estudo aplicaram-se a classificação tipológica e análises por microscopía petrográfica (de luz transmitida), difratomclria de raios-X e microscopía eletrônica que resultaram na elaboração de urna tese de Doutorado "ANÁLISE CERÂMICA: ESTUDO TECNOTIPOLÓGICO" defendida junto à Universidade de São Paulo, em 19S8. Neste artigo foram destacadas a metodologia, as escavações associadas às estruturas dos sítios e o estudo tipológico dos quatro conjuntos

    Tradições arqueológicas ceramistas de dois povos Jê: Kayapó meridional e Kaingang da região centro norte de São Paulo

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    This paper address the issue of cultural homogenization of the Aratu-Sapucaí and Neobrazilian ceramic traditions related to the variability of the burial patterns, forms and incised decorations of ceramic vases from archaeological contexts observed by academic projects carried out on regions occupied by people from the Macro-Jê language branch: Southern Kayapó, in the far west of Minas Gerais, and Kaingang in the central northern region of São PauloEste artigo aborda a questão da homogeneização cultural das tradições ceramistas Aratu-Sapucaí e da Neobrasileira relacionada à variabilidade de enterramentos, formas e de decoração incisa em vasilhames cerâmicos diante de contextos arqueológicos evidenciados por projetos acadêmicos em regiões ocupadas por povos do tronco linguístico Macro-Jê: Kayapó meridional no extremo oeste de Minas Gerais e, Kaingang, na região centro norte de São Paulo

    Estudo técnico em cerâmica pré-histórica do Brasil

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    Este artigo apresenta os dados resultantes da parte experimental da Tese de Doutorado Análise Cerâmica: Estudo Tecnotipológico, apresentada no Departamento de Antropologia Social da Universidade de São Paulo, em agosto de 1988. Refere-se ao estudo da pasta cerâmica, da inferência dos índices de temperatura de queima e da detecção dos minerais corantes presentes nos quatro conjuntos cerâmicos procedentes de dois sítios situados no Estado de São Paulo (“Franco de Godoy” e “de Lagoa São Paulo”) e dois localizados no Estado de Minas Gerais (“Prado” e “Silva Serrote”). Neste estudo aplicaram-se a microscopia petrográfica de luz transmitida, a difratometria de Raios X e a microscopia eletrônica de varredura e microanálise.This paper presents data resulting from the experimental part of the PhD thesis Análise cerâmica: estudo tecnotipológico, (Department of Anthropology, University of São Paulo, August 1988). Its subject matters are the study of ceramic paste, the burning temperature indices inference and the detection of coloring minerals present in the four ceramic sets originating from the two archaeological sites situated in the State of São Paulo ("Franco de Godoy" and "de Lagoa São Paulo") and two located in the State of Minas Gerais ("Prado" and "Silva Serrote"). The petrographic microscopy analysis of transmitted light, X Ray diffractometry analysis and scanning electronic microscopy and microanalysis techniques were employed in this Study

    Optical microtopographic characterization of arqueological ceramics

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    Optics and optics and photonics based inspection tools and methods had expensively proven their invaluable importance in the preservation of cultural heritage and artwork. The non-invasive inspection of the 3D shape of objects and of the micro-relief structure of its surfaces can be of high importance in the characterization process required in most works of restoration or preservation of archeological artwork. In this communication we will report on a method of optical non-invasive microtopographic characterization of the surface of archeological ceramics. The samples used in this study are pre-historical and pre-colonial ceramics and pottery of tribes in the Paranaiba valley in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The pottery found is decorated with incisions with different geometric distributions and levels of complexity corresponding to two periods of indigenous Indian occupations: one from a period dated at 1,095 ± 186 years ago and another of the early nineteenth century dated between 212 ± 19 years and 190 ± 30 years ago seemingly corresponding to the occupation of the territory by southern Kayapós tribes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    3D characterization of arqueological ceramics

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    Optics and optics and photonics based inspection tools and methods had expensively proven their invaluable importance in the preservation of cultural heritage and artwork. The non-invasive inspection of the 3D shape of objects and of the micro-relief structure of its surfaces can be of high importance in the characterization process required in most works of restoration or preservation of archeological artwork. In this communication we will report on a method of optical non-invasive microtopographic characterization of the surface of archeological ceramics. The samples used in this study are pre-historical and pre-colonial ceramics and pottery of tribes in the Paranaiba valley in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The pottery found is decorated with incisions with different geometric distributions and levels of complexity corresponding to two periods of indigenous Indian occupations: one from a period dated at 1,095 ± 186 years ago and another of the early nineteenth century dated between 212 ± 19 years and 190 ± 30 years ago seemingly corresponding to the occupation of the territory by southern Kayapós tribes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sítio de Água Limpa, Monte Alto, São Paulo - estruturas de combustão, restos alimentares e padrões de subsistência.

