382 research outputs found

    Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) IN Meniere Disease. Case or Cause?

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    Abstract CCSVI is the acronym for Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency, initially described by P.Zamboni, as being strongly associated with multiple sclerosis (MS). It is a syndrome characterized by stenosis of the internal jugular veins (IJVs) and/or azygous vein (AZ) with opening of collaterals and insufficient drainage. Bavera PM carried out 823 Duplex exams on a control group of 60 patients without MS. As expected CCSVI was found only in few subjects of the control group, three, two females and one male, but all affected with Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSHL). Successively, we reported a case of bilateral SSHL with vertigo, showing evidence of the CCSVI pattern at Duplex examination (not associated with MS). To the best of the authors' knowledge, this kind of association has never been reported. We studied 52 patients affected with cochleo-vestibular disturbances subdivided into two groups of out-patients:Definite unilateral Meniere (Men): 12 subjects (8 males and 4.females, mean age 41,6.yy) according to international AOO-HNS 1995 diagnostic criteria -No-Meniere (No-Men): 14 subjects (6.males and 8 females, mean age 44,7.yy) affected with unilateral cocleo-vestibular impairment A third group of subjects have been considered, as a "normal" group, 13 patients (8 females and 5 males, mean age 45,5 yy) affected with Benign Paroxismal Positioning Vertigo (BPPV) with cochlear involvement Asymmetrical artherious flow in VA or CA was revealed in 2 Men 9 no-Men and 1 BPPV, respectively 12,5 -60,7 -and 8,6 %. Differences between Men and NoMen and between each of this group with respect to BPPV were highly significant (p<0.001). Asymmetrical venous flow in IJV or VV was detected in 9 patients in MEN group and in 4 in no-MEN and 2 BPPV, respectively 79 -28,5 and 13 %. Differences between Men and No-Men and between each of this group with respect to BBV were highly significant (p<0.001

    Histamine stimulates the proliferation of small and large cholangiocytes by activation of both IP3/Ca2+ and cAMP-dependent signaling mechanisms

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    Although large cholangiocytes exert their functions by activation of cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP), Ca(2+)-dependent signaling regulates the function of small cholangiocytes. Histamine interacts with four receptors, H1-H4HRs. H1HR acts by Gαq activating IP(3)/Ca(2+), whereas H2HR activates Gα(s) stimulating cAMP. We hypothesize that histamine increases biliary growth by activating H1HR on small and H2HR on large cholangiocytes. The expression of H1-H4HRs was evaluated in liver sections, isolated and cultured (normal rat intrahepatic cholangiocyte culture (NRIC)) cholangiocytes. In vivo, normal rats were treated with histamine or H1-H4HR agonists for 1 week. We evaluated: (1) intrahepatic bile duct mass (IBDM); (2) the effects of histamine, H1HR or H2HR agonists on NRIC proliferation, IP(3) and cAMP levels and PKCα and protein kinase A (PKA) phosphorylation; and (3) PKCα silencing on H1HR-stimulated NRIC proliferation. Small and large cholangiocytes express H1-H4HRs. Histamine and the H1HR agonist increased small IBDM, whereas histamine and the H2HR agonist increased large IBDM. H1HR agonists stimulated IP(3) levels, as well as PKCα phosphorylation and NRIC proliferation, whereas H2HR agonists increased cAMP levels, as well as PKA phosphorylation and NRIC proliferation. The H1HR agonist did not increase proliferation in PKCα siRNA-transfected NRICs. The activation of differential signaling mechanisms targeting small and large cholangiocytes is important for repopulation of the biliary epithelium during pathologies affecting different-sized bile ducts

    Characteristics of multiple sclerosis patient stance control disorders, measured by means of posturography and related to brainstem lesions

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    Balance disorders are commonly observed during the course of multiple sclerosis (MS). The aim of this study is to report characteristics of MS patient stance control disorders, measured by means of posturography and related to the brainstem lesions. Thirty-eight patients affected by MS, mildly to moderately disable according to Kurtzke\u2019s Expanded Disability Status Scale, underwent a complete clinical neurological and vestibular evaluation and brain MRI scanning. All patients were then tested on a static posturography platform (Tetrax, Israel) in four conditions: eyes open and eyes closed standing on a firm surface and on a foam pad. Clinical and/or magnetic resonance imaging evidence of brainstem involvement was observed in 55.3% of patients. When brainstem lesion was detected, Fourier analysis showed a typical pattern characterized by inversion of the 0- 0.1 Hz and 0.1-0.25 Hz frequency bands. In conclusion, MS leads to pervasive postural disturbances in the majority of subjects, including the visuo-vestibular loops and proprioception involving vestibulospinal pathways in at least 55.3% of patients. Our results may also suggest the presence of Fourier inversion in patients with brainstem lesions

    Bilateral sudden sensorineural hearing loss and chronic venous cerebrospinal insufficiency : a case report

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    OBJECTIVES: We report a case of bilateral sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL) in a patient suffering from chronic venous cerebrospinal insufficiency (CCSVI). METHODS: Audiometric testing confirmed bilateral sensorineural hearing loss with hypoexcitability to caloric stimulation on the left side and echo-colour Doppler examination showed abnormal cerebral venous deficiency. RESULTS: The patient's condition improved after 15 days following medical treatment. CONCLUSIONS: CCSVI may explain the anatomical background which provides a predisposing factor for SSHL although further studies are needed to verify whether this observation is casual or coincidental

    Functional role of the secretin/secretin receptor signaling during cholestatic liver injury

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    Liver diseases are a major health concern and affect a large proportion of people worldwide. There are over 100 types of liver disorders, including cirrhosis, cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), hepatocellular carcinoma, and hepatitis. Despite the relevant number of people who are affected by liver diseases, and the increased awareness with regard to these disorders, the number of deaths corresponding to liver injury is expected to increase in the foreseeable future. One of the possible reasons for this is that a complete comprehension of the mechanisms of hepatic damage involving specific liver anatomical districts is lacking, and, as a consequence, current treatments available are suboptimal

    Inferior vestibular neuritis: 3 cases with clinical features of acute vestibular neuritis, normal calorics but indications of saccular failure

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    BACKGROUND: Vestibular neuritis (VN) is commonly diagnosed by demonstration of unilateral vestibular failure, as unilateral loss of caloric response. As this test reflects the function of the superior part of the vestibular nerve only, cases of pure inferior nerve neuritis will be lost. CASE PRESENTATIONS: We describe three patients with symptoms suggestive of VN, but normal calorics. All 3 had unilateral loss of vestibular evoked myogenic potential. A slight, asymptomatic position dependent nystagmus, with the pathological ear down, was observed. CONCLUSION: We believe that these patients suffer from pure inferior nerve vestibular neuritis

    Bridging the gap between chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency and Ménière disease

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    M\ue9ni\ue8re disease (MD) is a chronic illness of the inner ear that affects a substantial number of patients every year worldwide. Because of a dearth of well-controlled studies, the medical and surgical management of MD remains quite empirical. The main reason is that it is very difficult to investigate patients affected with \u201cCertain MD\u201d due to the post-mortem criterion necessary for this diagnostic grade. The aim of this paper is an attempt to approach MD into the context of the more recent findings about the global brain waste clearance system, to which inner ear is anatomically and functionally connected, in order to build a reasonable model of MD pathogenesis. it seems nowadays reasonable to state that CCSVI may be the anatomical background to develop endolymphatic hydrops in MD, the worldwide accepted pathogenetic mechanism of the disease. The mechanism leading from CCSVI to MD is still debated. Since MD has been correlated mostly to a wide and different diseases and treatments, CCSVI may be considered more than a cause of MD per se, rather the anatomical predisposition to develop the disease. CCSVI may lead to endolymphatic hydrops through a pure \u201chydraulic\u201d mechanism but in the model proposed in this paper CCSVI interplays with the Glymphatic (GS) and Brain Lymphatic System (LS) and MD development is due to a failure of the congenital venous abnormalities: MD develops when vascular and/or glymphatic and/or lymphatic compensation fails
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