173 research outputs found

    What's to Automate? A Task Analysis of AI-enabled Start-ups

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    Automation of tasks as a result of advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently one of the major economical drivers. However, the varying effectiveness of AI usage across occupations and industries suggests that the impact of AI diffusion is uneven. Thus, it is imperative to understand which types of tasks are more or less prevalent in AI-enabled businesses. Using a cross-sectional dataset of 27,700 start-ups and occupation data, we utilize word embedding to link start-ups to their respective underlying tasks. We compare the task types of AI-enabled with non-AI start-ups in the services and platforms domain using a suitability for machine learning metric. The results show that analytical, logistical, and statistical tasks predominate among AI-enabled start-ups while services with customer proximity have a smaller share and the overall task diversity is lower. The implications of our findings are discussed in the light of labor theory and the economies of scale of AI start-ups

    Constrained Polynomial Zonotopes

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    We introduce constrained polynomial zonotopes, a novel non-convex set representation that is closed under linear map, Minkowski sum, Cartesian product, convex hull, intersection, union, and quadratic as well as higher-order maps. We show that the computational complexity of the above-mentioned set operations for constrained polynomial zonotopes is at most polynomial in the representation size. The fact that constrained polynomial zonotopes are generalizations of zonotopes, polytopes, polynomial zonotopes, Taylor models, and ellipsoids, further substantiates the relevance of this new set representation. The conversion from other set representations to constrained polynomial zonotopes is at most polynomial with respect to the dimension

    Reachability Analysis of ARMAX Models

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    Reachability analysis is a powerful tool for computing the set of states or outputs reachable for a system. While previous work has focused on systems described by state-space models, we present the first methods to compute reachable sets of ARMAX models - one of the most common input-output models originating from data-driven system identification. The first approach we propose can only be used with dependency-preserving set representations such as symbolic zonotopes, while the second one is valid for arbitrary set representations but relies on a reformulation of the ARMAX model. By analyzing the computational complexities, we show that both approaches scale quadratically with respect to the time horizon of the reachability problem when using symbolic zonotopes. To reduce the computational complexity, we propose a third approach that scales linearly with respect to the time horizon when using set representations that are closed under Minkowski addition and linear transformation and that satisfy that the computational complexity of the Minkowski sum is independent of the representation size of the operands. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that the reachable sets of ARMAX models are tighter than the reachable sets of equivalent state space models in case of unknown initial states. Therefore, this methodology has the potential to significantly reduce the conservatism of various verification techniques.Comment: \copyright 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Backward Reachability Analysis of Perturbed Continuous-Time Linear Systems Using Set Propagation

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    Backward reachability analysis computes the set of states that reach a target set under the competing influence of control input and disturbances. Depending on their interplay, the backward reachable set either represents all states that can be steered into the target set or all states that cannot avoid entering it -- the corresponding solutions can be used for controller synthesis and safety verification, respectively. A popular technique for backward reachable set computation solves Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs equations, which scales exponentially with the state dimension due to gridding the state space. In this work, we instead use set propagation techniques to design backward reachability algorithms for linear time-invariant systems. Crucially, the proposed algorithms scale only polynomially with the state dimension. Our numerical examples demonstrate the tightness of the obtained backward reachable sets and show an overwhelming improvement of our proposed algorithms over state-of-the-art methods regarding scalability, as systems with well over a hundred states can now be analyzed.Comment: 16 page

    Human-Robot Gym: Benchmarking Reinforcement Learning in Human-Robot Collaboration

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    Deep reinforcement learning (RL) has shown promising results in robot motion planning with first attempts in human-robot collaboration (HRC). However, a fair comparison of RL approaches in HRC under the constraint of guaranteed safety is yet to be made. We, therefore, present human-robot gym, a benchmark for safe RL in HRC. Our benchmark provides eight challenging, realistic HRC tasks in a modular simulation framework. Most importantly, human-robot gym includes a safety shield that provably guarantees human safety. We are, thereby, the first to provide a benchmark to train RL agents that adhere to the safety specifications of real-world HRC. This bridges a critical gap between theoretic RL research and its real-world deployment. Our evaluation of six environments led to three key results: (a) the diverse nature of the tasks offered by human-robot gym creates a challenging benchmark for state-of-the-art RL methods, (b) incorporating expert knowledge in the RL training in the form of an action-based reward can outperform the expert, and (c) our agents negligibly overfit to training data

    Falsification-Based Robust Adversarial Reinforcement Learning

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) has achieved tremendous progress in solving various sequential decision-making problems, e.g., control tasks in robotics. However, RL methods often fail to generalize to safety-critical scenarios since policies are overfitted to training environments. Previously, robust adversarial reinforcement learning (RARL) was proposed to train an adversarial network that applies disturbances to a system, which improves robustness in test scenarios. A drawback of neural-network-based adversaries is that integrating system requirements without handcrafting sophisticated reward signals is difficult. Safety falsification methods allow one to find a set of initial conditions as well as an input sequence, such that the system violates a given property formulated in temporal logic. In this paper, we propose falsification-based RARL (FRARL), the first generic framework for integrating temporal-logic falsification in adversarial learning to improve policy robustness. With falsification method, we do not need to construct an extra reward function for the adversary. We evaluate our approach on a braking assistance system and an adaptive cruise control system of autonomous vehicles. Experiments show that policies trained with a falsification-based adversary generalize better and show less violation of the safety specification in test scenarios than the ones trained without an adversary or with an adversarial network.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure