26 research outputs found

    Distribucija gena otpornosti na sulfonamide kod bakterija izolovanih iz kalifornijske pastrmke u Turskoj

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the antimicrobial resistance to sulfonamide and the prevalence of sulfonamide resistant genes of bacteria isolated from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchusmykiss) farms in Rize and Trabzon, Turkey. 13 bacterial species were isolated and all of the bacteria exhibited resistance to sulfamethoxazole. Among sulfonamide resistance genes, sul1(24%) was found in the highest frequency followed by sul2 (20%) and,sul3 (12%). Multiple antimicrobial resistance genes were detected in 3 of 33 (9%) bacteria. Two Aeromonashydrophila strains contained both sul1 and sul2 genes.This study revealed that sulfonamide resistant bacteria and their resistance genes were distributed in different species. This research also suggests that the aquaticenvironment is a reservoir of sul genes, in which the genes may be transferred among not only aquatic bacteria but also human related bacteria.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita otpornost bakterija na sulfonamide i učestalost pojave gena otpornosti na sulfonamide kod bakterija izolovanih iz kalifornijske pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss) sa farmi u Rizi i Trabzonu, Turska. Izolovano je 13 bakterijskih vrsta i sve bakterije su pokazale otpornost na sulfametoksazol. Među genima otpornosti na sulfonamide najčešće je utvrđen sul1 (24%), zatim sul2 (20%) i sul3 (12%). Geni višestruke antimikrobne otpornosti otkrivene su kod 3 od 33 (9%) bakterija. Dva Aeromonas hydrophila soja sadržavala su oba gena, sul1 i sul2. Ovim istraživanjem utvrđeno je da su bakterije otporne na sulfonamide i njihovi geni rezistencije prisutni u različitim vrstama. Ovo istraživanje takođe ukazuje da je vodena sredina rezervoar sul gena, u kojoj ovi geni mogu biti prenošeni ne samo na bakterije koje žive u vodi, nego i na one koje su povezane sa bolestima ljudi

    Potencijalna upotreba auksotrofnih aroa i aroc mutanata yersinia ruckeri kao žive atenuirane vakcine

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    Yersinia ruckeri causes yersiniosis in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Yersiniosis is the main causes of high mortalities and severe economic losses in freshwater and marine aquaculture. To treat and prevent yersiniosis, antibiotics and inactive vaccines have been used. However, use of antibiotics can cause antibiotic resistance in bacteria, while inactive vaccines do not provide prolonged protection against bacterial fish diseases. Formation of antibiotic resistance in bacteria against antibiotics, and chemical contamination of the environment are some of the undesirable outcomes. For these reasons, prevention of fish diseases using vaccination strategies is important for ensuring the profitability and sustainability of aquaculture production. The objective of this research is to develop live attenuated vaccines against yersiniosis. To reach this aim, aroA and aroC genes of Y. ruckeri have been mutated and virulence and efficacy of these mutants are characterized. Our main hypothesis is that Y. ruckeri with mutations in their aromatic amino acid biosynthesis network (aro) will lose their ability to cause infections in fish and these will be used as live vaccines. To accomplish the aim of this research, 5' and 3' regions of Y. ruckeri aroA (5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate syntheses) and aroC (2, 3-dihydroxybenzoic acid) genes are amplified and DNA fragments mutated by overlap extension PCR will be cloned into a suicide plasmid (pDS132). This plasmid will be transferred to Y. ruckeri for replacing wild type genes with mutated aroA and aroC genes via homologous recombination. Successful completion of this phase is expected to yield live attenuated vaccine candidates. It is expected that these live attenuated vaccines will provide resistance against the wild type Y. ruckeri infections in trout, and thus, prevent onset and progress of diseases. Successful completion of this study is expected to prevent fish losses due to Y. ruckeri infections and increase the profitability of aquaculture. Contend with fish diseases using traditional methods is generally ineffective and expensive

    Razvijanje vakcine protiv yersinia ruckeri pomoću aroa i aroc genske mutacije

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    Yersiniosis caused by Yersinia ruckeri is the main causes of high mortalities and severe economic losses in freshwater and marine aquaculture. To prevent this disease, a live attenuated vaccine was developed. For this purpose, Y. ruckeri aroA and aroC genes were amplified and DNA fragments mutated by overlap extension PCR was cloned into a suicide plasmid. This plasmid was transferred to Y. ruckeri for replacing wild type genes with mutated aroA and aroC genes via homologous recombination. Virulence of mutant Y. ruckeri was determined by infecting juvenile rainbow trout with mutant bacteria and calculating fish mortalities and immune responses in fish. Similarly, efficacy of mutant Y. ruckeri was determined by vaccinating fish with mutant bacteria and then challenging the same fish with wild type Y. ruckeri RB0708 6 months after vaccination. Vaccination of rainbow trout with the aroA and aroC mutant as a live vaccine conferred significant protection against the wild-type Y. ruckeri.Jersinioza koju izaziva Yersinia ruckeri je osnovni uzrok visokog mortaliteta i velikih ekonomskih gubitaka u slatkovodnoj i marinskoj akvakulturi. Da bi se bolest sprečila razvijena je živa atenuisana vakcina. U tu svrhu su geni Y. ruckeri aroA i aroC umnoženi i DNK fragmenti mutirani korišćenjem PCR metode kojom su klonirani i ubačeni u plazmid. Plazmid je prenet u Y. ruckeri da bi zamenio divlji tip gena mutiranim aroA i aroC genima, putem homologe rekombinacije. Virulenca mutiranog Y. ruckeri je određivana inficiranjem mlađi kalifornijske pastrmke mutiranim bakterijama i izračunavanjem mortaliteta i imunog odgovora riba. Efikasnost mutiranog Y. ruckeri je određivana vakcinacijom riba mutiranim bakterijama i izazivanjem obolenja kod iste ribe divljim tipom Y. ruckeri RB0708 6 meseci po vakcinaciji. Vakcinacija kalifornijske pastrmke sa aroA i aroC mutantima kao žive vakcine doprineo je značajnoj zaštiti protiv divljeg soja Y. ruckeri

    Prıkaz bakterıjskıh bolestı medıteranskog šnjura (trachurus mediterraneus) gajenog u morskım kavezıma u južnom crnomorskom regıonu Turske

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    This study aimed to screen bacterial disease in cultured horse mackerel in the marine fish farm of the Southern Black Sea Region of Turkey. Fish bacteria were surveyed monthly and collected in November 2011 to October 2013 from cultured horse mackerel in the sea-cages. During the study, no parasite was found while several Gram negative bacterial species including Aeromonas hydrophila, Chryseobacterium indologenes, Vibrio vulnificus, Bulkholderia cepacia, Photobacterium damselae damselae and Vibrio alginolyticus were isolated from cultured fish. Fifty percent or more of the bacteria were resistant to streptomycin, sulfamethoxazole, gentamycin, cephalothin, and ampicillin. The most effective antibiotics were florefenicol and chloramphenicol. The most prevalent resistance genes were found to be beta-lactam (blaTEM-OT3-4) and Tetracycline (tetB).Cilj ovog rada je da prikaže bakterijske bolesti šnjura gajenog u morskom ribnjaku u Južnoj crnomorskoj regiji Turske. Bakterijska flora riba ispitivana je jednom mesečno a uzorci su prikupljani od šnjura gajenog u morskim kavezima od novembra 2011 do oktobra 2013. U toku istraživanja nije utvrđeno prisustvo parazita, dok je iz uzoraka iz gajenih riba izolovano nekoliko vrsta Gram-negativnih vrsta bakterija, uključujući Aeromonas hydrophila, Chryseobacterium indologenes, Vibrio vulnificus, Bulkholderia cepacia, Photobacterium damselae damselae i Vibrio alginolyticus. Pedeset procenata ili više bakterija bile su otporne na streptomicin, sulfametoksazol, gentamicin, cefalotin i ampicilin. Kao najefikasniji antibiotici pokazali su se florfenikol i hloramfenikol. Najčešće utvrđeni geni rezistencije bili su beta-laktamski (blaTEM-OT3-4) i tetraciklinski (tetB)

    Aqueous Hg<sup>2+</sup> associates with TiO<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles according to particle size, changes particle agglomeration, and becomes less bioavailable to zebrafish

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    Altinok, Ilhan/0000-0003-3475-521X; Boyle, David/0000-0001-6919-7137; Patsiou, Danae/0000-0002-4863-3486; Henry, Theodore/0000-0002-9675-9454WOS: 000374604100024PubMed: 26970871Engineered nanoparticles (NPs) have unique physicochemistry and potential to interact with other substances in the aqueous phase. Here, gene [metallothionein 2 (mt2)] expression changes in larval zebrafish were used to evaluate the association between aqueous Hg2+ and TiO2 (NPs and bulk particle size control) to investigate the relationship between changes in Hg2+ behavior and TiO2 size. During 24 h exposures, TiO2 agglomerates increased in size and in the presence of 25 mu g Hg-2+/L, greater increases in size were observed. the concentration of Hg2+ in suspension also decreased in the presence of TiO2-NPs. Mercury increased expression of mt2 in larval zebrafish, but this response was lessened when zebrafish were exposed to Hg2+ in the presence of TiO2-NPs, and which suggests that TiO2-NPs alter the bioavailability of Hg2+ to zebrafish larvae. This ameliorative effect of TiO2 was also likely due to surface binding of Hg2+ because a greater decrease in mt2 expression was observed in the presence of 1 mg/L TiO2-NPs than 1 mg/L TiO2-bulk. in conclusion, the results show that Hg2+ will associate with TiO2-NPs, TiO2-NPs that have associated Hg2+ will settle out of the aqueous phase more rapidly, and agglomerates will deliver associated Hg2+ to sediment surfaces. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Irreversible starvation using RNA/DNA on lab-grown larval anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus, and evaluating starvation in the field-caught larval cohort

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    Altinok, Ilhan/0000-0003-3475-521X; YANDI, ilhan/0000-0003-1780-3654WOS: 000427668900005The recruitment of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus, the crucial forage fish in the Black Sea ecosystem, has drastically decreased in the last two decades, mainly due to overfishing. the wild-caught fertilized anchovy eggs were hatched and the larvae exposed to the different feeding levels to indicate the irreversible starvation criteria based on RNA/DNA, then the nutritional status of wild-caught larvae were evaluated. the newly hatched larvae had mean notochord length of 3.25 +/- 0.04 mm and first feeding started on day 3 after hatching. the feeding levels applied to produce the irreversible starvation were fed control (FC), unfed control (UC), delayed first feeding for 1 (1DF), 2 (2DF) and 3 days (3DF). the whole body RNA/DNA ratio and the daily protein growth rate were individually analyzed. There were no survivors left in unfed group on day 6. Irreversible starvation (IS) occurred on the first day after first feeding which suggest the Black Sea anchovy larvae have a very low tolerance to starvation and the critical RNA/DNA ratio was 1.022 +/- 0.20. the survival rate in the unfed control was similar to the other delayed groups. the highest daily protein growth rates were on day 6 with 43.45% for FC. Based on IS derived from RNA/DNA, 91% survival probability was detected in field-caught larvae. in future, irreversible RNA/DNA ratio can be used for monitoring and comparing of nutritional status and recruitment probability of different cohorts of the Black Sea anchovy larvae.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [110O050]This study was supported by grant from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) with Project number 110O050. We like to tank Dr. Ilknur Yildiz for determination of plankton from field-sampled. We are grateful to Dr. Hannah Murphy from Fisheries and Oceans Canada for revising this article

