4,397 research outputs found

    Chasing robbers on random geometric graphs---an alternative approach

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    We study the vertex pursuit game of \emph{Cops and Robbers}, in which cops try to capture a robber on the vertices of the graph. The minimum number of cops required to win on a given graph GG is called the cop number of GG. We focus on Gd(n,r)G_{d}(n,r), a random geometric graph in which nn vertices are chosen uniformly at random and independently from [0,1]d[0,1]^d, and two vertices are adjacent if the Euclidean distance between them is at most rr. The main result is that if r3d1>cdlognnr^{3d-1}>c_d \frac{\log n}{n} then the cop number is 11 with probability that tends to 11 as nn tends to infinity. The case d=2d=2 was proved earlier and independently in \cite{bdfm}, using a different approach. Our method provides a tight O(1/r2)O(1/r^2) upper bound for the number of rounds needed to catch the robber.Comment: 6 page

    Bounds for graph regularity and removal lemmas

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    We show, for any positive integer k, that there exists a graph in which any equitable partition of its vertices into k parts has at least ck^2/\log^* k pairs of parts which are not \epsilon-regular, where c,\epsilon>0 are absolute constants. This bound is tight up to the constant c and addresses a question of Gowers on the number of irregular pairs in Szemer\'edi's regularity lemma. In order to gain some control over irregular pairs, another regularity lemma, known as the strong regularity lemma, was developed by Alon, Fischer, Krivelevich, and Szegedy. For this lemma, we prove a lower bound of wowzer-type, which is one level higher in the Ackermann hierarchy than the tower function, on the number of parts in the strong regularity lemma, essentially matching the upper bound. On the other hand, for the induced graph removal lemma, the standard application of the strong regularity lemma, we find a different proof which yields a tower-type bound. We also discuss bounds on several related regularity lemmas, including the weak regularity lemma of Frieze and Kannan and the recently established regular approximation theorem. In particular, we show that a weak partition with approximation parameter \epsilon may require as many as 2^{\Omega(\epsilon^{-2})} parts. This is tight up to the implied constant and solves a problem studied by Lov\'asz and Szegedy.Comment: 62 page

    Compound-Specific δ^(34)S Analysis of Volatile Organics by Coupled GC/Multicollector-ICPMS

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    We have developed a highly sensitive and robust method for the analysis of δ^(34)S in individual organic compounds by coupled gas chromatography (GC) and multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS). The system requires minimal alteration of commercial hardware and is amenable to virtually all sample introduction methods. Isobaric interference from O_2^+ is minimized by employing dry plasma conditions and is cleanly resolved at all masses using medium resolution on the Thermo Neptune MC-ICPMS. Correction for mass bias is accomplished using standard−sample bracketing with peaks of SF6 reference gas. The precision of measured δ^(34)S values approaches 0.1‰ for analytes containing >40 pmol S and is better than 0.5‰ for those containing as little as 6 pmol S. This is within a factor of 2 of theoretical shot-noise limits. External accuracy is better than 0.3‰. Integrating only the center of chromatographic peaks, rather than the entire peak, offers significant gain in precision and chromatographic resolution with minimal effect on accuracy but requires further study for verification as a routine method. Coelution of organic compounds that do not contain S can cause degraded analytical precision. Analyses of crude oil samples show wide variability in δ^(34)S and demonstrate the robustness and precision of the method in complex environmental samples

    Separation dimension of bounded degree graphs

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    The 'separation dimension' of a graph GG is the smallest natural number kk for which the vertices of GG can be embedded in Rk\mathbb{R}^k such that any pair of disjoint edges in GG can be separated by a hyperplane normal to one of the axes. Equivalently, it is the smallest possible cardinality of a family F\mathcal{F} of total orders of the vertices of GG such that for any two disjoint edges of GG, there exists at least one total order in F\mathcal{F} in which all the vertices in one edge precede those in the other. In general, the maximum separation dimension of a graph on nn vertices is Θ(logn)\Theta(\log n). In this article, we focus on bounded degree graphs and show that the separation dimension of a graph with maximum degree dd is at most 29logdd2^{9log^{\star} d} d. We also demonstrate that the above bound is nearly tight by showing that, for every dd, almost all dd-regular graphs have separation dimension at least d/2\lceil d/2\rceil.Comment: One result proved in this paper is also present in arXiv:1212.675

    Restricted Strip Covering and the Sensor Cover Problem

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    Given a set of objects with durations (jobs) that cover a base region, can we schedule the jobs to maximize the duration the original region remains covered? We call this problem the sensor cover problem. This problem arises in the context of covering a region with sensors. For example, suppose you wish to monitor activity along a fence by sensors placed at various fixed locations. Each sensor has a range and limited battery life. The problem is to schedule when to turn on the sensors so that the fence is fully monitored for as long as possible. This one dimensional problem involves intervals on the real line. Associating a duration to each yields a set of rectangles in space and time, each specified by a pair of fixed horizontal endpoints and a height. The objective is to assign a position to each rectangle to maximize the height at which the spanning interval is fully covered. We call this one dimensional problem restricted strip covering. If we replace the covering constraint by a packing constraint, the problem is identical to dynamic storage allocation, a scheduling problem that is a restricted case of the strip packing problem. We show that the restricted strip covering problem is NP-hard and present an O(log log n)-approximation algorithm. We present better approximations or exact algorithms for some special cases. For the uniform-duration case of restricted strip covering we give a polynomial-time, exact algorithm but prove that the uniform-duration case for higher-dimensional regions is NP-hard. Finally, we consider regions that are arbitrary sets, and we present an O(log n)-approximation algorithm.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    On the Complexity of Local Distributed Graph Problems

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    This paper is centered on the complexity of graph problems in the well-studied LOCAL model of distributed computing, introduced by Linial [FOCS '87]. It is widely known that for many of the classic distributed graph problems (including maximal independent set (MIS) and (Δ+1)(\Delta+1)-vertex coloring), the randomized complexity is at most polylogarithmic in the size nn of the network, while the best deterministic complexity is typically 2O(logn)2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}. Understanding and narrowing down this exponential gap is considered to be one of the central long-standing open questions in the area of distributed graph algorithms. We investigate the problem by introducing a complexity-theoretic framework that allows us to shed some light on the role of randomness in the LOCAL model. We define the SLOCAL model as a sequential version of the LOCAL model. Our framework allows us to prove completeness results with respect to the class of problems which can be solved efficiently in the SLOCAL model, implying that if any of the complete problems can be solved deterministically in logO(1)n\log^{O(1)} n rounds in the LOCAL model, we can deterministically solve all efficient SLOCAL-problems (including MIS and (Δ+1)(\Delta+1)-coloring) in logO(1)n\log^{O(1)} n rounds in the LOCAL model. We show that a rather rudimentary looking graph coloring problem is complete in the above sense: Color the nodes of a graph with colors red and blue such that each node of sufficiently large polylogarithmic degree has at least one neighbor of each color. The problem admits a trivial zero-round randomized solution. The result can be viewed as showing that the only obstacle to getting efficient determinstic algorithms in the LOCAL model is an efficient algorithm to approximately round fractional values into integer values

    Clustering, Hamming Embedding, Generalized LSH and the Max Norm

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    We study the convex relaxation of clustering and hamming embedding, focusing on the asymmetric case (co-clustering and asymmetric hamming embedding), understanding their relationship to LSH as studied by (Charikar 2002) and to the max-norm ball, and the differences between their symmetric and asymmetric versions.Comment: 17 page

    Pathway from condensation via fragmentation to fermionization of cold bosonic systems

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    For small scattering lengths, cold bosonic atoms form a condensate the density profile of which is smooth. With increasing scattering length, the density {\it gradually} acquires more and more oscillations. Finally, the number of oscillations equals the number of bosons and the system becomes {\it fermionized}. On this pathway from condensation to fermionization intriguing phenomena occur, depending on the shape of the trap. These include macroscopic fragmentation and {\it coexistence} of condensed and fermionized parts that are separated in space.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Faster Existential FO Model Checking on Posets

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    We prove that the model checking problem for the existential fragment of first-order (FO) logic on partially ordered sets is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) with respect to the formula and the width of a poset (the maximum size of an antichain). While there is a long line of research into FO model checking on graphs, the study of this problem on posets has been initiated just recently by Bova, Ganian and Szeider (CSL-LICS 2014), who proved that the existential fragment of FO has an FPT algorithm for a poset of fixed width. We improve upon their result in two ways: (1) the runtime of our algorithm is O(f(|{\phi}|,w).n^2) on n-element posets of width w, compared to O(g(|{\phi}|). n^{h(w)}) of Bova et al., and (2) our proofs are simpler and easier to follow. We complement this result by showing that, under a certain complexity-theoretical assumption, the existential FO model checking problem does not have a polynomial kernel.Comment: Paper as accepted to the LMCS journal. An extended abstract of an earlier version of this paper has appeared at ISAAC'14. Main changes to the previous version are improvements in the Multicoloured Clique part (Section 4