60 research outputs found

    Guaranteeing Input Tracking For Constrained Systems: Theory and Application to Demand Response

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    A method for certifying exact input trackability for constrained discrete time linear systems is introduced in this paper. A signal is assumed to be drawn from a reference set and the system must track this signal with a linear combination of its inputs. Using methods inspired from robust model predictive control, the proposed approach certifies the ability of a system to track any reference drawn from a polytopic set on a finite time horizon by solving a linear program. Optimization over a parameterization of the set of reference signals is discussed, and particular instances of parameterization of this set that result in a convex program are identified, allowing one to find the largest set of trackable signals of some class. Infinite horizon feasibility of the methods proposed is obtained through use of invariant sets, and an implicit description of such an invariant set is proposed. These results are tailored for the application of power consumption tracking for loads, where the operator of the load needs to certify in advance his ability to fulfill some requirement set by the network operator. An example of a building heating system illustrates the results.Comment: Technical Not

    The Changing Waves of Migration from the Balkans to Turkey: A Historical Account

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    Ahmet İçduygu and Deniz Sert tell the history of migration from the Balkans to Turkey from the end of the nineteenth century to the present. They relate this history to nation-building, but also to economic conditions and specific Turkish concerns, such as the perceived need for immigration to compensate for a declining population at that time. They also demonstrate that after 1990, ethnic migration decreased and irregular labour migration became more important

    Evde yaşayan yaşlılarda yaşam kalitesini etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesi

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    Amaç: Çalısmamız evde yasayan yaslılarda yasam kalitesini etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesi amacıyla planlanmıstır. Materyal ve Yöntem: Çalısmaya yasları 51– 99 yıl arasında ve evde yasayan 283 yaslı rastgele örneklem yöntemi ile dahil edilmistir. Demografik veriler kaydedildikten sonra, bireyler Nothingham Sağlık Profili (NSP), Geriatrik Depresyon Skalası, Fonksiyonel Bağımsızlık Ölçümü (FIM) ve Rivermead Mobilite Đndeksi (RMI) ile değerlendirilmistir. Bulgular: Yas ortalaması 71.11±7.74 yıl olan olguların 153’ü (% 54.1) kadın, 130’u (% 45.9) erkektir. NSP median değeri 14.0, çeyrekler arası fark değeri 14.0 olarak bulunmustur. Sosyal güvencesi olanların, yasadığı ortamdan memnun olanların, bos zaman aktivitelerine katılanların, sürekli ilaç kullanmayan ve kronik hastalığı olmayan bireylerin yasam kalitelerinin daha iyi olduğu tespit edilmistir (p<0.01). Yas ilerledikçe NSP toplam skoru artmakta ve yasam kalitesi kötülesmektedir (p<0.01). Depresyon skorları arttıkça yasam kalitesi azalmaktadır (p<0.01). Mobilite ve fonksiyonel bağımsızlık skoru düsük bireylerde yasam kalitesi düsmektedir. Aralarında negatif yönde ileri düzeyde anlamlı bir korelasyon bulunmustur (p<0.01). Yapılan çoklu analiz sonucunda; cinsiyet, yas, eğitim durumu, sosyal güvence, kronik hastalık sayısı, mali durum, memnuniyet algısı, ilaç kullanımı, bos zaman aktiviteleri, VKĐ, depresyon, FIM, RIM’ den olusturulan model NSP toplam skoru ile modele sokuldu. Eğitim durumu, depresyon, kronik hastalık sayısı ve RIM bağımsız risk faktörleri olarak bulundu. Eğitim durumu ve RMI negatif yönde, kronik hastalık sayısı ve depresyon puanı pozitif yönde etkilemektedir. Tartısma: Evde yasayan yaslılarda yasam kalitesini eğitim durumu ve RIM negatif yönde, kronik hastalık sayısı ve depresyon puanı pozitif yönde etkilemektedir

