6 research outputs found

    Autophagy of Capitalism. A Pandemic Crisis Between Nature and Society

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    Pandemijska kriza izazvana virusom COVID-19 navodi na promišljanje anatomije i genealogije krize kapitalizma. Postojeća pandemija je tek jedna sekvenca u multiplikaciji različitih kriza. Uvid da je društveni sistem kapitalizma podložan krizi, te da je kriza sastavni deo društvenog ekvilibrijuma odnosno društvene dinamike stavljen je u kontekst biopolitike i biomoći, kao i autofagijski intonirane prirodne i demografske selekcije. COVID-19 kriza tako nameće preispitivanje mehanizama samoregulacije kapitalizma preko koncepta upravljanja krizom i rizicima, kao i preko diskursa ugroženosti i kontrole nad prirodom koja se otela kontroli. Subverzivno dejstvo virusa po društvenu organizaciju i društvenu mobilizaciju može se obuhvatiti virus-teorijom (Baudrillard) koja ugroženost virusom vidi u kontekstu evolucione supremacije visoko diferencirane društvenosti. Time se, između ostalog, dospeva do pitanja o ontološkom statusu krize, kao i o njenoj istorijskoj kontinuiranosti/diskontinuiranosti. Predloženo je promišljanje odnosa krize, pandemije i smrti, odnosno fenomena tanatizacije kapitalizma kao i samog nekrokapitalizma. Posebno je razmotren, u svetlu poslednjih rasprava, problem odnosa prirode i društva u kategorijama postnaturalizma, hibridizacije odnosno prožimanja prirodnog i društvenog koje navodi na pomisao o brisanju razlike između prirode i društva. Diskurs o pandemijskoj krizi neophodno je razumeti kako u svetlu dihotomije priroda- društvo, tako i u svetlu strukturalno određene kapitalističke i neoliberalne potražnje za neograničenim resursima.The pandemic crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus leads to a rethinking of the anatomy and genealogy of the crisis of Capitalism. The current pandemic is just one sequence in the multiplication of different crises The insight social system of capitalism is subject to the crisis, and that the crisis is an integral part of social equilibrium and social dynamics, is placed in the context of biopolitics and biopower, as well as autophagically intoned natural and demographic selection. The COVID-19 crisis thus imposes a re-examination of the mechanisms of selfregulation of Capitalism through the concept of crisis and risk management, as well as through the discourse of vulnerability and control over nature that has spiraled out of control. The subversive effect of viruses on social organization and social mobilization can be encompassed by the virus theory (Baudrilard), which sees the threat of a virus in the context of the evolutionary supremacy of highly differentiated sociability. This leads to the question of the ontological status of the crisis, as well as its historical continuity/discontinuity. It is proposed to rethink the relationship between crisis, pandemic and death, i.e. the phenomenon of tanatization of Capitalism as well as necrocapitalism itself. In the light of recent discussions, the problem of the relationship between nature and society in the categories of postnaturalism, hybridization, i.e. the permeation of the natural and the social, which leads to the idea of erasing the difference between nature and society, has been especially considered. The discourse on the pandemic crisis needs to be understood both in the light of the nature-society dichotomy as well as in the angle of structurally determined capitalist and neoliberal demand for unlimited resources

    Povratak strukturalnoj kritici: da li je sinteza kritike i krize ponovo moguća u „kasnom“ kapitalizmu?

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    Retrospection and transformation of the phenomena of criticism and crisis in social theory in recent decades have led to the weakening and even “illegitimate” renunciation of the said doublet. The paper presents an analysis of the renewal of discourse on criticism/crisis and its effects with special consideration of the possibilities of structural criticism. We included several authors of recent analyses as well as the viewpoints that have led to reconsideration of historical and analytical dynamics of two categories, structure and conjuncture, as a form of analysis of current structural processes in terms of structural analysis and criticism. The paper comprises three parts. The first part is a reflection on the reason criticism and crisis have been subjected to different processes of derogation despite their original connection. In the second part, we show the effects of different ways that crisis has manifested itself in capitalism and explain its dispersive and “non-punctual” modalities. The third part raises the question of chances of reuniting the crisis and “immanent criticism” based on structural criticism, and we further articulate its connections with immanent criticism. Structural criticism is viewed as a connection between immanent criticism and transcendent orientation that is focused on the reconnection between crisis and criticism, the elements related to capitalism.Preispitivanje i transformacija fenomena kritike i krize u društvenoj teoriji su poslednjih de cenija doveli do slabljenja pa i do delegitimacijskog osporavanja navedenog dubleta. U radu se razmatraju mogućnosti obnove diskursa o kritici/krizi s mogućim delatnim učincima, uz poseban osvrt na mogućnosti strukturalne kritike.Različiti autori recentnih analiza se uzima ju u obzir, te se razmatraju stanovišta koja vode do ponovnog razmatranja istorijskog i ana litičkog dinamizma kategorija strukture i konjunkture kao razrade aktuelnih strukturalnih procesa u terminima strukturalne analize i kritike. Rad se sastoji iz tri dela. U prvom delu razmatramo zbog čega su kritika i kriza koje su izvorno spojene podvrgnuti različitim proce sima derogiranja. U drugom delu pokazujemo efekte promene načina ispoljavanja krize u kapitalizmu, tačnije osvetljavamo njenu disperzivne i ne-punktualne modalitete. U trećem delu postavljamo pitanje o šansama ponovnog spajanja krize i kritike na osnovu navigacije strukturalne kritike, nadalje artikulišemo njene veze sa „imanentnom kritikom“. Strukturalna kritika se analizira kao spoj između imanentne kritike i transcendentnog usmerenja koji radi na reconnections between crisis and critique as the elements of relationship to capitalism

    Parallel computing for socioeconomic simulation

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    SIGLEUuStB Koeln(38)-8206082 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman