60 research outputs found

    Cultural factors that affected the spatial and temporal epidemiology of kuru

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    Kuru is a prion disease which became epidemic among the Fore and surrounding linguistic groups in Papua New Guinea, peaking in the late 1950s. It was transmitted during the transumption (endocannibalism) of dead family members at mortuary feasts. In this study, we aimed to explain the historical spread and the changing epidemiological patterns of kuru by analysing factors that affected its transmission. We also examined what cultural group principally determined a family’s behaviour during mortuary rituals. Our investigations showed that differences in mortuary practices were responsible for the initial pattern of the spread of kuru and the ultimate shape of the epidemic, and for subsequent spatio-temporal differences in the epidemiology of kuru. Before transumption stopped altogether, the South Fore continued to eat the bodies of those who had died of kuru, whereas other linguistic groups, sooner or later, stopped doing so. The linguistic group was the primary cultural group that determined behaviour but at linguistic boundaries the neighbouring group’s cultural practices were often adopted. The epidemiological changes were not explained by genetic differences, but genetic studies led to an understanding of genetic susceptibility to kuru and the selection pressure imposed by kuru, and provided new insights into human history and evolution

    Rapid Identification of Malaria Vaccine Candidates Based on α-Helical Coiled Coil Protein Motif

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    To identify malaria antigens for vaccine development, we selected α-helical coiled coil domains of proteins predicted to be present in the parasite erythrocytic stage. The corresponding synthetic peptides are expected to mimic structurally “native” epitopes. Indeed the 95 chemically synthesized peptides were all specifically recognized by human immune sera, though at various prevalence. Peptide specific antibodies were obtained both by affinity-purification from malaria immune sera and by immunization of mice. These antibodies did not show significant cross reactions, i.e., they were specific for the original peptide, reacted with native parasite proteins in infected erythrocytes and several were active in inhibiting in vitro parasite growth. Circular dichroism studies indicated that the selected peptides assumed partial or high α-helical content. Thus, we demonstrate that the bioinformatics/chemical synthesis approach described here can lead to the rapid identification of molecules which target biologically active antibodies, thus identifying suitable vaccine candidates. This strategy can be, in principle, extended to vaccine discovery in a wide range of other pathogens

    Molecular pathology of human prion disease

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    Human prion diseases are associated with a range of clinical presentations and are classified by both clinicopathological syndrome and aetiology with sub-classification according to molecular criteria. Considerable experimental evidence suggests that phenotypic diversity in human prion disease relates in significant part to the existence of distinct human prion strains encoded by abnormal PrP isoforms with differing physicochemical properties. To date, however, the conformational repertoire of pathological isoforms of wild-type human PrP and the various forms of mutant human PrP has not been fully defined. Efforts to produce a unified international classification of human prion disease are still ongoing. The ability of genetic background to influence prion strain selection together with knowledge of numerous other factors that may influence clinical and neuropathological presentation strongly emphasises the requirement to identify distinct human prion strains in appropriate transgenic models, where host genetic variability and other modifiers of phenotype are removed. Defining how many human prion strains exist allied with transgenic modelling of potentially zoonotic prion strains will inform on how many human infections may have an animal origin. Understanding these relationships will have direct translation to protecting public health

    Methods for Molecular Diagnosis of Human Prion Disease.

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    Human prion diseases are associated with a range of clinical presentations, and they are classified by both clinicopathological syndrome and etiology, with subclassification according to molecular criteria. Here, we describe updated procedures that are currently used within the MRC Prion Unit at UCL to determine a molecular diagnosis of human prion disease. Sequencing of the PRNP open reading frame to establish the presence of pathogenic mutations is described, together with detailed methods for immunoblot or immunohistochemical determination of the presence of abnormal prion protein in the brain or peripheral tissues

    A novel protective prion protein variant that colocalizes with kuru exposure.

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    BACKGROUND: Kuru is a devastating epidemic prion disease that affected a highly restricted geographic area of the Papua New Guinea highlands; at its peak, it predominantly affected adult women and children of both sexes. Its incidence has steadily declined since the cessation of its route of transmission, endocannibalism. METHODS: We performed genetic and selected clinical and genealogic assessments of more than 3000 persons from Eastern Highland populations, including 709 who participated in cannibalistic mortuary feasts, 152 of whom subsequently died of kuru. RESULTS: Persons who were exposed to kuru and survived the epidemic in Papua New Guinea are predominantly heterozygotes at the known resistance factor at codon 129 of the prion protein gene (PRNP). We now report a novel PRNP variant--G127V--that was found exclusively in people who lived in the region in which kuru was prevalent and that was present in half of the otherwise susceptible women from the region of highest exposure who were homozygous for methionine at PRNP codon 129. Although this allele is common in the area with the highest incidence of kuru, it is not found in patients with kuru and in unexposed population groups worldwide. Genealogic analysis reveals a significantly lower incidence of kuru in pedigrees that harbor the protective allele than in geographically matched control families. CONCLUSIONS: The 127V polymorphism is an acquired prion disease resistance factor selected during the kuru epidemic, rather than a pathogenic mutation that could have triggered the kuru epidemic. Variants at codons 127 and 129 of PRNP demonstrate the population genetic response to an epidemic of prion disease and represent a powerful episode of recent selection in humans

    Assessment of different sources of variation in the antibody responses to specific malaria antigens in children in Papua New Guinea

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    Background A potential problem for malaria vaccine development and testing is between-host variation in antibody responses to specific malaria antigens. Previous work in adults in an area highly endemic for Plasmodium falciparum in Papua New Guinea found that genetic regulation partly explained heterogeneity in responsiveness. We have now assessed the relative contributions of environmental and genetic factors in total IgG responses to specific malaria antigens in children, and quantified temporal variation within individuals of total IgG responses. Methods Total IgG responses against schizont extract, merozoite surface protein-1, merozoite surface protein-2, ring-infected erythrocyte surface antigen, and SPf66 were measured by ELISA. Variance component analysis was used to estimate the variation explained by genetic and environmental factors in these antibody responses. Intra- and inter-class correlations of antibody responses within relative pairs were estimated. We adjusted for age, P. falciparum density, sex and village differences either within or prior to the analysis. Results For all malaria antigens, temporal variation in the total IgG response was the predominant source of variation. There was substantial familial aggregation of all IgG responses, but it remained unclear how much this clustering was attributable to genetic factors and how much to a common environment in the household. The remaining variance, which could not be explained by either of the above, was very small for most of the antigens. Conclusions Temporal variation and clustering of immune responses to specific malaria antigens need to be taken into account when planning, conducting and interpreting immuno-epidemiological and vaccine studie