9 research outputs found

    Physical and cognitive functioning of institutionalized elderly people in rural areas. Preventive actions using physical activity and music therapy

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    Background: Comprehensive geriatric evaluation should include a functional and cognitive assessment to guide the intervention of interdisciplinary teams. The aim of this study was to analyze the physical capacities of institutionalized elderly people and to describe the preventive actions of physical activity and music therapy as non-invasive preventive pharmacological treatments given their importance for the cognitive and functional performance of elderly people. An observational and descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. The participants in the study were 109 elderly people institutionalized in three residential centers with a mean age of 83.41 years (SD = 8.72). Findings: Most of the residents had very impaired physical faculties. However, cognitive impairment was not very high. Most residents (55.04%) had some form of dementia and/or high blood pressure (54.12%) followed by pathologies such as diabetes (27.52%), heart failure (17.43%), Parkinson’s disease (9.17%) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (8.25%). There were no differences in cognitive or physical capacity among the residents according to sex, age, or education and only those who had worked in the service sector had less cognitive capacity than those who had worked in the agricultural sector or as housewives. Applications: Facilitate the creation and development of programs based on physical activity and music therapy in residential centers that can prevent and improve pathologies on the elderly

    Designing and evaluation of an artistic experience for the development of empathic capacity: “stepping into others’ shoes”

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    This article evaluates an educational experience that uses art to develop empathy. The artistic educational project is called “stepping into others’ shoes” and is carried out with 71 students enrolled in the Early Childhood Education and Primary Education degree programs of the University of Vigo. The main objective is to analyze the students’ experiences in processes of empathic pedagogical relationships that allow empowerment dynamics of oneself and others. An ethnographic approach is used to evaluate the experience through a group case study design with different qualitative instruments: analysis of artistic production, field diary and life stories. The main results indicate that when art is used for the construction of an empathic identity, the participants of these creative dynamics find it difficult to express their feelings and emotions. However, these processes favor social relationships and mutual recognition, as well as self-knowledge. It facilitates the creation of alternative meeting spaces and the promotion of creativity. Based on these results and their discussion, lines of action are suggested which should allow using art as a resource to develop empathy and promote increased motivation in the classroom

    Initial motivations for choosing teaching as a career

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    The objective of the study is to verify the reliability and validity of the Factors Influencing Teaching Choice, as well as to determine the teaching of Early childhood and Primary education students’ motivations and perceptions for the choice of this degree. The sample consisted of 262 student teachers aged between 18 and 27 (83.2% female and 16.8% male). According to degree, 54.2% of the participants were enrolled in Early Childhood Education and 45.8% in Primary Education. The instrument used in the study was the Factors Influencing Teaching Choice, FIT-Choice Scale, adapted to Spanish by Gratacós and López-Jurado. Results evidenced the high reliability and validity of the scale that is similar to the original model, presenting 12 motivational factors and 6 perceptions. The main reasons that lead to choose teaching profession, despite gender differences, are: having influence in the educational children’s process, the intrinsic value of the qualification, the fact that this profession contributes socially, or working with children. Also, students consider that teaching is a demanding profession and they are satisfied with the degree choice. The most important factors influencing the choice of education degree are intrinsic motivations and perceptions as the vocation, in contrast to external reasons such as economic incentives or social recognition

    Análisis muestrales desde una perspectiva de género en revistas de investigación de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte españolas

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    Este artículo pretende analizar si existen desigualdades de género en el ámbito de la investigación y difusión del conocimiento de las Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte. Para ello se analizaron 433 artículos, que constituyen la muestra de este estudio, pertenecientes a dos publicaciones de prestigio que se adecuaban a unos requisitos estipulados previamente. Según el ámbito de conocimiento, el entrenamiento deportivo aúna las mayores muestras exclusivas tanto de hombres como de mujeres, siendo más de cinco veces superior la proporción relativa al género masculino; además, en los casos de la recreación, ocio y turismo, así como en la dirección y gestión deportiva, ninguno de los artículos utiliza una muestra únicamente femenina. En función del tipo de deporte estudiado, se constata que las muestras exclusivas de hombres son superiores a las exclusivas de mujeres, incluso en la categoría de deportes artísticos, asociados tradicionalmente al género femenino. En un período de ocho años no existe evolución del número de artículos con muestras femeninas y sí aumentan progresivamente el número de muestras mixtas o de hombres. En el apartado de discusión y conclusiones se reflexiona sobre la necesidad de utilizar las variables de género desde una sensibilidad que ayude a evitar sesgos

