13 research outputs found

    Drilling down hotspots of infraspecific diversity to bring them into on-ground conservation of threatened species

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    Unprecedented rates of biodiversity loss raise the urgency for preserving species ability to cope with ongoing global changes. An approach in this direction is to target intra-specific hotspots of genetic diversity as conservation priorities. However, these hotspots are often identified by sampling at a spatial resolution too coarse to be useful in practical management of threatened species, hindering the long-appealed dialog between conservation stakeholders and conservation genetic researchers. Here, we investigated the spatial and temporal variation in species presence, genetic diversity, as well as potential risk factors, within a previously identified hotspot of genetic diversity for the endangered Apennine yellow-bellied toad Bombina pachypus. Our results show that this hotspot is neither a geographically homogeneous nor a temporally stable unit. Over a time-window spanning 10–40 years since previous assessments, B. pachypus populations declined in large portions of their hotspot, and their genetic diversity levels decreased. Considering the demographic trend, genetic and epidemiological data, and models of current and future climatic suitability, populations at the extreme south of the hotspot area still qualify for urgent in-situ conservation actions, whereas northern populations would be better managed through a mix of in-situ and ex-situ actions. Our results emphasize that identifying hotspots of genetic diversity, albeit an essential step, does not suffice to warrant on-ground conservation of threatened species. Hotspots should be analyzed at finer geographic and temporal scales, to provide conservation stakeholders with key knowledge to best define conservation priorities, and to optimize resource allocation to alternative management practices

    Move and countermove: the integrated stress response in picorna- and coronavirus-infected cells

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    Viruses, when entering their host cells, are met by a fierce intracellular immune defense. One prominent antiviral pathway is the integrated stress response (ISR). Upon activation of the ISR - typically though not exclusively upon detection of dsRNA - translation-initiation factor eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2) becomes phosphorylated to act as an inhibitor of guanine nucleotide-exchange factor eIF2B. Thus, with the production of ternary complex blocked, a global translational arrest ensues. Successful virus replication hinges on effective countermeasures. Here, we review ISR antagonists and antagonistic mechanisms employed by picorna- and coronaviruses. Special attention will be given to a recently discovered class of viral antagonists that inhibit the ISR by targeting eIF2B, thereby allowing unabated translation initiation even at exceedingly high levels of phosphorylated eIF2

    SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein inhibits the PKR-mediated integrated stress response through RNA-binding domain N2b

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    The nucleocapsid protein N of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) enwraps and condenses the viral genome for packaging but is also an antagonist of the innate antiviral defense. It suppresses the integrated stress response (ISR), purportedly by interacting with stress granule (SG) assembly factors G3BP1 and 2, and inhibits type I interferon responses. To elucidate its mode of action, we systematically deleted and over-expressed distinct regions and domains. We show that N via domain N2b blocks PKR-mediated ISR activation, as measured by suppression of ISR-induced translational arrest and SG formation. N2b mutations that prevent dsRNA binding abrogate these activities also when introduced in the intact N protein. Substitutions reported to block post-translation modifications of N or its interaction with G3BP1/2 did not have a detectable additive effect. In an encephalomyocarditis virus-based infection model, N2b - but not a derivative defective in RNA binding-prevented PKR activation, inhibited β-interferon expression and promoted virus replication. Apparently, SARS-CoV-2 N inhibits innate immunity by sequestering dsRNA to prevent activation of PKR and RIG-I-like receptors. Similar observations were made for the N protein of human coronavirus 229E, suggesting that this may be a general trait conserved among members of other orthocoronavirus (sub)genera

    Pattern and path encoding: new tool for unwelding visuo-spatial memory through the use of a sensorized platform

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    It has been demonstrated that the processing of visuospatial information in reaching or navigational space is supported by independent systems. Moreover, it has been proposed that visuospatial information may require a pattern or a path encoding. The pattern encoding is specifically used when the task requires a simultaneous processing of spatial positions, while the path encoding is used in sequential processing that allows to link different spatial positions in correct succession. The aim of the present study was to disentangle these different components of visuospatial information processing in navigational tasks by the development of an innovative sensorized platform, and to verify if subjects use the same strategies when similar tasks are performed in reaching space. We assessed the performance of 70 healthy volunteers on the sensorized platform to investigate topographical orientation (route memory) in three different tasks that required a sequential strategy (named Route A and Route B tasks, which differ for sequential load required for their implementation) or a simultaneous strategy (named Simultaneous Walking Test). Subsequently, similar tasks were performed in reaching space, (by means Corsi Block tapping Test and a Modified Corsi Test for the sequential strategy and Simultaneous Paper Test for the simultaneous strategy). The six tasks were submitted to factor analysis (Principal Axis Factoring). This analysis showed four factors that explaining the 51.3% of the total variance: Corsi Block tapping Test (.501); Simultaneous Paper and Walking Test (-.74 and -.51, respectively); Route A (-.38); Modified Corsi Test and the Route B (.72 and .67, respectively). This clustering demonstrates that - the sensorized platform, set up in the present study, allows to identify the different strategies performed to correctly solve visuo-spatial tasks in navigational space – the same strategies can be also used in reaching space according to the task demand