    Hekimlerde kas-i̇skelet sistemi problemlerinin analizi

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to describe musculoskeletal problems resulting from work setting and occupation in medical doctors who work in a hospital. Materials and Metods: 123 medical doctors with mean age 37.97 ± 9.03 years (54 surgeons, 69 consultants) were included in this study randomly. All of the subjects were evaluated using a questionnaire, which is consistend of 22 questions about musculoskeletal problems, physical characteristics and work performance. Results: It was established that 41 of 123 subjects (23 surgeon, 18 consultants) had at least one musculoskeletal problem resulting from work setting. In the mean time it was determined that the problem begun after approximately 7.20 ± 0.90 years. Conclusion: The results obtained from this study showed that working so long time with the same position and repiting the same activities during wok day lead to a risk factor about musculoskeletal problems in medical doctor

    Musculoskeletal system problems and quality of life of mothers of children with cerebral palsy with different levels of disability.

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to investigate musculoskeletal system problems and quality of life of mothers of children with cerebral palsy with different levels of disability. METHODS: 100 children (37 girls and 63 boys) with cerebral palsy (CP) and their mothers were included in this study. Functional levels of children with CP were assessed by using the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) and the Pediatric Functional Independence Measure (WeeFIM). Quality of life of mothers regarding health was assessed by using the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP). Musculoskeletal system problems of mothers were assessed by using the Neck Disability Index (NDI) and the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ). RESULTS: No statistical significance was found when GMFCS levels of children with CP and the NHP, DASH-T, RMDQ, NDI and the BAE values of mothers were compared in an inter-group way (p> 0.05). When the NHP parameters and the existence of lower and arm pains of mothers were compared with their BAI, NDI, RMDQ and DASH-T scores, a statistically significant relationship was found among them (p< 0.05). CONCLUSION: As functional levels of children with CP get worse, upper extremity, lower back and neck problems and anxiety levels of mothers increase and this situation negatively affects mothers' quality of life

    A preconditioned multigrid for simulation of atmospheric flow and wind turbine wakes

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    Due to copyright restrictions, the access to the full text of this article is only available via subscription.This paper demonstrates a low Mach number preconditioning formulation for high Reynolds number, low Mach number atmospheric flows. The preconditioning is implemented together with multigrid approach into a multistage solver in order to provide an efficient and robust all purpose solver to be used for the simulation of high Reynolds number viscous flows. Several modification and scaling of the preconditioned parameter are introduced to ensure robust use of the scheme for this particular flow regime in presence of stagnation points and seperation regions. The simulations results of standard cases of atmospheric flow over hilly terrain with attached and separated flow are presented to demonstrate the superior convergence, accuracy and robustness of the developed preconditioned scheme. An immersed wind turbine model is also developed and embedded into the preconditioned solver which allows for the simulations of far wake behind wind turbines in wind farms. The use of the immersed model reduces the stringent grid requirements of full RANS simulations around wind turbines and allows one to efficiently predict the wake evolution within wind farms

    Kronik muskulo-skeletal ağrının fizyoterapi-rehabilitasyon ile yönetimi

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    Pek çok insan altı aydan fazla süren ağrı olarak tanımlanan kronik ağrıdan (KA) yakınır. KA hafif şiddette olabildiği gibi ızdırap verici, devamlı veya ara sıra olabilir. Bireyi sadece rahatsız edebilir veya tamamen çaresiz duruma getirebilir. KA Muskuloskeletal Ağrı (KMSA) dünya genelinde oldukça sık karşılan bir sağlık problemidir. KMSA ile sinir sitemi aylar hatta yıllar bounca aktive edilir. Bu durum bireyin fiziksel ve emosyonel yapılarını olumsuz etkiler. KMSA sıklıkla fiziksel fonksiyon bozukluğuna, dizabiliteye ve azalmış yaşam kalitesine yol açar. Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon (F&R) KMSA'lı bireylerin yaşam kalitelerini artırmada hayati önem taşır. Fizyoterapistler elekrofiziksel ajanlar, maual teknikler ve davranış terapi odaklı egzersiz yaklaşımlarını kullanarak holistic bir bakış açısıyla (biyo-psiko-sosyal model) KMSA'lı hastalarıyla çalışırlar. F&R hastalara KMSA ile başa çıkma yöntemlerini öğretir ve yardımcı olur