    Environmental barriers as a determining factor of physical activity

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    Physical activity (PA) has been shown to be an important variable in achieving a good quality of life. The objective of this study was to determine adolescents’ perceptions of environmental barriers to PA based on age, gender, geographic location, body mass index (BMI), PA index, and whether they engage in sports or not. The sample was made up of 849 adolescents aged between 12 and 17 years old. The PA Questionnaire for Adolescents (PAQ-A) and three questions on environmental barriers were used. Among the results, we should point out that adolescents hardly perceive any environmental barriers. There are no differences in the perception of barriers neither in terms of gender nor BMI. As adolescents get older, they consider that there are few recreational spaces, that the distance is not adequate, and that there is no accessibility to them or they do not encourage walking. The adolescents who perceive the greatest barriers are those who live in settlements of 10,000–50,000 inhabitants, especially those more linked to the neighborhood and to the accessibility and availability of spaces. It seems especially important to establish health policies in order to neutralize the barriers related to the accessibility and availability of spaces and the neighborhood-related barriers

    Prediction model for physical activity level in primary school students

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    The aim of this study was to provide an explanatory prediction model for physical activity level in children, involving a number of influencing variables. In total, 1971 people participated in the study: 657 primary school students and their respective fathers and mothers from 15 schools of Galicia (Spain). The International Questionnaire on Physical Education, Health and Lifestyle was administered. The findings revealed that school year, sex, physical perceived competence and sport practice with friends had a statistically significant relationship on physical activity index. By contrast, the association between the weekly participation of fathers or mothers in sports in the practice of children could not be confirmed. Sport practice with friends was the main predicting variable for physical activity level. Physical perceived competence showed great relevance as well. This knowledge could be of interest to help increase adherence to practice and preventing withdrawal, helping students to stay active and acquire healthy habits for the future

    Socio-emotional skills as predictors of performance of students: differences by gender

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    Socio-emotional skills seem to have an important influence on the academic performance of students. This performance is usually higher in girls than in boys. Our aim was to determine which socio-emotional skills influence academic performance and whether gender is a variable that can explain these differences. The results indicated that the socio-emotional skills of adolescents were high, highlighting self-awareness, relationship management, and decision-making. The lowest scores were in social awareness and self-management. Girls obtained higher grades, and students with higher grades had a higher level of social-emotional skills, except in self-management, where there were no differences. Self-management was greater in boys and relationship management was greater in girls. Students who failed did not differ from those who obtained very high results, except in decision-making. Overall, decision-making appeared to be the most important variable in students’ academic performance. Therefore, it would be necessary to design strategies that promote this ability in students. Hence, the adoption of active and collaborative methodologies that facilitate the achievement of this goal is suggested

    Socio-emotional skills in adolescence. Influence of personal and extracurricular variables

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    Social-emotional skills have been an important object of study in recent years due to their relationship with academic, personal and professional success. The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between these skills and different influential variables. The participants had a mean age of 14.18 years. The instruments used were the Social Emotional Competence Questionnaire (SECQ) and the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents (PACQ-A). Generally, the results indicated gender differences and no influence of age. Those who engaged in after-school activities scored higher on social awareness. In addition, artistic and musical extracurricular activities were associated with social-emotional skills, whereas sports activities were not. It was also found that the physical activity index was not related to socioemotional factors, except in self-awareness and in a negative way. It is necessary to analyse the quality of the extracurricular programmes offered and the training of the professionals in charge of their development. It also seems important to take into account the gender perspective in competence work, increasing self-management in girls and relationship management in boys

    Influence of the perception of barriers in practice of PA in adolescents: explanatory model

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    Background: Sedentarism is an important risk factor for non-communicable diseases. To avoid it, it is necessary to establish the barriers which influence a low level of practice of Physical Activity. Methods: This study, conducted with 833 students, aims to describe a model to explain the barriers determining the level of practice of Physical Activity in adolescents according to age, school year, BMI and gender. The inclusion of the analyzed barriers followed the tetra-factorial model: Body image/physical and social anxiety; Tiredness/laziness; Responsibilities/lack of time and Environment/facilities. Results: The barriers to Physical Activity in adolescents are fatigue and sloth, and temporary obligations. The barrier that least influences the practice of Physical Activity is the environment and body image. It is determined that the subjects with the lowest Physical Activity index were those with a high fatigue and laziness score and higher age. The level of physical activity of this population is medium (95% CI, 2.8274–2.9418). Conclusions: It is necessary to overcome tiredness or apathy towards the practice of Physical Activity, especially in those under 16 years of age