20 research outputs found

    Evaluating The Usability And Accessibility Of LMS “Blackboard” At King Saud University

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    King Saud University is in the process of adopting and implementing the interactive Blackboard Learning Management Systems (LMSs) with features that allow members of staff and teachers from different faculties to access, upload assignments, send quizzes, download content, and evaluate the academic progress of the members of faculty. However, many faculty members complain about the accessibility and usability of the e-learning software because of the perceptions that the interactive features are not user friendly. Little research has been done to evaluate the accessibility and usability of the e-learning software. The current study was conducted to answer the research questions on the accessibility and usability of the blackboard vista e-learning software and the barriers of user experience when interacting with blackboard. The study was based on the hypothesis that Blackboard LMS is highly accessible and usable by teachers in the King Saud University and a hypothesis that stated otherwise. The elements that were evaluated using questionnaires include the design user interface, navigational features, and ease of use to answer the research questions. The results proved the hypothesis that ‘Blackboard LMS is accessible and usable by the teachers from different faculties for the delivery of content in the King Saud University. However, the study recommends that university should customize the e-learning software to the needs of the teachers to offer courses in English and in Arabic to increase and enhance the accessibility and usability of the software.

    Big data adoption and knowledge management sharing: an empirical investigation on their adoption and sustainability as a purpose of education

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    The aim of this paper to develop a model to measure sustainability for education and incorporate the literature big data adoption and knowledge management sharing in the educational environment. This paper hypothesizes that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk, and behavioral intention to use big data should influence adoption of big data, while age diversity, cultural diversity, and motivators should impact knowledge management sharing. Therefore, knowledge management sharing influences behavior intention to use technologies and big data adoption would be positively associated with sustainability for education. This paper employed a version of TAM and motivation theory as the research framework and adopted quantitative data collection and analysis methods by surveying 214 university students who were chosen through stratified random sampling. Student's responses were sorted into the 11 study constructs and analyzed to explain their implication of sustainability on education. The data were then quantitatively analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk, and behavioral intention to use big data were significant determinants of big data adoption, while age diversity, cultural diversity, and motivators were significant determinants of knowledge management sharing. The knowledge management sharing, behavior intention to use technologies, and big data adoption succeeded in explaining 66.7% of sustainability on education. The findings and implications of this paper are provided

    Meta-Analysis of the Behavioral and Cognitive Effects of Interactive Video Games on K-12 Students

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    الملخص: تم إجراء خلاصة تحليلية لتأثيرات ألعاب الفيديو التفاعلية (IVGs) على البنية السلوكية والمعرفية لدى طلاب التعليم العام فيما يتعلق بكيفية المعرفة، والمعرفة المباشرة، والمهارات التنظيمية لديهم، وذلك باستخدام المنهج الكيفي) النوعي (المستند على أساس نظري لتحديد موضوعات الاستكشاف في أطر منتظمة. وأظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن عددا كبيرا من المقالات تؤيد الموقف الذي يرى أن ألعاب الفيديو التعليمية (IVGs) تساعد الطلاب على تحسين أسس المعرفة الإجرائية، والمشروطة، والصريحة المباشرة، مع وجود عدد بسيط من البحوث التي تشير إلى غير ذلك. كما أدت مراجعة منهجية للأدبيات، وتحليل موضوعي للمحتوى، وتنظيم الموضوعات إلى استنتاج مفاده أن ألعاب الفيديو التفاعلية (IVGs) لها عدة آثار إيجابية وبعض الآثار السلبية. وتشمل الآثار الإيجابية: اكتساب مهارات التطوير المستمر لمهارات افتراضية، والتنظيم الذاتي، وأداء أفضل للمهام) اعتمادا على المعرفة التقريرية والإجرائية)، وارتفاع مستويات التركيز، وتحسين الاستدلال والقدرة على اتخاذ القرار، وزيادة الاستعداد الجسدي والقدرة التنافسية، بالإضافة إلى تغيرات إيجابية في الاتجاه والسلوك. وتقترح الدراسة أن استخدام استراتيجيات التدخل المناسبة يمكن أن تعزز المكاسب الإيجابية لألعاب الفيديو التفاعلية (IVGs). ومع ذلك، من المستحسن إجراء مزيد من البحوث لتحديد أفضل الاستراتيجيات لتحسين الآثار الإيجابية للألعاب والحد من آثارها السلبية بين طلاب التعليم العام. الكلمات الدلالية: خلاصة تحليلية، السلوك، المعرفة، ألعاب الفيديو التفاعليةABSTRACT A meta-analysis of the effects of Interactive Video Games (IVGs) on the behavioral and cognitive constructs of meta-cognitive knowledge, direct cognition, and regulatory skills of K-12 students was conducted using a qualitative approach based on grounded theory to address the subject of inquiry within formalized frameworks. Research results showed that a significant number of articles supported the position that IVGs help students to improve the foundations of their procedural, conditional, and declarative knowledge, with a smaller number contending otherwise. A systematic literature review, analysis of thematic content, and organization of themes led to the conclusion that IVGs have several positive and some negative effects. The positive effects include the acquisition of skills for continual development of hypothetical skills, self-regulation, better task performance (based on declarative and procedural knowledge), higher levels of concentration, improved reasoning and judgmental capabilities, increased physical arousal and competitiveness, and positive changes in attitude and behavior. Using proper intervention strategies could enhance the positive gains from IVGs. Nevertheless, it is recommended to conduct further research to determine the best strategies to optimize the positive effects of games and reduce their negative effects among K-12 school children. Keywords: Meta-Analysis, Behavior, Cognition, Interactive Video Game

