6 research outputs found

    Trabalho de extensão como uma forma de geração de renda

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    ABSTRACT In an attempt to reduce the high unemployment, prevent environmental contamination by residual oil and improve self-esteem, the Soap Manufacturing project began to be held in Ouro Preto, and later, in a district of Ouro Preto. Initially, to achieve these objectives were offered courses menu in soap making, environment and organizational psychology. In the course of the project were discussed, also, financial management and business. During the project development, the growth was all: the teachers who worked with real demands, the students learned about various topics and the community, learning scientific theories and teaching practical observations. At the end, the women's group was able to make soap, and with the sale of the same, family income and self-esteem increased.Em uma tentativa de reduzir o alto índice de desemprego, evitar a contaminação do ambiente pelo óleo residual e melhorar a autoestima, o projeto de fabricação de sabão começou a ser realizado em Ouro Preto e, posteriormente, em um distrito de Ouro Preto. Inicialmente, para atingir esses objetivos, foram ofertados cursos sobre fabricação de sabão, meio ambiente e psicologia organizacional. Com o decorrer do projeto, foram abordados ainda os temas gestão fi nanceira e empresarial. Durante o desenvolvimento do projeto, o crescimento foi de todos: dos professores, que trabalharam com demandas reais, dos alunos, que aprenderam sobre temas variados, e da comunidade, que aprendia teorias científi cas e ensinava observações práticas. Ao fi nal, o grupo de mulheres já conseguia fazer sabão e, com a venda do produto, a renda familiar e a autoestima delas aumentaram.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.35700/ca.2016.ano3n5.p44-50.205

    Trabalho de extensão como uma forma de geração de renda

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    ABSTRACT In an attempt to reduce the high unemployment, prevent environmental contamination by residual oil and improve self-esteem, the Soap Manufacturing project began to be held in Ouro Preto, and later, in a district of Ouro Preto. Initially, to achieve these objectives were offered courses menu in soap making, environment and organizational psychology. In the course of the project were discussed, also, financial management and business. During the project development, the growth was all: the teachers who worked with real demands, the students learned about various topics and the community, learning scientific theories and teaching practical observations. At the end, the women's group was able to make soap, and with the sale of the same, family income and self-esteem increased.</p

    Trabalho de extens?o como uma forma de gera??o de renda.

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    Em uma tentativa de reduzir o alto ?ndice de desemprego, evitar a contamina??o do ambiente pelo ?leo residual e melhorar a autoestima, o projeto de fabrica??o de sab?o come?ou a ser realizado em Ouro Preto e, posteriormente, em um distrito de Ouro Preto. Inicialmente, para atingir esses objetivos, foram ofertados cursos sobre fabrica??o de sab?o, meio ambiente e psicologia organizacional. Com o decorrer do projeto, foram abordados ainda os temas gest?o fi nanceira e empresarial. Durante o desenvolvimento do projeto, o crescimento foi de todos: dos professores, que trabalharam com demandas reais, dos alunos, que aprenderam sobre temas variados, e da comunidade, que aprendia teorias cient?fi cas e ensinava observa??es pr?ticas. Ao fi nal, o grupo de mulheres j? conseguia fazer sab?o e, com a venda do produto, a renda familiar e a autoestima delas aumentaram.In an attempt to reduce the high unemployment, prevent environmental contamination by residual oil and improve self-esteem, the Soap Manufacturing project began to be held in Ouro Preto, and later, in a district of Ouro Preto. Initially, to achieve these objectives were offered courses menu in soap making, environment and organizational psychology. In the course of the project were discussed, also, fi nancial management and business. During the project development, the growth was all: the teachers who worked with real demands, the students learned about various topics and the community, learning scientifi c theories and teaching practical observations. At the end, the women?s group was able to make soap, and with the sale of the same, family income and self-esteem increased

    Fabrica??o de sab?o : uma forma de conscientiza??o, gera??o de renda e inclus?o social.

