16 research outputs found

    Prioritising Organisational Factors Impacting Cloud ERP Adoption and the Critical Issues Related to Security, Usability, and Vendors: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Abstract: Cloud ERP is a type of enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that runs on the vendor’s cloud platform instead of an on-premises network, enabling companies to connect through the Internet. The goal of this study was to rank and prioritise the factors driving cloud ERP adoption by organisations and to identify the critical issues in terms of security, usability, and vendors that impact adoption of cloud ERP systems. The assessment of critical success factors (CSFs) in on-premises ERP adoption and implementation has been well documented; however, no previous research has been carried out on CSFs in cloud ERP adoption. Therefore, the contribution of this research is to provide research and practice with the identification and analysis of 16 CSFs through a systematic literature review, where 73 publications on cloud ERP adoption were assessed from a range of different conferences and journals, using inclusion and exclusion criteria. Drawing from the literature, we found security, usability, and vendors were the top three most widely cited critical issues for the adoption of cloud-based ERP; hence, the second contribution of this study was an integrative model constructed with 12 drivers based on the security, usability, and vendor characteristics that may have greater influence as the top critical issues in the adoption of cloud ERP systems. We also identified critical gaps in current research, such as the inconclusiveness of findings related to security critical issues, usability critical issues, and vendor critical issues, by highlighting the most important drivers influencing those issues in cloud ERP adoption and the lack of discussion on the nature of the criticality of those CSFs. This research will aid in the development of new strategies or the revision of existing strategies and polices aimed at effectively integrating cloud ERP into cloud computing infrastructure. It will also allow cloud ERP suppliers to determine organisations’ and business owners’ expectations and implement appropriate tactics. A better understanding of the CSFs will narrow the field of failure and assist practitioners and managers in increasing their chances of success

    A Detailed Testing Procedure of Numerical Differential Protection Relay for EHV Auto Transformer

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    Abstract: In power systems, the programmable numerical differential relays are widely used for the protection of generators, bus bars, transformers, shunt reactors, and transmission lines. Retrofitting of relays is the need of the hour because lack of proper testing techniques and misunderstanding of vital procedures may result in under performance of the overall protection system. Lack of relay’s proper testing provokes an unpredictability in its behavior, that may prompt tripping of a healthy power system. Therefore, the main contribution of the paper is to prepare a step-by-step comprehensive procedural guideline for practical implementation of relay testing procedures and a detailed insight analysis of relay’s settings for the protection of an Extra High Voltage (EHV) auto transformer. The experimental results are scrutinized to document a detailed theoretical and technical analysis. Moreover, the paper also covers shortcomings of existing literature by documenting specialized literature that covers all aspects of protection relays, i.e., from basics of electromechanical domain to the technicalities of the numerical differential relay covering its detailed testing from different reputed manufacturers. A secondary injection relay test set is used for detailed testing of differential relay under test, and the S1 Agile software is used for protection relay settings, configuration modification, and detailed analysis

    Usable security of authentication process:New approach and practical assessment

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    Authentication mechanisms are considered the typical method to secure financial websites. Context authentication has become increasingly important in the arena of online banking, which involves sensitive data that belong to users who trust their banks. Multifactor authentication is the most commonly used method of strengthening the log-in process in e-banking. Developing a usable and secure authentication approach and method is the most challenging area for researchers in the fields of security and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). This paper describes a work-in-progress towards a new approach for authenticating users when access online banking by giving them the opportunity to choose their preferred method to log into e-banking. In our complex experiment with 100 online banking customers, we simulate an original online banking platform based on the proposed approach; then, we evaluate the usability and security of three different methods and assess user awareness of the most visible security design flaws. The initial result shows that the new system model was able to assess the usability and security of different multifactor authentication methods and it is considered a first attempt towards a usable and secure authentication approach

    Asymptotic formulations of anti-plane problems in pre-stressed compressible elastic laminates

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    This article investigates the long-wave anti-plane shear motion in a symmetric three-layered laminate composed of pre-stressed compressible elastic layers. The layers of the laminate are perfectly bonded, while traction-free and fixed boundary conditions are considered on the outer faces of the laminate. In both cases, the dispersion relation is obtained in terms of symmetric and anti-symmetric decompositions. Numerical results and an asymptotic long-wave analysis are presented, corresponding to the three possible vibration modes. It is revealed that a low-frequency mode only exists in respect of symmetric motion with free-faces, while all other cases pose a series of non-zero cut-off frequencies. Comparisons between the exact and approximate asymptotic results are presented, and excellent agreement is observed

    Human Activity Recognition Using Cell Phone-Based Accelerometer and Convolutional Neural Network

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    Human Activity Recognition (HAR) has become an active field of research in the computer vision community. Recognizing the basic activities of human beings with the help of computers and mobile sensors can be beneficial for numerous real-life applications. The main objective of this paper is to recognize six basic human activities, viz., jogging, sitting, standing, walking and whether a person is going upstairs or downstairs. This paper focuses on predicting the activities using a deep learning technique called Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and the accelerometer present in smartphones. Furthermore, the methodology proposed in this paper focuses on grouping the data in the form of nodes and dividing the nodes into three major layers of the CNN after which the outcome is predicted in the output layer. This work also supports the evaluation of testing and training of the two-dimensional CNN model. Finally, it was observed that the model was able to give a good prediction of the activities with an average accuracy of 89.67%. Considering that the dataset used in this research work was built with the aid of smartphones, coming up with an efficient model for such datasets and some futuristic ideas pose open challenges in the research community

