38,032 research outputs found

    Bayesian Analysis for Extracting Properties of the Nuclear Equation of State from Observational Data including Tidal Deformability from GW170817

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    We develop a Bayesian analysis method for selecting the most probable equation of state under a set of constraints from compact star physics, which now include the tidal deformability from GW170817. We apply this method for the first time to a two-parameter family of hybrid equations of state that is based on realistic models for the hadronic phase (KVORcut02) and the quark matter phase (SFMα\alpha) which produce a third family of hybrid stars in the mass-radius diagram. One parameter (α\alpha) characterizes the screening of the string tension in the string-flip model of quark matter while the other (ΔP\Delta_P) belongs to the mixed phase construction that mimics the thermodynamics of pasta phases and includes the Maxwell construction as a limiting case for ΔP=0\Delta_P=0. We present the corresponding results for compact star properties like mass, radius and tidal deformabilities and use empirical data for them in the newly developed Bayesian analysis method to obtain the probabilities for the model parameters within their considered range.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, version accepted for publication in univers

    Envelope tomography of long-period variable stars: I. The Schwarzschild mechanism and the Balmer emission lines

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    This paper is the first one in a series devoted to the study of the dynamics of the atmospheres of long-period variable stars. Results from a two-month-long monitoring of the Mira variables RT Cyg and X Oph around maximum light with the ELODIE spectrograph at the Haute-Provence Observatory are presented. The monitoring covers phases 0.80 to 1.16 for RT Cyg and phases 0.83 to 1.04 for X Oph. The cross-correlation profile of the spectrum of RT Cyg with a K0 III mask confirms that the absorption lines of RT Cyg in the optical domain appear double around maximum light. No line doubling was found in the optical spectrum of X Oph around maximum light, indicating that this feature is not common to all long-period variables. This paper also presents the application to RT Cyg of a new tomographic technique deriving the velocity field across the atmosphere by cross-correlating the optical spectrum with numerical masks constructed from synthetic spectra and probing layers of increasing depths. This technique reveals that both the temporal evolution of the line doubling, and its variation with depth in the atmosphere of RT Cyg, are consistent with the ``Schwarzschild scenario''. This scenario relates the temporal evolution of the red and blue peaks of the double absorption lines to the progression of a shock wave in the atmosphere. The temporal evolution of the Balmer Halpha, H beta, Hgamma and Hdelta emission lines around maximum light is also presented for RT Cyg and X Oph. The velocity variations of Halpha and of the absorption lines are discussed in the framework of two competing models for the formation of Balmer emission lines in long-period variable stars.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, Latex, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics main journal. Also available at http://www-astro.ulb.ac.be/Html/ps.htm

    The Cauchy problem for a tenth-order thin film equation II. Oscillatory source-type and fundamental similarity solutions

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    Fundamental global similarity solutions of the standard form u_\g(x,t)=t^{-\a_\g} f_\g(y), with the rescaled variable y= x/{t^{\b_\g}}, \b_\g= \frac {1-n \a_\g}{10}, where \a_\g>0 are real nonlinear eigenvalues (\g is a multiindex in R^N) of the tenth-order thin film equation (TFE-10) u_{t} = \nabla \cdot(|u|^{n} \n \D^4 u) in R^N \times R_+, n>0, are studied. The present paper continues the study began by the authors in the previous paper P. Alvarez-Caudevilla, J.D.Evans, and V.A. Galaktionov, The Cauchy problem for a tenth-order thin film equation I. Bifurcation of self-similar oscillatory fundamental solutions, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, No. 4, Vol. 10 (2013), 1759-1790. Thus, the following questions are also under scrutiny: (I) Further study of the limit n \to 0, where the behaviour of finite interfaces and solutions as y \to infinity are described. In particular, for N=1, the interfaces are shown to diverge as follows: |x_0(t)| \sim 10 \left( \frac{1}{n}\sec\left( \frac{4\pi}{9} \right) \right)^{\frac 9{10}} t^{\frac 1{10}} \to \infty as n \to 0^+. (II) For a fixed n \in (0, \frac 98), oscillatory structures of solutions near interfaces. (III) Again, for a fixed n \in (0, \frac 98), global structures of some nonlinear eigenfunctions \{f_\g\}_{|\g| \ge 0} by a combination of numerical and analytical methods

    Integrability and chemical potential in the (3+1)-dimensional Skyrme model

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    Using a remarkable mapping from the original (3+1)dimensional Skyrme model to the Sine-Gordon model, we construct the first analytic examples of Skyrmions as well as of Skyrmions--anti-Skyrmions bound states within a finite box in 3+1 dimensional flat space-time. An analytic upper bound on the number of these Skyrmions--anti-Skyrmions bound states is derived. We compute the critical isospin chemical potential beyond which these Skyrmions cease to exist. With these tools, we also construct topologically protected time-crystals: time-periodic configurations whose time-dependence is protected by their non-trivial winding number. These are striking realizations of the ideas of Shapere and Wilczek. The critical isospin chemical potential for these time-crystals is determined.Comment: 15 pages; 1 figure; a discussion on the closeness to the topological bound as well as some clarifying comments on the semi-classical quantization have been included. Relevant references have been added. Version accepted for publication on Physics Letters
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