296 research outputs found

    Socio-demographic determinants of pregnancy induced hypertension

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    Background: Pregnancy induced hypertension is a major health problem affecting the maternal and neonatal health, this serious obstetric problem occurs in women with pre-existing primary or secondary hypertension or women who are not having hypertension before pregnancy.Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out among the women suffering from pregnancy induced hypertension, admitted in the gynaecology wards of Lal-Ded hospital, Srinagar from May 2021 to July 2021. A total of 100 sample patients were taken and data was collected using structured questionnaire. Data was analyzed by using SPSS 16.0.Results: Women suffering from PIH were having the mean age of 28 years with the mean gestation period being 36 weeks+6 days. Their mean systolic blood pressure was 150 mmHg and mean diastolic blood pressure was 98 mmHg. Out of 100 women, 75% were multigravida and 25% were primigravida and 40% were having a history of hypertension before pregnancy. Only 48% had a history of PIH in previous pregnancies while 52% had no such history. In 14% of PIH patients, there was an associated systemic disease. Out of 100, 48% belonged to rural areas, 15% were living in urban areas while 37% resided in semi-urban district. 46% of the patients were illiterate while 54% were educated, be it primary, secondary or higher level. Only 8% were employed while the rest were house wives. 11% had not been to a gynaecologist during their pregnancy while 13% had one visit done, 30% two and 46% had three or more antenatal visits. 67% had a history of hypertension among blood relatives.Conclusions: Pregnancy induced hypertension and socio-demographic determinants like the age of mother, blood pressure, history of hypertensive disorders in blood relatives,do show correlation Among these, history of PIH and chronic hypertensive disorders in blood relatives and high BP seemed to be the strongest risk factors among these 100 women

    Appendicular perforation at the base of the caecum, a rare operative challenge in acute appendicitis, a literature review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Acute appendicitis is the most common acute surgical condition of the abdomen. Diagnosis is made based on full clinical history and examination as well as supported by a routine blood investigation and urine test. Prompt diagnosis and surgical referral may reduce the risk of perforation and prevent complications. The mortality rate of non-perforated appendicitis is less than 1 percent. Perforated appendicitis is associated with a higher mortality rate - as high as five percent and may be particularly more in extreme of age group attributed to delay in clinical presentation or diagnosis in the younger group and multiple co-morbidities in the elderly group. The aetiology is unknown. It may be linked with lack of fibre, familial tendency, or viral infection. It may be precipitated by faecaliths. The commonest site of the appendix is retrocaecal.</p> <p>Case Report</p> <p>We report a case of a 46 year old male who was admitted under the surgical service in Mid-Western Regional Hospital, Limerick with suspected appendicitis which turned out to be a perforated caecum, a rare complication of an acute appendicitis. We performed a literature review comparing two main approaches - right hemicolectomy and primary closure with omental patch - discuss and highlight their differences as well as a guide to its management.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There are limited studies to compare these two surgical options in the literature. A larger prospective study is needed to compare both approaches and long term outcome.</p

    Integration of status consumption and theory of planned behavior: a conceptual framework

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    The theory of planned behavior (TPB) is a popular theory to predict human behavior in many social science studies, consumer behaviour being no exception. The TPB in its simplest form postulates that human actions can be predicted by their intentions towards that action, and assumes that this is because humans are rational beings. Despite its popularity, TPB has been criticized in previous research on a number of grounds.TPB is essentially confined to rational behavior of humans. However, humans are not always rational in their behaviors. TPB misses out on personality, motivation, learning, lifestyles, and emotions related constructs. Thus, TPB’s utility in predicting intentions has been questioned by previous researchers. It has been empirically found to predict between 35% and 66% of the variance in intentions towards behavior. These findings indicate the presence of additional predictor constructs of purchase intentions either directly or indirectly. Furthermore, products that are perceived as status symbols do not just satisfy functional needs of the consumers but also their social and status needs. Therefore, the current study integrates status consumption with the three independent variables of TPB, namely attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control in to a single framework and proposes that addition of status consumption will increase the predictive power of TPB for products perceived as status symbols by consumers

    Structural characterization and hardness of carbon nanotube/alumina composites prepared by tri-sec-butoxide