    Multilevel Central Trust Management Approach for Task Scheduling on IoT-Based Mobile Cloud Computing

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    With the increasing number of mobile devices and IoT devices across a wide range of real-life applications, our mobile cloud computing devices will not cope with this growing number of audiences soon, which implies and demands the need to shift to fog computing. Task scheduling is one of the most demanding scopes after the trust computation inside the trustable nodes. The mobile devices and IoT devices transfer the resource-intensive tasks towards mobile cloud computing. Some tasks are resource-intensive and not trustable to allocate to the mobile cloud computing resources. This consequently gives rise to trust evaluation and data sync-up of devices joining and leaving the network. The resources are more intensive for cloud computing and mobile cloud computing. Time, energy, and resources are wasted due to the nontrustable nodes. This research article proposes a multilevel trust enhancement approach for efficient task scheduling in mobile cloud environments. We first calculate the trustable tasks needed to offload towards the mobile cloud computing. Then, an efficient and dynamic scheduler is added to enhance the task scheduling after trust computation using social and environmental trust computation techniques. To improve the time and energy efficiency of IoT and mobile devices using the proposed technique, the energy computation and time request computation are compared with the existing methods from literature, which identified improvements in the results. Our proposed approach is centralized to tackle constant SyncUPs of incoming devices’ trust values with mobile cloud computing. With the benefits of mobile cloud computing, the centralized data distribution method is a positive approach

    An Intelligent Carbon-Based Prediction of Wastewater Treatment Plants Using Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Purification of polluted water and return back to the agriculture field is the wastewater treatment for plants. Contaminated water causes illness and health emergencies of public. Also, health risk due release of toxic contaminants brings problem to all living beings. At present, sensors are used in waste water treatment and transfer data via internet of things (IoT). Prediction of wastewater quality content which is presence of total nitrogen (T-N) and total phosphorous (T-P) elements, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical demand (BOD), and total suspended solids (TSS) is associated with eutrophication that should be prevented. This may leads to algal bloom and spoils aquatic life which is consumed by human. The presence of nitrogen and phosphorous elements is in the content of wastewater, and these elements are associated with eutrophication which should be prevented. Adsorption of T-N and T-P activated carbon was predictable as one of the most promising methods for wastewater treatment. Many research works have been done. The issues are inefficiency in the prediction of wastewater treatment. To overcome this issue, this paper proposed fusion of B-KNN with the ELM algorithm that is used. The accuracy of the BKNN-ELM algorithm in classification of water quality status produced the highest accuracy of the highest accuracy which is K=9 and k=10 with rate of accuracy which is 93.56%, and the lowest accuracy is K=1 of 65.34%. Experiment evaluation shows that a total suspended solid predicted by proposed model is 91 with accuracy of 93%. The relative error rate of prediction is 12.03 which is lesser than existing models

    Gaussian Process Regression and Machine Learning Methods for Carbon-Based Material Adsorption

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    Antibiotics have received a lot of attention as promising contaminants because of their ecotoxicological and long-term chemical stability in the atmosphere. Antibiotic adsorption on carbon-based materials (CBMs) such as charcoal and activated carbon has been identified as mainly effective for treating the wastewater strategies. Machine learning (ML) approaches were used to create generalized computation methods for tetracycline (TC) and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) adsorption in CBMs in this investigation. In the existing system, random forest and ANN methods were used for TC and SMX for predicting the quantities of antibiotics in the CBMs. For reducing the antibiotics from the industrial wastewater, the broadcast efforts of the experiments are a little complicated. In the proposed method, Gaussian process regression (GPR), active learning (AL), and ANN are used for predicting the antibiotic levels in the industrial wastewater. Below a variety of environmental parameters (e.g., warmth, solution pH) and adsorbent varieties, the created Ml algorithms outperformed classic isotherm models in conditions of generalisation. To evaluate TC and SMX adsorption on CBMs, we used comparative significance investigation and partial trust plots based on ML models. The proposed GPR reduces the antibiotics in wastewater; minimal experimental screening and the comparative significance and partial trust plot help in the treatment of wastewater

    Formal Modeling and Improvement in the Random Path Routing Network Scheme Using Colored Petri Nets

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been applied in networking devices, and a new problem has emerged called source-location privacy (SLP) in critical security systems. In wireless sensor networks, hiding the location of the source node from the hackers is known as SLP. The WSNs have limited battery capacity and low computational ability. Many state-of-the-art protocols have been proposed to address the SLP problems and other problems such as limited battery capacity and low computational power. One of the popular protocols is random path routing (RPR), and in random path routing, the system keeps sending the message randomly along all the possible paths from a source node to a sink node irrespective of the path’s distance. The problem arises when the system keeps sending a message via the longest route, resulting because of high battery usage and computational costs. This research paper presents a novel networking model referred to as calculated random path routing (CRPR). CRPR first calculates the top three shortest paths, and then randomly sends a token to any of the top three shortest calculated paths, ensuring the optimal tradeoff between computational cost and SLP. The proposed methodology includes the formal modeling of the CRPR in Colored Petri Nets. We have validated and verified the CRPR, and the results depict the optimal tradeoff