    Protozoan and Metazoan Parasites of Cultured Fish in Turkey and their Applied Treatments

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    This publication summarizes information on parasites of Turkish fishes from 2003 to 2008. The information is presented as parasite-host lists and con- tains 79 species of parasites, distributed among the higher taxa as follows: Protozoa (14 species), Monogenea (12), Digenea (15), Cestodes (8), Crustacae (1), Isopoda (7), Copepoda (4), Nematoda (8), Bivalvia (1), Acanthocephala (5), Hirudinea (1), and Myxosporean (3). Many records of parasites not identified to the species level are also included. The parasite- host lists are organized on a taxonomic basis and provide information for parasite species found on host species, known geographic distributions in Turkey, and published sources for each host and locality record

    Rast dıploıdne ı trıploidne mlađı crnomorske rıbe lıst (psetta maxıma) u razlıčıtım temperaturnım uslovıma

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    The present study was carried out to investigate growth and feed utilization of juvenile triploid Black Sea turbot under different temperature regimes. Diploid (D16) and triploid (T16) fish juvenile (4 g) were reared at 16 °C for 56 days (I. period) and at 21°C for 55 days (II. period), while diploid (D21) and triploid (T21) groups were reared at 21°C for whole period (111 days). Ploidi did not affect fish survival rates at all temperature regimes that was statistically significant (P > 0.05). At the end of the first period, there was no difference in the specific growth rate (SGR) between D21 and T21 groups, but D16 group had a significantly higher SGR than T16 group. In the second period, there was no difference in SGR between D21 and T21 groups or D16 and T16 groups. SGR of D21 and T21 groups were significantly higher than D16 and T16 groups for both periods (P < 0.05). Triploid exhibited ssimilar weight with diploids reared at 21 °C but lower at 16 °C. It seams that triploid juvenile turbot may show lower performance than diploids at low rearing temperature. When lower rearing temperature (16 °C) was increased to 21 °C, D16 juveniles compensated their body weight and were similar to those of D21 group, but group T16 did not compensate their body weight to the body weight of T 21 group. In conclusion, not only temperature but also ploidy influenced growth and feed utilization of juvenile turbot and similar growth can be obtained from juvenile triploid turbot by rearing them at 21°C

    Parentage assignment inSalmo truttastrains and their crossbreeds with known mating

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    WOS: 000568459500001Brown trout,Salmo truttais a widespread fish species throughout the Europe yet most of the natural populations of the species is in decline due to the anthropogenic pressures. Hatchery based stock enhancement is commonly used to restore depleted populations. Tracking pedigree information is useful for evaluating performance of stocked offspring and for examining introgression where stocking practices are being implemented. in this study, parentage assignment powers of 16 previously developed microsatellite markers have been evaluated in four brown trout strains and their reciprocal crossbreeds. the number of alleles per locus ranged between 3 (Str73INRA) -24 (T3-13). Observed (H-O) and expected heterozygosity (H-E) was between 0.188 and 0.854 and 0.175-0.903, respectively. According to the simulation analysis with prior known parental and filial information, of the 204 offspring tested, correct assignment rate of the eight most informative microsatellite marker to their parental pairs was 96.08% and that of 15 loci was 98.04%. Having more than eight markers boosted only 1.96% extra power of assignment. Meanwhile correct assignment rate of five loci was resulted only 85.29%. Our results demonstrate that microsatellite markers are reliable and effective tools for the parentage assignment in brown trout strains and their reciprocal crossbreeds. the findings obtained in the present study would also be useful for performance evaluation of stocked fish, detecting crossbreeds and examining introgression into natural populations.Scientific and Technological Research Council of TurkeyTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [TUBITAK: 214O595]This project was funded by Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK: 214O595)