    Exploring Factors Influencing the Acceptance of E-Learning and Students’ Cooperation Skills in Higher Education

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    This study investigates the relationship between the behavioral intention to use e-learning and academic achievement, using self-determination theory (SDT) and critical thinking as one of the 21st century skills. This study also examines how the behavioral intention to use e-learning, which mediates the effects of 21st century skills such as logical thinking and perceived utility, promotes academic performance. The approach is based on structural equation modeling using partial least squares (PLS-SEM). A survey question on the idea of self-determination and critical thinking in the 21st century was given to 346 students at King Saud University as the main method of collecting data. The obtained outcomes of students’ perceived usefulness, critical thinking in the 21st-century skills, and behavioral intention to utilize e-learning indicate a positive effect on their academic achievement in higher education institutes, and all of the surveyed students were completely satisfied with the effect of critical thinking in the 21st-century skills on behavioral intention to use e-learning. This study indicates that self-determination theory and critical thinking in the 21st-century skills, as well as communication skills over e-learning systems, enhance the students learning activities and enable the sharing of knowledge, information, and discussions, and, hence, we recommend that students utilize e-learning systems at educational institutions throughout Saudi Arabia for the purpose of learning and that they should be encouraged to do so through lecturers at higher level education institutions

    Adoption of Google Meet by Postgraduate Students: The Role of Task Technology Fit and the TAM Model

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    The use of online meeting programs, such as Google Meet (GM), provides several benefits for teachers and students in terms of achieving learning goals outside of the classroom. Depending on the requirements and goals of the students, a variety of apps might be employed. The point of the study was to address a vacuum in the knowledge with regard to the acceptability of online meeting apps, such as GM and their role. Effectiveness in terms of utilizing GM and attitudes towards using GM are two factors that impact learners’ use of this app for educational purposes. While researchers have examined google meet application acceptance in a variety of contexts, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, effectiveness to utilize google meet and attitude towards using Google Meet as a mediating variable in measuring education has not been explored using the technology acceptance model (TAM). As a result, the study’s purpose was to create a new paradigm by merging TAM with external elements including subjective norms, task-technology fit, and quality of information. This study involved a total of 208 postgraduate students at College of Education at King Saud University. Students were polled using the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach to determine their approximate expectations with regard to online meeting adoption. According to the findings, subjective norms, perceived enjoyment, task-technology fit, and quality of information have a positive impact on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, which in turn has a positive impact on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, which finally leads to a positive effect on effectiveness to utilize GM and attitude towards using Google Meet towards adoption of GM during COVID-19. As a result, higher education institutions should promote the usage of online meeting tools, such as GM, as part of learning processes as a long-term strategy

    Students’ Perceptions of the Actual Use of Mobile Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic in Higher Education

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    Mobile learning (M-learning) has become a significant component of higher education technology. Moreover, M-learning allows students to study, collaborate, and exchange ideas while using the internet and technology. Furthermore, an acceptance of M-learning is necessary for students and educators when it comes to using M-learning systems. However, in Saudi Arabia, not enough studies have been conducted to address students’ perceptions of their actual use of mobile learning for the purpose of education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the current research aims to examine students’ satisfaction with their behavioral intention to use mobile learning, as well as their perceptions of their actual use of mobile learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in higher education. The research is based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The satisfaction and behavioral intentions of students to utilize mobile learning to make real use of mobile education was measured using four separate variables. A TAM survey was used to collect the majority of the data, with questionnaires being randomly distributed to 300 students from King Saud University. SPSS and Smart-PLS3.3.3 were used to analyze the data. The results in terms of the students’ satisfaction and behavior in using M-learning show that M-learning has a good and constructive influence on the actual usage of M-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in higher education. As a result, we encourage students to use M-learning in their classrooms and to collaborate with their peers at higher education institutions. The study’s empirical findings aid in the integration of the TAM model in order to increase students’ M-learning performance

    Application of Learning Management System (LMS) during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Sustainable Acceptance Model of the Expansion Technology Approach

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    The COVID-19 pandemic led to the closure of universities and colleges throughout the world, with the hope that public health officials’ suggestion of social distancing would help flatten the sickness curve and reduce overall mortality from the outbreak. However, the Learning Management System (LMS) is the perfect approach for fostering the dedication of students to content in education like sustainability. Previous studies have seldom investigated an integrated approach in the context of LMS in industrialized nations. In addition, this paper aims to include a literature analysis of recent research conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic in the area of LMS usage, as well as to investigate variables predicting the usage of LMS by higher education students during the COVID-19 pandemic for students’ engagement. On the basis of LMS usage data obtained from an online survey, structural equation modeling (SEM) and route analysis were utilized to verify the research model, a survey consisting of student LMS users King Saud University. The findings showed that the desire of students to use LMS had beneficial effects during the COVID-19 pandemic on learning as sustainability engagement. Also, student-perceived closeness, peer references and subjective well-being are favorably associated with the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, this, in turn, influences students’ intentions to utilize, which, in turn, effects the usage of LMS for student engagement during COVID-19