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    Este trabalho resulta de aplicações de um programa sistemático de escavações no sítio de Água Limpa, município de Monte Alto, SP, no âmbito do Projeto ‘Turvo”. O sítio de Água Limpa é a céu aberto, com nível estratigráfico lito-cerâmico; foi datado por TL em 1524 A.P. e está sendo escavado pelo método de Superfícies Amplas. As pesquisas de campo evidenciaram Manchas Escuras, Fogueiras, uma área de sepultamentos primários fora de umas, sepultamentos secundários e vestígios faunísticos. O ceme deste artigo é a apresentação e relação das estruturas de combustão e restos alimentares com a documentação faunística a qual indicou os padrões de subsistência das populações que ocuparam o sítio. A análise dos “restos alimentares”-vestí- gios faunísticos aponta para um modo de vida voltado para a horticultura, confecção de cerâmica e prática de coleta, caça e, em menor escala, pesca. Essas populações consumiam vertebrados (Pisces, Reptillia, Mammalia) e invertebrados (Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Crustácea). Esses resultados foram comprovados devido à quantidade de fragmentos ósseos associados a dentes, dérmicos e de conchas presentes no sítio. Muitos dos fragmentos apresentam traços que indicam a confecção de artefatos além de marcas de uso. Estes dados elucidam os hábitos alimentares dos povos horticultoresceramistas que ocuparam o sítio.This paper results from the application of a systematic program on the excavations in the site of Água Limpa, Monte Alto, State of São Paulo, a project called “Turvo”. The site of Água Limpa is wide open, with one stratigraphic level - the litho-ceramic, dated by TL in 1524 B.P. It has been excavated by the method of “Wide Surfaces”. Field work showed dark spots, remains of burnt material (coal), one area where primary burials were found out of urns, secondary burials and evidences of fauna. This paper aims to report the structures of combustion and food remains in the site of Água Limpa and relate this presence with the documentations of fauna. Based on this correlation we intend to infer the type of populations which inhabited the place and their pattern of subsistence. The analysis of the food remains associated with the vestiges of fauna showed that the local population had a pattern of living related to horticulture, manufacturing of ceramic, collecting of fruit and small animals, hunting and fishing; the last one less frequently. Results also indicated the presence of a large amount of bones, teeth and both dermic and shell fragments in this site. This population used in their daily life vertebrates (Pisces, Reptillia, Mammalia) and invertebrates (Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Crustacea), not only as food items, but also as ornaments and tools. Many of these fragments present traces indicating the manufacture of artifacts, besides the wear marks. These data elucidate the alimentary habits of the local ceramic-horticulturalist population

    Microtopographic characterization of pre-colonial Brazilian archaeological ceramics

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    Optics and optics and photonics based inspection tools and methods had expensively proven their invaluable importance in the preservation of cultural heritage and artwork. The non-invasive inspection of the 3D shape of objects and of the micro-relief structure of its surfaces can be of high importance in the characterization process required in most works of restoration or preservation of archeological artwork. In this communication we will report on the non-invasive optical microtopographic characterization of the surface of pre-colonial ceramics and pottery of hunter-recollector-farmer’ tribes of the Paranaiba valley in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The pottery found is decorated with incisions with different geometric distributions and levels of complexity corresponding to two periods of indigenous Indian occupations: one from a period dated at 1,095 ± 186 years ago and another of the early nineteenth century dated between 212 ± 19 years and 190 ± 30 years ago seemingly corresponding to the occupation of the territory by southern Kayapós tribes

    Estudo de cerâmicas do sítio arqueológico Água Limpa (SP) empregando um equipamento portátil de EDXRF

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    The objective of this paper is to identify the chemical elements present in each fragment and associate it to various factors such as production technology, pigmentation and provenance. Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) analysis of a representative ensemble of ceramic fragments were performed. The analysis is fast, non-destructive and without sample preparation. Calcium, Ti, Fe, Mn, Zn, Rb and Zr were quantified. It was possible to characterize the ceramic paste composition and the key elements of the raw materials employed for the pigmentation.O objetivo deste artigo é identificar os elementos químicos presentes em fragmentos cerâmicos do sítio Água Limpa, e associá-los a vários fatores como tecnologia de produção, pigmentação e proveniência. Foi realizada uma análise por Fluorescência de Raios X com Dispersão em Energia (EDXRF) de um conjunto significativo de amostras cerâmicas. A análise é rápida, não destrutiva e sem preparação de amostra. Foram quantificados Ca, Ti, Fe, Mn, An, Rb e Zr, possibilitando caracterizar a composição da pasta cerâmica e os elementos chave da pasta empregada nas pigmentações