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    The so-gel approach was used in the production of an alumina matrix composite that had carbon nanotube reinforcement. On alumina powders, the effects of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) of varying concentrations—1%, 3%, 5%, 7%, and 9% weight were investigated. The findings indicate that reinforcing the material with CNTs at a weight of 1% was responsible for the improvement in wear resistance and hardness. The addition of carbon nanotubes to an alumina matrix composite led to an improvement in the material's hardness. This was caused by an enhanced load distribution brought about by the nanotubes' uniform distribution. A homogenous distribution of CNTs inside the Al2O3 matrix and a robust interfacial contact between CNTs and Al2O3 are necessary conditions for the fabrication of composites with better wear characteristics

    Role of surgery in brain metastases

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    Abstract Brain metastases remain the commonest type of brain tumour, being four times more common than primary brain tumours. Although surgical intervention may be recommended for one of various reasons in the management of these tumours, including but not limited to conformation of diagnosis, relief of mass effect, improvement of neurological status and prolongation of survival, the guidelines for management of brain metastases remain largely subjective and therefore controversial. Herein the authors have attempted to review some of the existing evidence on role of surgery in the management of brain metastases and have presented their selected guidelines for the readers


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    To study the influence of Perceived cost, risk, convenience and enjoyment on online consumer purchases. Being more convenient online shopping seems painless compared to in store shopping, why consumers are still reluctant to shop online?.A sample of 220 questionnaires was filled from different departments at University of Sargodha. Respondents were asked to fill the questionnaire based on four factors (Perceived cost, Perceived risk, Perceived convenience, Perceived enjoyment), there were 2 general questions. Out of 220, 207 questionnaires were returned. One sample test is applied in this study to check the reliability of independent variables. Analysis was also done on basis of gender and their ages. The most important factor out of four, which can persuade the customer's online buying decision, is delivery cost for purchased items and it has negative relationship with dependent variable, moreover perceived risk has also negative relationship with dependent one. Perceived convenience and Perceived enjoyment has positive relationship with online shopping preference. As online shopping is easier to do but due to extra delivery cost and risk factors consumers do not adopt online shopping and these factors should be minimized to promote online shopping. Online shopping should be promoted and to gain the consumer confidence, delivery cost and risk factor should be minimized. As online shopping is easier to do as compared to offline shopping but people still reluctant to use internet for online shopping, so to promote online shopping delivery cost and risk factor should be minimized to gain consumers attraction and confidence. People want to experience online shopping but it won’t be promoted until delivery cost and perceived risk factors be reduced. A little work has been done on exploring the factors that influence the online buying decision. These factors are called situational factors and include delivery charges, risk factors, convenience factors and enjoyment factors. In Pakistan consumers are not too much affiliated to online shopping as compared to European countries and not too much researches have been done related to online shopping in Pakistan , so this research been conducted to promote online shopping

    Wilms’ Tumor in Adults—Conventional and Unconventional Presentations of a Rare Entity with a Review of Literature

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    Wilms’ tumor (WT) in adults is a rare neoplasm. Only a few reports are available in the literature. The tumor often masquerades as renal cell carcinoma (RCC). For accurate reporting, histopathological examination (HPE) plays a vital role in early diagnosis and prompt administration of multimodality treatment helps to improve the prognosis. We comprehensively analyzed five cases of adult WT presenting in the third to fifth decade with flank pain, hematuria, fever, and palpable lump. After complete clinical, biochemical, radiological, and HPE evaluation, tumor was staged and treatment was planned accordingly. Patients with low-stage WT were treated with open radical nephrectomy and chemotherapy. One of the patients diagnosed with inferior vena cava (IVC) thrombus apart from the above treatment also underwent IVC thrombectomy. Another young male presenting with distant metastasis (stage IV) and focal anaplasia on histology received preoperative chemotherapy and then planned for surgery. Unfortunately, the tumor being unresectable, second-line chemotherapy was given but he ultimately succumbed to death. All other patients are on regular follow-up and disease-free. Adult nephroblastoma is a rare clinical entity with hostile behavior. The presence of IVC thrombus is not a contraindication to surgery. Although the management strategy as per pediatric protocol by the inclusion of multimodality approach improves survival, still the overall prognosis in adults is dismal. There is a need for a standardized treatment protocol to encourage a homogenous approach for this rare disease and thereby improve survival