    Move and countermove: the integrated stress response in picorna- and coronavirus-infected cells

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    Viruses, when entering their host cells, are met by a fierce intracellular immune defense. One prominent antiviral pathway is the integrated stress response (ISR). Upon activation of the ISR - typically though not exclusively upon detection of dsRNA - translation-initiation factor eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2) becomes phosphorylated to act as an inhibitor of guanine nucleotide-exchange factor eIF2B. Thus, with the production of ternary complex blocked, a global translational arrest ensues. Successful virus replication hinges on effective countermeasures. Here, we review ISR antagonists and antagonistic mechanisms employed by picorna- and coronaviruses. Special attention will be given to a recently discovered class of viral antagonists that inhibit the ISR by targeting eIF2B, thereby allowing unabated translation initiation even at exceedingly high levels of phosphorylated eIF2

    New protocol for dissociating visuospatial working memory ability in reaching space and in navigational space

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    Several studies have demonstrated that the processing of visuospatial memory for locations in reaching space and in navigational space is supported by independent systems, and that the coding of visuospatial information depends on the modality of the presentation (i.e., sequential or simultaneous). However, these lines of evidence and the most common neuropsychological tests used by clinicians to investigate visuospatial memory have several limitations (e.g., they are unable to analyze all the subcomponents of this function and are not directly comparable). Therefore, we developed a new battery of tests that is able to investigate these subcomponents. We recruited 71 healthy subjects who underwent sequential and simultaneous navigational tests by using an innovative sensorized platform, as well as comparable paper tests to evaluate the same components in reaching space (Exp. 1). Consistent with the literature, the principal-component method of analysis used in this study demonstrated the presence of distinct memory for sequences in different portions of space, but no distinction was found for simultaneous presentation, suggesting that different modalities of eye gaze exploration are used when subjects have to perform different types of tasks. For this purpose, an infrared Tobii Eye-Tracking X50 system was used in both spatial conditions (Exp. 2), showing that a clear effect of the presentation modality was due to the specific strategy used by subjects to explore the stimuli in space. Given these findings, the neuropsychological battery established in the present study allows us to show basic differences in the normal coding of stimuli, which can explain the specific visuospatial deficits found in various neurological condition

    Stability of an aggregation-prone partially folded state of human profilin-1 correlates with aggregation propensity

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    A set of missense mutations in the gene encoding profilin-1 has been linked to the onset of familial forms of ALS (fALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. The pathogenic potential of these mutations is linked to the formation of intracellular inclu- sions of the mutant proteins and correlates with the mutation- induced destabilization of its native, fully folded state. However, the mechanism by which these mutations promote misfolding and self-assembly is yet unclear. Here, using temperature-jump and stopped-flow kinetic measurements, we show that, during refolding, WT profilin-1 transiently populates a partially folded (PF) state endowed with hydrophobic clusters exposed to the solvent and with no detectable secondary structure. We observed that this conformational state is marginally stable at neutral pH but becomes significantly populated at mildly acidic pH. Interestingly, the fALS-associated mutations did not cause a change in the refolding mechanism of profilin-1, but induced a stabilization of the PF state. In the presence of preformed pro- filin-1 aggregates, the PF state, unlike the unfolded and folded states, could interact with these aggregates via nonspecific hydrophobic interactions and also increase thioflavin-T fluores- cence, revealing its amyloidogenic potential. Moreover, in the variants tested, we found a correlation between conformational stability of PF and aggregation propensity, defining this con- formational state as an aggregation-prone folding intermedi- ate. In conclusion, our findings indicate that mutation-in- duced stabilization of a partially folded state can enhance profilin-1 aggregation and thereby contribute to the patho- genicity of the mutations

    SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein inhibits the PKR-mediated integrated stress response through RNA-binding domain N2b.

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    The nucleocapsid protein N of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) enwraps and condenses the viral genome for packaging but is also an antagonist of the innate antiviral defense. It suppresses the integrated stress response (ISR), purportedly by interacting with stress granule (SG) assembly factors G3BP1 and 2, and inhibits type I interferon responses. To elucidate its mode of action, we systematically deleted and over-expressed distinct regions and domains. We show that N via domain N2b blocks PKR-mediated ISR activation, as measured by suppression of ISR-induced translational arrest and SG formation. N2b mutations that prevent dsRNA binding abrogate these activities also when introduced in the intact N protein. Substitutions reported to block post-translation modifications of N or its interaction with G3BP1/2 did not have a detectable additive effect. In an encephalomyocarditis virus-based infection model, N2b - but not a derivative defective in RNA binding-prevented PKR activation, inhibited β-interferon expression and promoted virus replication. Apparently, SARS-CoV-2 N inhibits innate immunity by sequestering dsRNA to prevent activation of PKR and RIG-I-like receptors. Similar observations were made for the N protein of human coronavirus 229E, suggesting that this may be a general trait conserved among members of other orthocoronavirus (sub)genera