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    A partir da d?cada de 1990, a economia solid?ria ganhou for?a no Brasil, resgatando valores como o apoio m?tuo, a responsabilidade, a igualdade, a equidade e a solidariedade. O presente projeto teve por objetivo utilizar as bases da economia solid?ria para promover a educa??o ambiental e o desenvolvimento de mulheres carentes. Inicialmente, o projeto foi realizado em Ouro Preto e, posteriormente, em Ant?nio Pereira, distrito de Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, sendo executado com mulheres que se encontravam exclu?das do mercado de trabalho e teve como objetivo ensinar a fabrica??o de sab?o a partir de ?leo usado, valorizando os conhecimentos pr?vios das mulheres, a fim de se obter um aumento da renda, da autoestima e da qualidade de vida das participantes e de suas fam?lias. Para alcan?ar esses objetivos, professores da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto treinaram alunos para que dessem cursos profissionalizantes e acompanhamento t?cnico. O crescimento foi m?tuo, a come?ar pelos professores que passaram a trabalhar com demandas reais da comunidade, seguido dos alunos que, al?m de aprenderem sobre temas variados, deviam transmiti-los a pessoas com baixa escolaridade e, por fim, a comunidade, que aprendia teorias cient?ficas e ensinavam observa??es pr?ticas. Como resultado, as mulheres que participaram do projeto de Ant?nio Pereira conseguiram construir um arranjo produtivo de sab?o artesanal onde se tem atualmente integra??o social, ambiental, financeiro e operacional ?ntegro e consistente.The Solidarity Economy is recent in Brazil gaining momentum in the country in the 1990s redeeming values such as mutual support, responsibility, equality, equity and solidarity that each individual possess in their way of living that is being degraded by the current way of life. This project aimed at using the foundations of solidarity economy to promote environmental education and the development of women's Ant?nio Pereira district of Ouro Preto in Minas Gerais state, in the poor community that were excluded from the labor market, seeking development all members equally, enhancing their skills and individual talents in order to obtain the increased self-esteem and quality of life for participants and their families. It was found in the first year exchange of experiences by the University which offered training courses and technical support and dedication community which in turn were able to take advantage of the knowledge acquired allowing the construction of a productive arrangement of handmade soap which has social, environmental, financial integration and operational integrity and consistent

    Novel protocol for the solid-state synthesis of magnetite for medical practices.

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    It is reported a novel approach to prepare nanoparticles of magnetite (Fe3O4) by heating a mixture of synthetic commercial maghemite (? Fe2O3) with sucrose. This solidstate reaction leads to the chemical reduction of part of the Fe3+ of the precursor oxide to render Fe2+ and Fe3+ in octahedral and Fe3+ in tetrahedral sites of the Fe-O coordination framework. Powder X-ray diffraction patterns, FTIR and 298 K M?ossbauer spectra confirm the conversion of maghemite into magnetite. Based on these results, the optimal sucrose:maghemite rate was found to be 4

    Evaluation of Anti-Candida albicans Activity and Release of Ketoconazole in PMMA-G-PEG 4000 Films

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    Modified release systems depend on the selection of an appropriate agent capable of controlling the release of the drug, sustaining the therapeutic action over time, and/or releasing the drug at the level of a particular tissue or target organ. Polyethylene glycol 4000 (PEG 4000) is commonly employed in drug release formulations while polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) is non-toxic and has a good solubility in organic solvents. This study aimed at the incorporation of ketoconazole in PMMA-g-PEG 4000 and its derivatives, thus evaluating its release profile and anti-Candida albicans and cytotoxic activities. Ketoconazole was characterized and incorporated into the copolymers. The ketoconazole incorporated in the copolymer and its derivatives showed an immediate release profile. All copolymers with ketoconazole showed activity against Candida albicans and were non-toxic to human cells in the entire concentration tested