    HIV/AIDS, health and wellbeing study among International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) seafarer affiliates

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    Background: Transport workers generally face a higher-than-average risk of HIV as well as other health challenges. In order to improve understanding of health issues in the maritime sector, including but not limited to HIV/AIDS, and to prepare appropriate responses the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) conducted a study of the views and needs of those affiliates. Materials and methods: The ITF carried out two surveys. The first consisted of a questionnaire sent to all ITF seafarer affiliates to establish their concerns about health issues, including the impact of HIV/AIDS, and to assess the extent and nature of existing trade union programmes. The second consisted of a knowledge, attitude and behaviour survey on health, wellbeing and AIDS among a cross-section of individual members administered through anonymous and confidential questionnaires by maritime affiliates in four countries in different regions and an identical online questionnaire through Survey Monkey. Results: For the first survey, replies were received from 35 unions in 30 countries, including major seafarer supplying countries — India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, Turkey, Ukraine — and major beneficial ownership countries such as Germany, Italy, Norway, and South Korea. Health issues of concern included HIV and other sexually transmitted infections for over three-quarters of them, and then alcohol use, weight control, and mental health. All said they would welcome ITF support in starting or strengthening a programme on general health and/or HIV. Replies were received to the second survey from 615 individual seafarers. Half to three-quarters said they worried about their weight, lack of exercise and drinking; over half felt depressed sometimes or often. There were serious knowledge gaps in a number of areas, especially HIV transmission and prevention, as well as high levels of stigma towards workmates with HIV. Conclusions: A number of health issues and information gaps remain unaddressed on board and pre-departure. Mental health is especially neglected but the needs emerge clearly. Seafarers believe that companies should provide programmes but also look to their unions for health information and services. The ITF has an important role to play in supporting affiliated unions in developing activities and in providing technical and strategic guidance.


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    History has seen fuel innovations being driven majorly by transportation needs rather than the overall need to revolutionize the energy needs of the society. Biofuels such as biodiesel and bioethanol are now receiving the impetus required for becoming a fuel source for the future. One of the ways to reduce the dependence on fossil diesel is the blending of bioethanol with conventional diesel. However, an emulsifier or a co-solvent is required to stabilize the blend. The ricebran oil biodiesel offers an alternative application as an emulsifier for diesel-ethanol blends to form diesel-biodiesel-ethanol blends. In the present study the rice bran oil biodiesel was used in different ways such as pure biodiesel, blending with diesel and diesel- ethanol blends. The performance and emission characteristics of a direct injection (DI) diesel engine when fuelled with conventional diesel fuel, pure biodiesel, a blend of diesel and biodiesel and three blends of diesel-biodiesel-ethanol were studied over the entire range of load on the engine. The experimental results showed that the highest brake thermal efficiency was observed with 30% ethanol in diesel-biodiesel-ethanol blends. The exhaust gas temperature and sound reduced with the increase of ethanol percentage in diesel-biodiesel-ethanol blends. The Carbon monoxide, smoke, exhaust gas temperature and sound reduced with the increase of ethanol percentage in diesel-biodiesel-ethanol blends. The minimum values of Carbon monoxides, smoke, exhaust gas temperature and sound intensity were observed with the blend BE30 and were respectively 41.23%, 14.5%, 0.57% and 11.53% lower than that of the diesel fuel. The Oxides of nitrogen and carbon dioxide emissions increased with the increased percentage of ethanol in diesel-biodiesel-ethanol blends. The hydrocarbon emissions increased with ethanol but lower than that of the diesel fuel by a maximum of 35.35% with 10% ethanol in diesel-biodiesel-ethanol blend. The blending of 20% biodiesel into diesel-ethanol blends allowed higher percentage (30%) of ethanol mixing with diesel, increased the brake thermal efficiency and reduced the carbon monoxide, sound, hydrocarbons and smoke than that of the diesel fuel. So the rice bran oil biodiesel can be used as an emulsifier to mix higher percentage of ethanol with fossil diesel to improve the performance and reduce the emissions of a diesel engine