    Students’ Perceptions of the Actual Use of Mobile Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic in Higher Education

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    Mobile learning (M-learning) has become a significant component of higher education technology. Moreover, M-learning allows students to study, collaborate, and exchange ideas while using the internet and technology. Furthermore, an acceptance of M-learning is necessary for students and educators when it comes to using M-learning systems. However, in Saudi Arabia, not enough studies have been conducted to address students’ perceptions of their actual use of mobile learning for the purpose of education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the current research aims to examine students’ satisfaction with their behavioral intention to use mobile learning, as well as their perceptions of their actual use of mobile learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in higher education. The research is based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The satisfaction and behavioral intentions of students to utilize mobile learning to make real use of mobile education was measured using four separate variables. A TAM survey was used to collect the majority of the data, with questionnaires being randomly distributed to 300 students from King Saud University. SPSS and Smart-PLS3.3.3 were used to analyze the data. The results in terms of the students’ satisfaction and behavior in using M-learning show that M-learning has a good and constructive influence on the actual usage of M-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in higher education. As a result, we encourage students to use M-learning in their classrooms and to collaborate with their peers at higher education institutions. The study’s empirical findings aid in the integration of the TAM model in order to increase students’ M-learning performance

    Adoption of Google Meet by Postgraduate Students: The Role of Task Technology Fit and the TAM Model

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    The use of online meeting programs, such as Google Meet (GM), provides several benefits for teachers and students in terms of achieving learning goals outside of the classroom. Depending on the requirements and goals of the students, a variety of apps might be employed. The point of the study was to address a vacuum in the knowledge with regard to the acceptability of online meeting apps, such as GM and their role. Effectiveness in terms of utilizing GM and attitudes towards using GM are two factors that impact learners’ use of this app for educational purposes. While researchers have examined google meet application acceptance in a variety of contexts, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, effectiveness to utilize google meet and attitude towards using Google Meet as a mediating variable in measuring education has not been explored using the technology acceptance model (TAM). As a result, the study’s purpose was to create a new paradigm by merging TAM with external elements including subjective norms, task-technology fit, and quality of information. This study involved a total of 208 postgraduate students at College of Education at King Saud University. Students were polled using the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach to determine their approximate expectations with regard to online meeting adoption. According to the findings, subjective norms, perceived enjoyment, task-technology fit, and quality of information have a positive impact on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, which in turn has a positive impact on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, which finally leads to a positive effect on effectiveness to utilize GM and attitude towards using Google Meet towards adoption of GM during COVID-19. As a result, higher education institutions should promote the usage of online meeting tools, such as GM, as part of learning processes as a long-term strategy

    Factors Affecting Deaf Students of Using E- Learning According to the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة العوامل المؤثرة على استخدام الطلبة الصم للتعليم الإلكتروني المتزامن وغير المتزامن حسب نموذج قبول التكنولوجيا TAM، كما هدفت إلى معرفة أثر عناصر نموذج قبول التكنولوجيا (سهولة الاستخدام المدركة - الاستفادة المدركة -الميول السلوكية للاستخدام – الاستخدام الفعلي للتكنولوجيا) على استخدام الطلبة الصم للتعليم الإلكتروني. استخدمت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي المسحي؛ والذي يعتبر من أكثر المناهج ملاءمةً للدراسة الحالية، لاعتماده على وصف الواقع الحقيقي للظاهرة ومن ثم تحليل النتائج وبناء الاستنتاجات في ضوء الواقع الحالي.   وتوصلت الدراسة أن أبرز العوامل المؤثرة على استخدام الطلبة الصم للتعليم الإلكتروني حسب نموذج قبول التكنولوجيا TAM تمثلت في عامل الاستفادة المدركة، يليها عامل الميول السلوكية، ثم عامل الاستخدام الفعلي للتعليم الإلكتروني، وأخيراً جاء عامل سهولة الاستخدام المدركة.This study aimed to know the factors affecting the deaf students’ of using synchronous and asynchronous e-learning according to the technology acceptance model (TAM). It also aimed to know the impact of TAM elements (perceived ease of use - perceived usefulness - behavioral intention to use - actual use of technology) on deaf students' use of e-learning. The study used the descriptive survey method, which is considered one of the most appropriate approaches for the current study, it is based on describing the true reality of the phenomenon and then analyzing the results and building conclusions in the light of the current reality. As a result of the study, the most important factors affecting the deaf students of using e-learning according to the technology acceptance model were the perceived usefulness factor, followed by the behavioral intention to use factor, then the actual use of e-learning, and finally the perceived ease of use factor. Key Words: learning, motivation, technology acceptance and adoption models